Le Monde: Ukrainians are redirecting Gerani back to Russia and Belarus. Why it is impossible


Ukrainian specialists have learned to remotely reprogram Geranium drones and direct them to the territory of Russia and Belarus. This highly dubious information was voiced by the French newspaper Le Monde.

The publication reports that the Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly carry out "spoofing" of Russian UAVs, which is the interception of satellite coordinates and their subsequent modification. The newspaper also notes that from November 24 to 26, 43 aircraft crossed the border with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which is a record number for drones.

However, it is important to note that such manipulations are technically impossible. The fact is that the navigation of "Geranium-2" operates in autonomous mode and is not influenced by external signals. In addition, the flight mission is loaded into the drones in advance and is erased from the device's memory after the on-board power supply disappears (after the drone hits the target).

In addition, UAV navigation systems receive satellite TGPS time stamps, which are compared with the initial values. The spoof signal configured by the enemy has a different time stamp. Thus, to replace the GNSS signal, it is necessary to reboot the drone's software, and this cannot be done remotely.
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  1. +4
    27 November 2024 16: 07
    It is logical that you need to attach a cable to the drone. However, the French can also believe in the almighty power of the thought of the forelocks, who can change the flight trajectory with one glance. Well, like: "Go back to where you came from, you flower spawn."
  2. +1
    27 November 2024 16: 18
    Vakh. love to quote strange and foreign...
    What does Belarus have to do with it?
    No matter how they measure themselves or scare the media, a blow to Belarus is a huge minus for Ukraine.
    For 2.5 years it has been enduring everything, feverishly burrowing into the ground with hodgepodges, but essentially not making a move...
  3. 0
    27 November 2024 16: 30
    Well, it’s not only Russians who should be fed fairy tales about the all-powerful and invincible electronic warfare.
    You can also give it to the Ukrainians.
    For a change.
  4. +3
    27 November 2024 16: 47
    Damn! It turns out that they reprogrammed the ICBMs so that they will now fly past 404, but specifically at the bases and capitals of Gayropa?
  5. +18
    27 November 2024 16: 58
    Now, if Geranium flies into the territory of Poland or Romania, Russia has nothing to do with it. - Did the Ukrainian Armed Forces reprogram the drone to target Poland? Very interesting. If anything happens, we should refer to the French.
  6. 0
    27 November 2024 21: 45
    UAVs and cruise missiles with remotely changing flight mission data during the flight already exist and it is quite possible to do this, for example, with "Geraniums", and I do not see any technical problems for this! It's all about the feasibility and price of the "issue"! But for the Ukrainians to reprogram "Geranium" remotely is a big cucumber right under their noses! Because... UAV navigation systems receive satellite time stamps TGPS, which are compared with initial values.!! That is, the "mathematical" flight path contains not only a line of "geographical" coordinates; but also a line of time marks tied to the "geographical" coordinates! If this "suddenly" does not exist in any system, then it can be created "artificially" (i.e. technically...)...
    1. +1
      28 November 2024 06: 45
      Everything has already been explained to you in a popular way, but you continue to pretend to be a great expert and write ridiculous nonsense.
      1. 0
        28 November 2024 13: 54
        Everyone defines nonsense according to the extent of their development or.
  7. 0
    29 November 2024 11: 02
    For MOND the main thing is to lie, and not what is in reality. Everyone must believe in victory, if Ukrainians All UAVs and missiles are deployed to Russia. Oreshnik will also soon be deployed to Moscow. That is why the French are confident that Ukraine will win in two months. That is why we need to send troops to participate in the robbery of Russia.