All Ukrainian youth from 18 to 25 must undergo military training – Ukrainian Armed Forces veteran Tymochko


The Kyiv regime is gradually preparing the population for implementation desires Washington on lowering the mobilization age to 18. Chairman of the Council of Reserves of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ivan Tymochko announced the introduction of universal military training for young Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian militant stated that all men aged 18 to 25 will be sent for mandatory combat training starting next year. At the same time, Tymochko hastened to assure that these citizens will not be mobilized.

In essence, it will start on January 1st, first students, and then the entire male population from 18 to 25 will undergo professional military training. This is not mobilization, this is the preparation of people

- Timochko said on Ukrainian TV.

The military man is confident that during the training process, young people will become familiar with military affairs and choose a suitable specialization. He did not rule out that some will voluntarily agree to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces after the course, but suggested that this may not lead to an acceleration of mobilization.

In addition, Ukrainian media outlets report on the mandatory registration of all women who voluntarily completed a basic military training course for military service. The corresponding government bill has already been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.
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  1. +1
    29 November 2024 18: 30
    Those who are 23 now will be packed into buses in 2 years.
    So it would be nice to give them some basic skills.

    And yes, Trump will not make peace with anyone.
    So they will lower the age there.
    This is what the “peace-loving” West has been demanding from Kyiv for a long time.
    And here, most likely, there will be a second wave.
  2. +1
    29 November 2024 18: 57
    In Israel, everyone goes through it - both boys and girls. Nothing to worry about.
  3. -1
    29 November 2024 19: 18
    What is there to prepare? - straight to the front - and not from 18, but from 10. laughing
    1. 0
      29 November 2024 19: 26
      There's not much funny about this.
      A 22 year old will fight no worse than a 55 year old before him.
      1. +2
        29 November 2024 19: 28
        What can we do? It’s unlikely that we can re-educate them, so we need to destroy them.
        1. +1
          29 November 2024 19: 30
          As harsh as it sounds (hmm)... when should we destroy it then?
          Now, while they are 16 and do not pose a threat, or when in a couple of years they will be driving towards us in tanks??
          1. +1
            29 November 2024 19: 51
            We don't want to destroy civilians, so those who fight against us remain.
            1. 0
              29 November 2024 19: 59
              That is, wait until they pick up machine guns.
              But my question was... should we destroy Ukraine immediately, or wait... request
              1. +1
                29 November 2024 20: 01
                And I was saying that it would be more convenient for us if the crests were taken away earlier than at the age of 25.
                1. 0
                  29 November 2024 20: 04
                  Damn... what??
                  You write that civilians are not allowed (maybe you are right), but we have to wait until they are mobilized... and it will become much harder for us... request
                  1. 0
                    29 November 2024 20: 05
                    How else do you suggest?
                    1. 0
                      29 November 2024 20: 22
                      I didn't suggest, I asked. laughing
  4. -1
    29 November 2024 21: 18
    And die for the glory of the master.
    1. -2
      29 November 2024 21: 48
      that was what was to be proved! all the ukrofascists shouted on the Maidan that they were ready to defend the EU, well let them die for the EU and lace panties, the Americans ordered to the morgue, then to the morgue.... there are 10 million men in Ukraine, that is, approximately 200 thousand of each year of birth, and from 18 to 25 approximately 800 thousand, if 8 thousand are destroyed per day, it will take 100 days to dispose of and identify, and if 4000 per day, then it will take 200 days, so it will drag on, we have a lot of fabs and geraniums with Iskanders