Use of new shells for Solntsepek announced near Kupyansk


The first footage of the use of new rockets for the TOS-1A Solntsepek heavy flamethrower system was published in Telegram by military correspondent Alexander Kots. He noted that he was not disclosing the characteristics of the ammunition, since he “found nothing about it in the public domain.”

But this is, firstly, a significantly increased range. And this is very important in conditions when in order to strike, the Solntsepek has to be driven 3-4 km to the line of combat contact. With the new shells, the vehicle and crew are not at such great risk

– it is noted in his publication

Kots stressed that a “slightly different principle” is used, which allows one munition to cover a significantly larger area.

The enemy in the forests in the Kupyansk direction has already assessed

- added the military commander.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were suffering significant losses in the Kupyansk direction. Thus, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck the temporary deployment points (TDP) of the 500rd separate brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Borova with FAB-3 aerial bombs from the UMPK. In addition, the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the vicinity of the village of Nadiya are actively "ironed" aviation, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems (TOS).
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  1. +5
    16 October 2024 11: 42
    good son, good...
  2. +2
    16 October 2024 18: 52
    Chemists work in factories.
  3. +1
    16 October 2024 18: 58
    Most likely, they mean the ammunition developed for TOS-2 and TOS-3 with a range of up to 15 km! They promised to adapt them to the "Solntsepyok" too! (Although at one time there was talk about improving the ERES for the "Solntsepyok" ... increasing the range of the ERES to 8-10 km! But is there any point in this now, if "15-kilometer" ERES appeared!)
    1. 0
      18 October 2024 02: 01
      Quote: Nikolaevich I
      But is there any point in this now, if “15-kilometer” ERESs have appeared!)

      If the modified TOS shoot EVEN further with them, then there is some sense.
  4. 0
    20 October 2024 15: 53
    Up to 16-18 km - the maximum range of new ammunition with a deviation of plus or minus 3 meters. With the possibility of increasing the range to 22-26 km, although then their number on the installation is less and the guides are somewhat longer. Reloading - immediately changing the entire case or the same as before. Data already flashed about this somewhere about half a year ago.
  5. 0
    29 October 2024 10: 04
    It's about time, finally increased the range!