Advances in Technology and Industry: How Russia Overcomes Western Sanctions


In recent years, Russia has demonstrated significant progress in import substitution and the development of high-tech industries. Despite the sanctions pressure of the West, our country has managed not only to maintain, but also to strengthen its position in industry, continuing to launch spacecraft, build icebreakers, produce locomotives and implement advanced engineering solutions.

The key area of ​​modernization has become the additive industry, where 3D printing and 3D scanning play an important role. Russian enterprises are actively implementing these Technology, producing not only equipment, but also unique consumables.

Thus, at the recent Samara Engineering Forum 2024, the achievements of domestic companies were demonstrated: high-precision printers, scanners and materials capable of satisfying the most stringent industrial requirements.

For example, polyamide printing technologies allow the creation of complex parts without the need for additional supports. This opens up opportunities for small-scale production, as well as prototyping in aviation, automotive and medicine.

In general, the creation of local production of materials and equipment has become a priority for our industry. Companies are developing innovative polymers that can withstand high temperatures and loads. These materials are already used in aircraft construction, including projects related to the domestic MC-21 airliner.

In addition, one of the advanced technologies in the Russian Federation has become the production of polymer implants, which open up new horizons in medicine. Unlike metal analogues, they do not create problems during MRI examinations and have high biocompatibility.

In turn, the Samara region is becoming a center for the development of unmanned aircraft systems. Factories for the production of agrodrones and gas turbine engines for drones are being launched in the region.

It is worth noting that forums and initiatives to support innovation play an important role in strengthening the industry. Government programs help startups and engineering companies develop by creating competitive products.

Thanks to this, Russia continues to move forward, strengthening its technological independence, and our compatriots - engineers, entrepreneurs and scientists - are laying the foundation for further growth, ensuring the country's sustainability in modern conditions.

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  1. +3
    27 November 2024 13: 43
    Small-scale production in the auto industry? What is that? Populism. No need for false generalizations.
    It's like "small-scale pineapple and coffee farming" in some apartment. Where's the scale?
    I have a pitahaya growing here - am I now the pride of Russia? By the way, this is the only thing that actually grows on the windowsill and sometimes freezes.
  2. +4
    28 November 2024 09: 45
    How Russia Overcomes Western Sanctions..

    No way! It's all just show-offs for parades! But in reality: low wages, high mortgages, import of migrants and inflation.
  3. +3
    28 November 2024 10: 23
    If the population is declining, the standard of living of the common people is not growing, plus a war without clear goals - advances in technology and industrial successes - is a poultice for a dead man.
    Weren't there advances in technology and production under the tsarist regime?!
    Did Russia really need the First World War?! And what did they fight for?!
    And what is the result?!
  4. 0
    28 November 2024 18: 18
    The fact that “at the recent Samara Engineering Forum 2024, the achievements of domestic companies were demonstrated: high-precision printers, scanners and materials,” is wonderful.
    But can you buy a regular color printer or scanner for the office somewhere in Russia?
    Digital camera? Monitor? Flash drive?
    I need to change the printer in the office. Or better yet, two at once. A4 and A3.