US to lift restrictions on use of long-range weapons if North Koreans participate in NWO – Reuters


The Reuters news agency has clarified the question of why Kyiv raised a fuss about the alleged presence of North Korean military personnel in Russia. The media outlet reports that in the event of direct participation of North Korean military personnel in the SVO, Washington will fulfill the long-standing desire of the head of the Kyiv regime, Zelensky.

According to Reuters, if North Korean soldiers enter the battle in Ukraine, the US will lift all restrictions on the use of the transferred weapons and allow Western long-range missiles to attack any targets deep in Russia.

However, according to a number of media outlets, North Korean fighters will not participate in the fighting on the territory of Novorossiya. As reported by The New York Times, soldiers from the DPRK will help Russian forces liberate the Kursk region from armed Ukrainian formations. Such a step will free up additional units of the Russian Armed Forces for offensive actions in Donbass and the Zaporizhia region.

The NYT reports that Ukrainian commanders expect the first assaults involving North Korean fighters in the coming days.

We were warned that it was coming soon. Probably in the next few days.

– the Ukrainian deputy brigade commander is quoted by the media.

The publication specifies that Ukrainian-Korean phrasebooks have already been distributed to Ukrainian soldiers in the Kursk direction. According to NYT estimates, the Ukrainian group on Russian territory numbers 30 people. They are opposed by approximately the same number of Russian fighters, so the expected transfer of 10 North Koreans will "change the balance of power" in favor of the Russian Armed Forces.
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  1. +1
    28 October 2024 21: 16
    US to lift restrictions on use of long-range weapons if North Koreans participate in NWO

    One way or another, it will inevitably happen! Regardless of whether the Koreans, Chinese, or Vietnamese help us or not.
    Moreover, when things really get hot, Ukraine will be immediately accepted into NATO, with all the ensuing consequences for Russia. There is no need to even talk about everything else, such as tanks, planes, missiles, drones, shells, iPhones, iPads and much more...
    Two percent of the world GDP against forty can hardly count on anything in the long run. And these two percent are so-so... indicators. We are not going to drown everyone in oil, or choke the Hero of Russia Miller with gas, are we?
    1. -1
      29 October 2024 00: 23
      Well, it depends on how our leadership behaves - if it continues to chew snot - of course, they will give it. And if in response to the use of English and German missiles, daggers and calibers fly at the Rheinmetalls and English ports - then all use of long-range missiles will immediately stop. Will Ukraine be accepted into NATO? Don't make me laugh. For NATO, this means, given the behavior of the Ukrainian authorities, a direct clash with the Russian Federation with a very real escalation of the conflict into a nuclear one. Are they ready to intervene for Ukraine?))))
      If yes, then everything will be as the Supreme said - "we are in heaven...well, and then you know))))
      Two percent against 40?))) Well, then explain to us how it happened that by introducing sanctions against 2% of the world economy, all these 40% went into economic drift?)))
    2. -1
      29 October 2024 00: 43
      Why not talk about tanks, planes and other smartphones? We can remember that the T-90 is one of the best tanks in the world, if not the best. We can remember that even the Su-35 can easily fight back against the F-35 (we won't talk about the SU-57, because the VKS has only about 20 of them in service). We can remember that we have hypersonic weapons (and they are already working at full capacity!), while the Americans don't have them yet.
      We can remember that we have the R-37 M (range up to 350 km, in case of air combat), and the Americans have the AIM 120 with a range of up to 140 km. We can also remember that in Apple smartphones in the camera there is an artificial sapphire from the Stavropol Monocrystal and 8 more positions are covered by the Chinese. And remembering how many people from the USSR and the Russian Federation worked in Silicon Valley, I ask the question - is this really an American product?)))
      1. mvg
        29 October 2024 01: 10
        R-37 M (range up to 350 km, in case of air combat), and the Americans

        How many of these R-37Ms have shot down? If anything, the US is hanging up the SM-6, which actually flies 460 km. And the AIM-120D flies over 200. The hypersonics have destroyed many factories, power plants. They have fired hundreds of missiles. And we have been fighting for 3 years, and there is no end in sight.
        1. -3
          29 October 2024 08: 33
          We are not fighting, this is ours. God forbid that we fight, all of Western America would have already fought against the Russian Federation. And the Russian Armed Forces would have turned the country of Ukraine, together with civilians, into a desert without nuclear weapons.
        2. +1
          29 October 2024 09: 46
          During the SVO, the R-37M not only shot down, but also set a world record for the range of an air-to-air missile hitting a target.
          And it must be taken into account that there were very few air battles in Ukraine, due to the small number of Ukrainian aircraft.

          The Russian Su-35S fighter jet shot down a MiG-29 aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from a distance of more than 200 kilometers and set a world record.
          The first reports and sensations began to spread on social networks the day before. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Ukrainian fighter was intercepted by a unique R-37M air-to-air missile of the Russian Armed Forces.
          "Confirmed. Pilot's application plus objective control, plus confirmation from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
          The MiG-29 was shot down at a range of 213 kilometers. No one in the world can repeat this. No one," the authors of the Telegram channel "Voevoda Broadcasts" indicated.

