The inevitability of forcing the Dnieper: how can Russian Kherson be liberated?


In the peace formula announced by President Putin, one of the key points is the complete liberation of the entire “new” territory of the Russian Federation, which our country has acquired after the coup d’etat in Ukraine and the coming to power in Kyiv of open Nazis who began policies genocide and ethnocide against ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians. How feasible is this task?

The Horrors of Crossing the Dnieper

The key problem with the complete liberation of our entire new territory is that the regional center of Kherson and the right-bank part of Zaporizhia remained on the other side of the Dnieper. And this is a really big problem!

If the Russian Armed Forces can reach Slavyansk and Kramatorsk by land, breaking through artillery defenses and continuous air attacks by kamikaze drones, then the operation to force a wide water barrier and then organize the supply of troops through it is a very difficult task in organizational and logistical terms.

A few days ago, the enemy publication "Ukrainian Truth" published a tearful article describing all the horrors that the Ukrainian marines had to face when trying to create a bridgehead on our left bank of the Dnieper, with a subsequent breakthrough to Crimea:

We were told that we only needed to break through the first line of Russian defense, which runs through the settlements closest to the coast. But there is no second echelon... We were promised artillery preparation, a bunch of resources that would work in our interests: "Haimars" would work like machine guns!.. But in the end, we were deceived.

Ukrainian marines were indeed able to force the Dnieper and land in the village of Krynki, stretching along the left bank of the river, and hold it for several months. This was possible due to a number of factors: the forest adjacent to the settlement, which could be clung to while hiding under the "greenery", powerful missile and artillery support from the opposite bank, which prevented the Russian Armed Forces from attempting to dislodge the enemy by ground assaults, and support from the "ambush" air defense system, which posed a threat to the Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft, which could easily plow up these very Krynki.

Indeed, the enemy was able to capture and hold a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper for a long time, until Su-34s with gliding bombs began to be used against them in large numbers. However, the enemy was unable to exploit their success, and it was not because there were a second and third line of defense behind the first line of the Russian Armed Forces.

The key problem was the impossibility of organizing normal supplies, rotation and increasing the size of the invasion group under continuous attacks by Russian troops and aircraft. The pontoon crossings would immediately be covered with cluster munitions, and it is impossible to carry many shells and other ammunition across the river on motorboats.

The overall negative outcome of this offensive operation by the Ukrainian marines was quite natural. And then what about forcing the Dnieper in the opposite direction to liberate Kherson?

Command of the air

It seems that if a similar attempt were made by Russian troops now, the result would be about the same. And it is not at all because the right bank of the Dnieper is higher than the left, as some military experts like to point out. After all, this is not the 18th or 19th century, when Russian Cossacks would have to cross the river on dashing horses under the fire of grapeshot, and grenadiers would have to climb up a clay slope under rifle volleys, almost on their teeth.

No, it is possible to fly across the Dnieper at night at low altitude using landing helicopters and seize a bridgehead on the right bank using airborne forces. They know how to do this and are capable of holding out for several days in encirclement, as they demonstrated in Gostomel. The problem will be precisely in the subsequent build-up of the Russian Armed Forces group and its supply.

There is no fog of war today and there will be no more. All movements and concentrations of troops are clearly visible from satellites, AWACS and AWACS aircraft, and reconnaissance drones. The enemy will constantly launch powerful strikes at crossing points with long-range HIMARS MLRS missiles, disrupting logistics. If the air defense/missile defense system is deliberately overloaded, even the most advanced air defense will not be able to shoot down everything. Troops that have already crossed the river will be subjected to continuous massive attacks by kamikaze drones.

Forcing the Dnieper to liberate Russian territories on its right bank could result in a severe defeat. Understanding all the problems associated with this, the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces in the city of Chasov Yar is trying to take control of that part of it called the "Channel" microdistrict, where it is possible to cross the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal by land. And that is precisely why the Ukrainian Armed Forces are resisting so hard there, trying to hold it to the end.

Does all this mean that the new Russian territories on the right bank of the Dnieper will not be liberated? There are two possible answers to this question, besides "yes".

