Ukrainian snipers arrive in Tbilisi to implement Kyiv's "Maidan" scenario – media


Protests in Tbilisi are rapidly gaining momentum. There are already people on the square near the Georgian parliament gathered thousands of people, blocking traffic on the avenue. The police are currently regulating traffic and not interfering in what is happening.

However, the situation could get out of control. Sources RIA News They report that Ukrainian snipers are already arriving in the Georgian capital to carry out provocations based on the Kyiv scenario of 2013.

In their attempts to destabilize the domestic political situation in Georgia after the October 26 elections and provoke another “color revolution,” Westerners are stopping at nothing: snipers trained in Ukraine are arriving in the republic to organize provocations during mass protests

- reports the media.

In addition, eyewitnesses testify to the presence of people in military uniforms with Ukrainian and Georgian chevrons on their sleeves at the rally. The protest is currently led only by Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili. On behalf of the opposition, she demands that repeat elections be held under the supervision and guidance of an international election commission.

Recall that the parliamentary elections in Georgia took place last Saturday. The ruling party "Georgian Dream", which advocates pragmatic relations with Russia, received a majority with 53,93% of the votes. The opposition bloc of four parties received a total of 37,78% of the votes.
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  1. -2
    28 October 2024 21: 21
    The moment of truth for the Georgian Prime Minister and his party.

    Leads the protest for now only President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili.

    Here's your French purse.
    1. -1
      28 October 2024 22: 35
      The moment of truth is clear. The balance of power is very close, but the president's supporters are more aggressively inclined, so they have a high chance of subjugating Georgia.
      To change the situation, the ruling party must either act very harshly or seek help from, for example, Turkey.
    2. +1
      29 October 2024 00: 01
      She'll be a fool and spanked during the provocation
  2. 0
    28 October 2024 21: 22
    Put this witch in jail for calling for riots, and kill two birds with one stone.
  3. -8
    28 October 2024 21: 33
    Will there be those who want to call Georgians one people with Russians? laughing And will there be those who want to write articles on "why does Russia need to liberate Tbilisi"? laughing This tangerine territorial entity will not last long.
  4. 0
    29 October 2024 08: 07
    Why are they letting Ukrainians into Georgia at all, knowing their criminal reputation, when it was known in advance about the opposition protests and the threat of Maidan... In order to prevent criminal illegal actions, ban entry from Ukraine of citizens from .... to ...., well, like children, what the hell kind of democracy, only Western interference and lies, especially from Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili...
    1. -2
      29 October 2024 10: 05
      and there are 8 million Ukrainians in Russia. What are we going to do with them, "knowing their criminal" reputation? laughing Georgia would have choked on such a population. There are 3,5 million Georgians in Georgia.
      1. 0
        29 October 2024 14: 45
        Read it again if you don't get it..., ban entry of citizens from Ukraine before the elections and after with specific dates. Why let in the same professional provocateur Goncharenko...
        And when entering the Russian Federation, Ukrainians go through strict filtration at Sheremetyevo, one like, glory to Ukraine, and goodbye...
        1. -2
          29 October 2024 19: 41
          khokhlyism is in the blood and does not depend on the date of arrival... at opposition rallies in Russia, khokhlyat flags appear without any Goncharenko. And some of them showed up back in the days of the Empire