The Times, citing sources in Kyiv, claims that the first North Korean soldiers have died in the SVO zone


The head of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation, Andrey Kovalenko, told The Times that North Korean servicemen are already participating in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The official said that North Korean fighters have already suffered their first losses in the SVO zone.

The Kiev politician claims that Pyongyang has sent a limited contingent of military engineers to Russia to help use previously transferred North Korean weapons.

Kovalenko did not provide any details or supporting evidence. In his previous message on Saturday, he said the North Koreans were engineers sent to monitor the use of artillery shells supplied by Pyongyang.

– writes The Times.

The publication notes that Kovalenko's statement appeared immediately after reports from Seoul about the practical implementation of the agreement on comprehensive partnership between Russia and the DPRK. As part of the agreements, Pyongyang allegedly sent a certain number of military personnel to the conflict zone.

Citing Kyiv media, The Times reports that six North Koreans have already been killed in Donbass, and at least three more have been wounded. As is the tradition with Western media, the publication does not provide any definitive evidence.
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  1. +16
    9 October 2024 19: 41
    In the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR, there lived quite a few Soviet Koreans (in my kindergarten, at school, at the institute, there were classmates and schoolmates of our local Korean guys, not "North Korean" at all, very hard-working, diligent and assiduous in their studies, good reliable comrades!) and, among them were those who had ancestors from the pre-war united Korea!
    So, even if Russian fighters of Korean nationality died in battle with the Bander-Nazis, it is difficult to say from which part of the now divided Korea their “roots” are!
    And the Goebbels-bitches, the "tsipsoshniks", from the servants of the Kyiv "zh/dobanderites" - Washington's lackeys, just want to "crow, and then even if it doesn't dawn!"
    1. +5
      9 October 2024 21: 06
      There are many Koreans living in the Sakhalin region, children and grandchildren of those Koreans who were driven to Sakhalin by the Japanese as slave labor! After the collapse of the USSR, some elderly Koreans returned to South Korea at the invitation of the South Korean government. They were provided with benefits, privileges... But still, many Koreans remained in the Russian Federation... mostly young people who were born, grew up, received an education, prosperity, "started" a business in Russia! But there are elderly Koreans who, having visited South Korea, returned back to Russia, to Sakhalin for example...
    2. +3
      9 October 2024 22: 17
      Yes, maybe they were our military from Kalmykia or Buryatia in general.
      1. 0
        10 October 2024 08: 30
        Yes, maybe they were our military from Kalmykia or Buryatia in general.

        Well, who received citizenship among us... Depardieu... If you see him in the DPR or LPR, they will say that there is a limited contingent from France on the Russian side.
      2. 0
        10 October 2024 16: 02
        Kindergarten, honestly! Kindergarten naivety.
        Kalmykia, Buryatia, Tungusia...there in the CIA and the EU you can make thimbles with your finger...
        Satellites, electronic surveillance, spies and agents are not about them!
        1. 0
          10 October 2024 23: 07
          Kindergarten, honestly! Kindergarten naivety.

          - Well, yes. This is Europe and America. Made with a finger. "Tunngusia" is again a mysterious country of Heartland. The people can be tracked by satellites, electronic and even ionic means of tracking, special agents. Only this...need to learn the local dialect, heh-heh... Siri will help.
      3. +1
        10 October 2024 18: 41
        Yes, they are all Russian, only slightly tanned and squinting: VanYushin, LiSiTsin, SiNiTsin...
    3. 0
      10 October 2024 10: 45
      I had students in students Now they are great specialists. Very diligent and hardworking
      1. 0
        10 October 2024 19: 10
        Quote: begemot20091
        I had students in students

        And then they became Koreans again. )))
        1. 0
          11 October 2024 17: 23
          Sorry for the typo. Koreans were students, of course.
    4. 0
      10 October 2024 15: 57
      In Crimea and Ukraine, Korean workers worked growing onions and garlic. The grazers walked around with small tsapki all day long. The party was sure that the country did not have enough onions and garlic.
      Their families remained in the DPRK and, according to rumors, their salaries went there too. They slept in tents or wherever the collective farm chairman assigned them. But the onion, I note, was excellent.
  2. +3
    9 October 2024 19: 51
    Tsoi is alive! It is possible that weapons specialists have indeed arrived. But there are no official reports yet.
  3. +6
    9 October 2024 22: 01
    If they sent it, then well done, finally! If they sent a hundred thousand, that would be good.
    Let the Koreans learn how to fight against the bourgeois fascists in a modern way! It is useful for them and a help to us.
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 16: 07
      Quote: Twice-born
      If they sent it, then well done, finally! If they sent a hundred thousand, that would be good.
      Let the Koreans learn how to fight against the bourgeois fascists in a modern way! It is useful for them and a help to us.