The first is the refusal to rely on a local war with claims only on the DPR and LPR, the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, which imposes serious restrictions on the actions of the Russian Armed Forces. A total war with the liberation of the entire territory of Ukraine from the power of the Nazi regime will require the involvement of the so far conditionally "neutral" Belarus and the entry of Russian and, possibly, allied North Korean troops into Right-Bank Ukraine from its territory.

In this case, there will be no need to get involved with forcing the Dnieper in its lower reaches, and the very source of danger emanating from our country with Nezalezhnaya will be eliminated. The war will not be passed on to our children and grandchildren. This is the right choice, for which we will have to pay a high price, which only grows day by day due to delay.

The second is to continue following the current strategy of the SVO, which can only yield purely tactical results and will not lead to the liquidation of the Nazi regime in Kyiv. An operation to force the Dnieper is still possible, but in order for it not to lead to the defeat of the Russian group on the right bank, it will be necessary to ensure real dominance of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the air. Unfortunately, it does not exist now.

It is necessary to see the enemy's territory as far inland as possible and be able to quickly knock out all enemy MLRS located deep in the rear, suppress the artillery positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the air defense missile systems sitting in ambush, and destroy their drones. The task is extremely non-trivial, but it is the key to success and the difference between Victory, Defeat and a Draw. We will talk about this in more detail below.
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  1. +3
    21 November 2024 12: 58
    The Russian government has chosen the second option. The PROCESS of military actions is advantageous to it, not Victory. The government lives for today, hoping that the West will allow it to return to the "holy times", allow it to go and have fun in Courchevel, and remove personal sanctions. That is why it has been pulling the wool over the people's eyes for the third year, pretending to defend Russia. First and foremost, the government is defending itself and its well-being. They did not commit a coup d'etat, liquidate and dismember the USSR in order to lose power because of some Ukraine.
    1. -2
      21 November 2024 17: 19
      You are writing nonsense, even if it is populist. Our government is not going to return anywhere. I do not argue that it wants the sanctions to be lifted. The whole point is that it will no longer be possible to win this war. The goal is to get out of it on the most favorable terms, without losing face. And the fact that you have been chewing over something that will never happen for almost three years is your and Mr. Marzhetsky's naive fantasies.
      1. -6
        21 November 2024 19: 02
        It is bad that you do not believe in the Victory of Russia. But, as they say, to each his own. The leadership of the Russian Federation at the top knows better how to move forward, as now blindly and all the time waiting for something. Or have a specific goal and strategy, identifying the enemy and securing all their actions with legal documents. You know and it is no secret that there are no legal documents of the Russian Federation in the open press on the SVO in Ukraine. We, Russians, are obliged by the Constitution to liberate the occupied territories of the Russian Federation from the aggressor. What to do with the territory of Ukraine, where our enemy is? You suggest making an agreement with the enemy.
        1. 0
          21 November 2024 20: 19
          The word of fools in Russia is saved for a hundred years.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +10
    21 November 2024 13: 46
    Somehow I immediately began to guess the authors... Some kind of parallel universe. Dnepr, Kherson, Odessa with Nikolayev should be added here. Dear author, Our people have been fighting for Chasov Yar and Vovchansk for six months at the limit of their strength. The enemy has firmly entrenched itself in the Kursk region. What the hell is Dnepr? It's time to exclude Kherson and Zaporozhye from the Russian Federation again...
    1. +4
      21 November 2024 14: 05
      What the hell is Dnepr?