          SM-6 ship-based anti-aircraft missile and the fact that it is "hung" on the F-35 - I hear for the first time, don't tell me fairy tales. The only case was when a missile launched from a ship was taken for tracking by the F-35, but this, as you understand, in an air battle, in the event of a breakthrough of the F-35 Russian air defense system - will be of little use. As for the AIM 120 d, its maximum range is up to 180 km.
          But it still needs to be produced in the required quantity so that all F-35s can undergo rearmament. And the F-35 has a problem here. The AIM-120 is only just entering the internal compartment of the F-35, something with a longer range, if it is developed, due to the increase in the dimensions of the missile due to the increase in the fuel tank will have to be hung on an external suspension, and this will lead to the loss of the main trump card - stealth.
        3. 0
          29 October 2024 09: 49
          Well, factories and power plants, including hypersonic ones, were destroyed quite a bit. At least according to the same Zelensky - he repeatedly complained that electricity generation in Ukraine has decreased several times. And there have been repeated hits to factories and locations of the same mercenaries, confirmed by objective control data. It seems that you do not follow the reports.
      2. +1
        29 October 2024 08: 10
        How much money does the American budget receive from the sale of one smartphone and how much does the Russian budget receive from the sale of the crystal for this smartphone?

        This is where we can end our conversation...

        I understand that in light of the lack of our own aircraft manufacturing, it is fashionable for “patriots” to grimace that Boeings contain Russian titanium... and that this is partly our aircraft...

        But you can fly on a Boeing, but not on the AVISM blank. And now look at the scale of our country... How are you going to connect it in the absence of aircraft manufacturing??? With fairy tales that Boeing has AVISM titanium???

        And these stories that our people created it there, so blah-blah-blah... The problem is that these are THEIR people, not yours. And they bring income to THEIR budget, not yours...

        By the way, if nuclear warheads based on Russian uranium are launched at Russia, will you be proud of that too???
        1. 0
          29 October 2024 10: 38
          Well, how much the Russian budget gets from selling artificial sapphires for Apple - I won't judge, I don't have such information. To get it, you need to contact Stavropol to the already mentioned Monocrystal. I gave this example to show that even Apple production in the States does not do without the Russian Federation and China. And as for "their people already - don't get so excited". Some will stay there, some will return, which has already happened more than once, and armed with the experience gained in the States and their country, they will be useful.
          As for aircraft manufacturing, the USSR solved this problem and Russia will solve it too.
          Moreover, the same TU-214, according to its plans, is going to produce 30 units by 70.
          As for the MS-21, by 29 they plan to produce 72 of them per year. This is already according to Chemezov. But for now, until that time, the resources of those Boeings that are flying will suffice.
          Or do you want to restore the fleet of airliners within a week?))) We just need to learn our lesson again and remember Gaidar's words - "Why should we produce airliners if we can sell oil and buy everything we need." The "honest" market failed to regulate everything, but managed to destroy its own aviation industry.
    3. -1
      29 October 2024 08: 28
      2% versus 40% of what exactly? If it's military goods, then it's definitely not that big of a figure, but it's not about the equipment, it's about the people. Whoever has fewer people will be the first to go.
  2. -6
    28 October 2024 21: 45
    And we'll grind this out Yes
  3. -1
    28 October 2024 21: 52
    It's interesting how we are preparing for the moment when this happens. It is clear that we will have to, following the example of Ukraine, transfer production underground.
  4. -4
    28 October 2024 22: 32
    again these horror stories, nothing terrible or horrible will happen... we'll adapt to this misfortune... all this is PR. there are no 30000 hohols there, where does such disinformation come from? on a patch of 15x40 km there are two full-fledged divisions or 8 brigades, we are impatiently waiting for the Koreans, let them learn to fight and help us at the same time...
  5. -2
    28 October 2024 23: 09
    the use of long-range weapons will not turn the tide of the SVO!
  6. GN
    28 October 2024 23: 12
    This will be the end for you right away. I hope Putin keeps his word! I really want to see you squealing like mad pigs!! That's it for the Ukrainians, the end! Now it's your turn! Do you want some Russian land?? Get two meters deep!
  7. -2
    29 October 2024 01: 56
    If they wanted to strike with long-range missiles, they would have let Ukraine strike long ago. In response, everyone understands perfectly well that Russia can use tactical nuclear weapons. After all, in essence, what happens is that the hohols will destroy our factories and enterprises. And we can’t, because their production is abroad. As for the Korean soldiers, this is all nonsense, more hysteria. 10-15 thousand, if there are any, won’t make a difference. In the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, more than 20 thousand “mushroom pickers, vacationers” are fighting and no one is throwing hysterics.
  8. -1
    29 October 2024 05: 52
    Today they already wrote that the US will not introduce new restrictions on weapons for Ukraine.
    That is, the old restrictions on strikes deep into Russia will remain!
  9. 0
    29 October 2024 06: 17
    A nuclear strike on the USA immediately!
    1. 0
      29 October 2024 08: 21
      and 5 megatons in Tel Aviv
  10. 0
    29 October 2024 07: 58
    The US will not lift any restrictions. They do not need a direct clash with a nuclear power, they can only fight with an unequal enemy, especially on foreign soil. When has a single missile ever flown into US territory? That is what they are afraid of. It is one thing to fight on foreign soil, and another on your own.
  11. 0
    29 October 2024 09: 19
    The war can be waged for a long time until we start destroying the top of the Ukro-Reich. The war is waged by those who organize it, legislatively support it, unite it and lead it. It is time to remove immunity from the leadership of the Outskirts.
  12. -1
    29 October 2024 17: 04
    Pentagon: US will not impose new restrictions on Ukraine's use of American weapons if North Korea joins war on Russia's side - Reuters, while NATO said 10 North Korean troops had been deployed to Russia's Kursk region.
    North Korea's troop deployment is heightening Western fears that the 2,5½-year-old conflict in Ukraine could escalate, even as attention shifts to the Middle East.
    This could mean that Russia hopes to offset its growing losses on the battlefield and continue to slowly but surely advance into eastern Ukraine.