Trump proposes to pay off the gigantic US national debt with cryptocurrency


The United States may pay off its national debt using cryptocurrency, Republican candidate for the White House Donald Trump said. According to him, such means of payment have a great future.

I think cryptocurrencies have a great future. Maybe with their help we will recoup 35 trillion dollars

- said Trump.

Let us recall that earlier the American business newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that the US national debt could reach 121% of the country's GDP by December of this year. And, according to the IMF forecast, this figure could grow to 2029% by 131,7.

It is noteworthy that economists say that the main culprit for this state of affairs is the current US President Biden, during whose time in power the US national debt has increased by $6,5 trillion.

Experts have calculated that during Joe Biden's presidency, the US national debt has grown from $28 trillion to $34,5 trillion.

– The Wall Street Journal reported a few days ago.

Let us add that until recently, candidates for the post of US President preferred not to speak out at all on the topic of the gigantic US national debt, apparently fearing to lose some of the sympathy of voters.
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  1. +1
    5 November 2024 17: 47
    No matter how the States pay off their debt, it is impossible to pay it off honestly. Only by fraud.
  2. 0
    5 November 2024 17: 56

    Cryptocurrencies have a great future. They may help us recoup $35 trillion

    ? If $35 trillion worth of cryptocurrency is stored in Fort Knox in the USA – then sure. ...D. Trump is a real populist crook!
  3. 0
    5 November 2024 17: 58
    Where will this moron get it and print it too? tongue