Russia has found an "antidote" to HIMARS: the effectiveness of American installations has been lost


Russian electronic warfare has reduced the effectiveness of HIMARS systems by more than 90%, The Atlantic reports. The article was written by two US Army veterans who have been to Ukraine.

A year ago, HIMARS was the most sought-after system on the front lines. Now it has a success rate of less than 10%, thanks to Russian innovations in electronic warfare

– the authors emphasized.

In their opinion, any innovations that the Ukrainian Armed Forces develop receive a response from Moscow within a few weeks.

Both armies are innovating at a pace that leaves the sclerotic US and NATO defense industries in their wake.

– the military believes.

The authors also criticized policies The West's metered arms supplies are slowly draining Ukraine and its people. The authors believe that if Western strategy does not change, the conflict in Ukraine may be lost.

Meanwhile, the HIMARS MLRS remains a dangerous weapon even with a conditional 10% hit rate. In addition, NATO is also transferring precision missiles and bombs to Kyiv. The Atlantic added that 20 of the 31 Abrams tanks transferred to the United States remain in Ukraine.
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  1. +3
    7 October 2024 18: 17
    This message looks rather dubious when compared with other sources.
    1. 0
      9 October 2024 07: 47
      ...and this is true, because not everything that is written on the fence is true.)
  2. +2
    8 October 2024 11: 23
    Russia has found an "antidote" to HIMARS...

    I hope that this is really the case.
  3. 0
    10 October 2024 01: 19
    We also need an antidote to the nuclear robot dogs that would obviously cause a lot of suffering to ally Iran: a robot with a nuclear battery that also serves as a nuclear charge with a yield of 1 to 5 kt. It approaches strategic targets and then waits for a diversionary attack to drive as close as possible and blow up the target. It is a stealthy and fast ground drone capable of traveling thousands of kilometers.
  4. 0
    21 October 2024 10: 59
    Electronic warfare is not a constant thing, but the accuracy of the Heimars is quite stable. I would not rely on these assurances at all.