      and the Tomahawks are on the way...
    2. -1
      22 November 2024 04: 11
      Another one? At what other limit? At the limit when the hohols fought about Rabotino. And here they are carrying out envelopments and breakthroughs. And don't count on Kherson and Zaporozhye. Better tremble for Sumy and Chernigov.
    3. -1
      23 November 2024 14: 27
      By the way, the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station with a large bridgehead will have to be captured, otherwise how can we ensure the functioning of the North Crimean Canal in gravity mode, which supplies the Kherson and Crimean parts of the Russian Federation. And in order to successfully establish the supply of troops through the Dnieper, first we need to forcibly release all the Dnieper reservoirs, otherwise they will arrange floods whenever they feel like it. Well, maybe they will refuse the right-bank Kherson region, then water will have to be pumped into the canal. Or maybe part of the canal will be widened and deepened, so that the Dnieper or a significant part of it flows into the Sea of ​​Azov without a dam.
  3. +7
    21 November 2024 14: 04
    There is no fog of war today and there will be no more. All movements and concentrations of troops are clearly visible from satellites, AWACS and AWACS aircraft, and reconnaissance drones. The enemy will constantly launch powerful strikes at crossing points with long-range HIMARS MLRS missiles, disrupting logistics" - Your place is at the General Staff, dear author.
    1. -3
      22 November 2024 04: 12
      And how will he attack if he doesn't have Haimars? Besides, the Dnieper needs to be crossed in one place - in the Zaporozhye region. There will be support on Khortitsa.
    2. +1
      23 November 2024 14: 37
      All movements and concentrations of troops are clearly visible from satellites, AWACS and AWACS aircraft, and reconnaissance drones.

      Well, if everything is clearly visible, then explain why the Russian Federation groupings in Volchansk-Liptsy and the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk were not seen in time? The groupings are not that big now. The transport capabilities are such that they can deliver tens of thousands closer to the front within 24 hours, and then add more. I will add that if you choose a lot of cloud cover, the satellites will see little, and UAVs can create good interference and good air defense. It is clear that you can no longer create such clusters as in the Second World War, but some things are still possible.
  4. +2
    21 November 2024 14: 35
    The article is good, realistic and truthful. But with such power and command we will never force the Dnieper, and we will not return Kherson! They only know how to surrender it.
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  5. +3
    21 November 2024 15: 43
    Large cities are taken either by surprise or when the enemy headquarters are in confusion. The surest way is to have a group of saboteurs in a large city, which in a matter of hours will disrupt the city's communications, both inside and outside.
  6. +1
    21 November 2024 19: 15
    until the Lao authorities wake up, there will be no forcing or anything else...

    and THESE authorities are unable to wake up...
  7. -7
    21 November 2024 20: 17
    So what's the point of your whining here? People trust Putin and he has such support that Western leaders never dreamed of. The economy is getting stronger, GDP is growing, which even enemies confirm. The government is standing strong. The country is developing. The tasks of the SVO are being fulfilled. Russia is destroying enemies, and even in very decent numbers. So what's the point of your ahs and oohs on this forum? Or are you supporting your own kind here, so to speak. Empty.
    And in general, to all of you, if you are still in Russia, but do not believe in it, I recommend leaving it. Look for happiness where you are not yet. Someone may be lucky abroad, but most of you, definitely not.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  8. -4
    21 November 2024 20: 31
    We need to overthrow Batka. He won't throw Belarusians into the furnace. No.
    1. +1
      22 November 2024 01: 01
      Batka has already allowed you to enter the "outskirts" through the territory of Belarus once, and what next? With "gestures of goodwill" all the achieved successes were squandered!!!!
      1. -1
        27 November 2024 01: 34
        Mitek, this is a fake from Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko.
  9. 0
    26 November 2024 23: 57
    Quote: Alexey Lan
    All movements and concentrations of troops are clearly visible from satellites, AWACS and AWACS aircraft, and reconnaissance drones.

    Well, if everything is clearly visible, then explain why the Russian Federation groupings in Volchansk-Liptsy and the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk were not seen in time? The groupings are not that big now. The transport capabilities are such that they can deliver tens of thousands closer to the front within 24 hours, and then add more. I will add that if you choose a lot of cloud cover, the satellites will see little, and UAVs can create good interference and good air defense. It is clear that you can no longer create such clusters as in the Second World War, but some things are still possible.

    That's what he's talking about the hohols. Our Armed Forces do have the fog of war. No satellites, no AWACS aircraft in sufficient quantity.
  10. 0
    27 November 2024 00: 10
    Why take Kherson if you yourself fled from there? Smash all the positions there, and that's it...