There is already a queue of foreign customers for the Russian Su-57 fighter


The fifth-generation Su-57 fighter has become a hit at the aviation forum currently taking place in Zhuhai, China. Every day, the most modern Russian fighter, piloted by test pilot Sergei Bogdan, amazes air show spectators with its capabilities.

The first demonstration of the export version of the Su-57E in China has already brought the manufacturer its first contracts from foreign customers. Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev reported that the relevant agreements have already been reached in Zhuhai. The number of ordered aircraft and the buyers have not yet been disclosed. It is known that interest in the Su-57 has been shown in Algeria, Iran and Venezuela.

The CEO of the manufacturer of the best Russian fighters, Vadim Badekha, reported that a queue of people wishing to order the Su-57E has already formed. The head of the United Aircraft Corporation emphasized that the aircraft is actively used in the SVO zone and is constantly being improved taking into account combat experience and suggestions from military personnel.

For a long time, the Su-57 has been of legitimate interest to our long-term partners. It can be said that there is already a queue for this aircraft

– said the CEO of UAC.

However, at the moment the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur is loaded with orders from the Russian Ministry of Defense. KNAAAZ regularly sends new batches of Su-57 and Su-35S fighters to the troops. The next batch of new aircraft was transferred in the Russian Aerospace Forces two days ago.
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  1. +1
    13 November 2024 16: 59
    It cannot be sold to those who cannot build the appropriate infrastructure for it and provide the aircraft with air defense and missile defense protection. And protection from all sorts of rebels.
    1. +1
      13 November 2024 17: 01
      Typically, the provision for infrastructure creation and subsequent support is included in the contract.
  2. -1
    13 November 2024 17: 41
    There are no regiments or divisions of Su-57 in the Russian Armed Forces yet, but these managers are ready to sell abroad.
    1. 0
      13 November 2024 17: 58
      There is enough power for both, and it seems like they are expecting a new engine for the Russian version, that is, with the old one, only for export
    2. +1
      13 November 2024 18: 03
      Quote: vlad127490
      and these managers are ready to sell abroad

      It was the same after the collapse of the Union.
      Export sales have allowed Russia to maintain much of its defense industry
    3. +2
      14 November 2024 09: 50
      The SU-57 simply confirmed the truth that Russia is a country for sale.
      The army has not yet received a single production aircraft with second-stage engines, but managers have already signed sales contracts.
      Timber for sale, oil for sale, gas for sale, space for sale, bread for sale, advanced weapons for sale, specialists for sale, and children for sale.
      We'll sell everything and use the money we get to buy Chinese cars and other household goods.
  3. +1
    13 November 2024 18: 09
    Good advertising, the engine of trade. SVO is not forever, and contracts need to be recruited, terms agreed upon, and five-year plans introduced and exceeded...
    1. +3
      13 November 2024 19: 11
      Nobody is against trade. First, put the Su-57 in the Russian Armed Forces, arm our army with modern aircraft, otherwise it will turn out that we will sell them and be left with nothing.
  4. +3
    13 November 2024 20: 26
    All this is familiar and has already happened before with other equipment. In fact, the situation is more than uncertain, there may be those who want to buy the Su-57, but their real solvency and the capabilities of our aircraft industry raise doubts...
  5. +2
    13 November 2024 22: 25
    Vadim Badekha is engaged in fake-throwing and he is right - in the arms trade even rumors can spur deals. But of course there is no queue for the Su-57E, only Algeria is probably capable, but the question of payment will arise. We do not need dinars in such quantities, and we will not be able to pay in other currencies.
  6. +1
    14 November 2024 02: 28
    5th generation technologies at the price of a flock of sheep, this cannot but be attractive. And the owners of the military-industrial complex will find someone to sell the sheep to.