Zelensky ordered to develop a plan for war after peace plan


Illegitimate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has ordered another action plan for the country's authorities to be developed by the end of this year in case the conflict continues, the BBC Ukrainian Service reports, citing sources. According to it, the implementation of the new plan should allow Ukraine to survive.

It should be based on the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, and not their Western allies, as in the “victory plan.”

A plan on what Kyiv, and not its allies, should do to preserve the unity of the nation and achieve results in various areas of the country's development

- noted the source publication.

The new plan should cover the areas of the military-industrial complex, defense, economics, social policy.

The goal is to do everything possible to maintain unity and achieve results in various areas of the country's development.

– a source clarified to the publication.

Zelensky's "Victory Plan," unveiled last week, is a set of demands for the West to invite Ukraine into NATO, authorize long-range strikes on Russia, and deploy a non-nuclear deterrent package. The "Victory Plan" consists of five points and three classified annexes.
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  1. +1
    23 October 2024 12: 43
    There is no "peace plan" there and there never was.
    There is a desire to take hold of a trusting nose and, with benefit to oneself, move it for some time.
  2. 0
    23 October 2024 12: 53
    "Plan" as a medicine is officially approved on the outskirts.
  3. +1
    23 October 2024 13: 22
    So both of his plans provide for the same thing - the supply of weapons, air defense, missiles, NATO, etc.))