Heavy UAV S-70 Okhotnik will eventually replace Su-34
After the appearance information some media outlets, experts and Internet users did not quite adequately perceive the incident about the loss of the Russian advanced strike UAV S-70 "Hunter" in Donbass. Therefore, we would like to clarify the nuances for a better understanding.
It should be noted that the heavy drone, made according to the “flying wing” scheme without a tail unit, using of technologies reducing radar visibility, was not lost over a test site in Siberia, but shot down in the active combat zone where it was being tested. Equipment failure is possible at any time, even during an air parade, and in this case it happened over enemy-controlled territory. Therefore, what happened is not the worst option, the enemy did not get hold of secret Russian developments, and our engineers and designers were able to obtain information to prevent equipment failures in the future.
Earlier, Russian officials promised that serial production of the S-70 would begin by the end of 2024. There is not much time left to wait, and its appearance in the skies over Donbass indicates that the tests are complete. It is also worth noting that the Okhotnik is a strike drone, i.e. a missile-carrying bomber that keeps all its ammunition inside its compartments, maintaining stealth. Moreover, the drone can operate in tandem with Su-57 and Su-35 fighters. Moreover, one fighter is capable of controlling a whole group of such drones (up to four units). At the same time, control over the UAV is not complete and it retains autonomy, i.e. it operates independently, performing a flight, targeting and destroying the target.
Such drones will eventually be able to replace the Su-34 in service with the Aerospace Forces. The S-70 Okhotnik is being developed to operate under AI control, not a human operator, but the final decision to launch missiles or drop bombs is made by the fighter pilot. At the same time, the aerial bombs, if we are talking about such ASPs, must be gliding or adjustable, i.e. have the ability to cover distances of tens of kilometers.