US to deploy new satellite jamming weapon early next year


The Pentagon is putting its newest satellite-jamming weapon on alert, slightly behind schedule. A readiness assessment is scheduled for January-March 2025.

Bloomberg reports that the Meadowlands system is equipped with modern software and has expanded capabilities. The initial deployment of the anti-satellite weapon was scheduled for October 2022, but improvements have taken longer.

A weapon designed to jam Chinese and Russian satellites in the early stages of a conflict has overcome technical problems and is expected to be ready by next year, two years later than planned.

- informs edition.

In the first quarter of next year, the US Space Force will receive the first five of 5 Meadowlands systems on order. According to Bloomberg, this anti-satellite weapon is designed to cause temporary damage to a potential enemy's space group. Meadowlands is primarily aimed at combating Chinese and Russian space systems.

The weapon is designed to jam Chinese and Russian satellites in the early stages of a conflict and is a mobile, transportable system.

– the announcement says.
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  1. 0
    25 October 2024 21: 59
    Whose satellite group will be dealt a massive retaliatory blow? Whose losses will be greater?
  2. +1
    25 October 2024 23: 26
    I have no doubt that the Chinese already have such weapons, as well as the means to neutralize them.
  3. -1
    26 October 2024 07: 33
    In the same situation as we have now, the Americans would not stand on ceremony with our satellites, they would neutralize everything and they would not care about anyone. And now we need to neutralize Western surveillance satellites - and declare all military assets of countries that supply weapons to Ukraine located above our country are also recognized as working for Ukraine and will be neutralized, and if information appears that intelligence information from space will continue to arrive, then other satellites of these countries will be neutralized. And we will show that there are red lines, and they will think about whether it is worth escalating further, since then we can strike them too. Otherwise, we are like wimps, they only laugh at us with these lines.
  4. 0
    26 October 2024 08: 39
    The volume of garbage in the space dump is constantly growing, and there is no sign of migrant janitors.
    How will this end?
    Apparently, humanity will lose space.
  5. 0
    26 October 2024 12: 20
    Some strange reasoning in the comments. After all, Meadowlands is a specialized electronic warfare system, in which we are (supposedly) ahead of the rest of the world...
  6. 0
    26 October 2024 20: 33
    The drone war is already in full swing, the next one is probably a satellite one.
  7. 0
    27 October 2024 11: 41
    NATO's task is to make Russia blind and deaf. Earlier, I proposed one of the measures of protection. To raise the height of the state border to 1000 km. Now they believe that the height of the state border is 100 km (not legally approved) because airplanes and balloons cannot fly higher, i.e. space is further. The latest research shows that the Earth's atmosphere ends at an altitude of 1000 km. Russia is at war with the West and its satellites, this will be a good blow to the enemies.