      Then retaliatory assistance to expel Japanese and American bases and specialists from the South of the Korean Peninsula???
      A debt is paid with payment. And China signed guarantees.
      Passed already ...
      By the way, Kim Jong-un assured the people of Korea that the reunification of the country will take place during the lifetime of the current generation. soldier hi stop
      1. 0
        10 October 2024 21: 26
        And even if they were to help clear Okinawa of Americans, I don't see anything wrong. Let the Japanese know who they've been yapping at for 80 years. But this is from the category of Western fascist horror stories! According to them, we and their Gayropa are desperately in need!
        The North Koreans don't need not only the Japanese, but even South Korea. They don't want to unite with the bourgeois American serfs. It is precisely South Korea that advocates this.
  4. +6
    9 October 2024 23: 03
    What kind of innovative weapon is there that requires presence?

    military engineers who help use previously transferred North Korean weapons.

    oh this is the Ministry of Disinformation bully
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 16: 09
      They lie, they cheat and they misinform...!?
      Got an insider tip? - spill it...
  5. +4
    9 October 2024 23: 09
    sources in Kyiv

    And what evidence did these people present? sources?
    1. +3
      10 October 2024 00: 11
      Quote: Sarcastic realist
      And what evidence did these sources provide?

      Hiley Likely.
  6. +2
    10 October 2024 06: 52
    Yes, there are Koreans living in our village. About ten families. And in Rostov there are entire villages.
    1. -1
      10 October 2024 08: 42
      Well, did any of these smart-asses go to fight for Russia, where they and their grandfathers (!) grew up, and the Russians?
      1. 0
        10 October 2024 09: 18
        Yes. Let's go. One has already risen to the rank of officer.
        1. 0
          10 October 2024 10: 45
          Great, if that's true.
      2. 0
        10 October 2024 10: 27
        Quote: Twice-born
        for... the Russians you went to fight?

        Hide your tsipso ears. They stick out.
        1. -1
          10 October 2024 10: 58
          1. +2
            10 October 2024 11: 15
            Maybe it's cool. But it's on such trifles that you, gentlemen tsipsoshniks, get screwed
            1. 0
              10 October 2024 23: 02
              On what kind of things, homegrown Chekist? Make me happy again. Well, and come and read my other comments, even here.
              1. 0
                11 October 2024 17: 33
                Quote: Twice-born
                On which ones?

                At least on these

                Quote: Twice-born
                for.. the Russians went to fight?
  7. +2
    10 October 2024 09: 11
    No one ever provides evidence in the media. What nonsense, how can you provide any evidence in words? Swear that it is true? The presence of the Koreans is very likely and completely understandable, since they are supplying weapons.
    1. 0
      14 October 2024 08: 22
      Gentlemen should be taken at their word!)))
  8. 0
    10 October 2024 10: 22
    The North Korean army numbers about one and a half million people.
    The Ukrainians shouldn't offend the Koreans.
    What will happen if they get offended and come? all, and even with their own guns and missiles?!
    Putin is barely holding them back as it is. lol
  9. 0
    10 October 2024 11: 15
    And how do they distinguish Koreans from, for example, Uzbeks?
    1. +1
      14 October 2024 08: 21
      By unbuttoning their pants!)))
  10. 0
    10 October 2024 11: 49
    The Koreans actually considered helping Russia in this conflict with manpower...
    But "our" "Russians"... from workers and students, to civil servants and deputies... thousands who racked their brains on how to get out of mobilization, and they don't want to talk about this topic, answering that this is not their war...?
    I witnessed myself how a 45-year-old "father" taught his son over the phone how to get out of it. Hundreds go to work on a shift and don't take their military IDs with them........
    So think about it after this... Who is more Russian - a Korean or a "Russian"
    IMHO hi
    1. -1
      10 October 2024 16: 12
      Your suggestions..?
  11. 0
    10 October 2024 16: 26
    There are 25 more Martians dead. Just don't tell anyone.
  12. -1
    10 October 2024 16: 53
    As I understand it, the South Koreans will be invited to protect the Kyiv elite, then the Chinese and Taiwanese will come and such a biathlon will begin, you know, you just have to keep up with the delivery.
  13. 0
    11 October 2024 16: 58
    Thanks to comrade Kim for the volunteers, I think Russia will thank S. Korea for every soldier soldier
  14. 0
    13 October 2024 22: 44
    Well, you can say anything. Especially without evidence. Let this Kovalenko tell you about Kim, who is currently in charge of the city of Nikolaev. How is he doing? Are his relatives alive and well?
  15. 0
    14 October 2024 08: 19
    The crests have already taken a whole company of North Korean soldiers prisoner at KUNIAN.
    I wonder if they will recruit a hundred Koreans from all over the UkrOreikh?)))