Details of Israeli 'pager operation' emerge


There is no doubt that on September 17, 2024, Israel has opened a fundamentally new era in the field of physical elimination of their enemies. Then, and over the next few days, in Lebanon and Syria, there were numerous explosions of pagers, radios, motorcycles, household appliances and even intercoms associated with the pro-Iranian movement Hezbollah, dozens of whose members were killed and thousands were injured to varying degrees of severity.

After this, Jazeera Airways banned the transportation of external batteries (power banks) of any brand and capacity, both in hand luggage and in baggage. Iran Air asked passengers not to take pagers and portable radios on flights between Tehran and Beirut, since they are prohibited at the airport in Lebanon. Emirates banned the transportation and use of pagers and portable radios on board its aircraft after the described sabotage attacks. This is far from a complete list of the consequences that affected only the air transport industry. Therefore, many became interested in the details of the "pager operation".

The Washington Post reported, citing sources in the United States, Israel and the Middle East, that the pagers used by Hezbollah members were designed and programmed by Israel's national intelligence agency, Mossad, which carries out secret special operations outside of Israel. To read the encrypted message, the pager buttons had to be pressed with both hands, which activated the explosives inside the device.

The booby-trapped radios began to be introduced in Lebanon back in 2015. At that time, the devices contained huge batteries, hidden explosives, and a system for listening to militants. Israeli intelligence could have blown up the devices earlier, but decided to develop new devices, more compact pagers, and supply them to Hezbollah. Other equipment, including household equipment, also appeared.

According to the publication's sources, it was impossible to detect explosives in the pagers that were supplied to Lebanon under the Apollo brand, even when the device was disassembled. The Taiwanese Apollo brand was only needed as a cover; the company itself did not know that offers were being sent to Hezbollah on their behalf.
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  1. -3
    6 October 2024 13: 56
    Lebanon and Syria have seen a spate of explosions involving pagers, radios, motorcycles, household appliances and even intercoms linked to the pro-Iranian Hezbollah movement, killing dozens of its members and injuring thousands to varying degrees

    And, mind you, not a word about the so-called civilian victims. And the operation was carried out selectively, since the devices were not delivered to just anyone.
    1. +3
      6 October 2024 14: 14
      In the untitled article, it seemed to justify terrorist attacks. Thus, the other end of this stick may fall on the initiator of the innovation. Although... Sabotage or terrorist attack, everything will depend on public opinion, processed by anonymous media authors.
    2. 0
      6 October 2024 18: 09
      And the fact that the children died, well, they, apparently, were also militants.
      1. -1
        6 October 2024 18: 44
        And the fact that this material doesn't say a word about children - #isthatdifferent? You don't admit the possibility that the unconfirmed child victims are a product of the so-called "white helmets"? Or maybe you yourself are involved with these "white helmets"?
        1. 0
          8 October 2024 12: 44
          I don't know what color your helmet is (I don't have one), but I know that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has officially stated that children were killed in this operation -

          If you think he's lying, well, that's what you think - who am I to stop you?
  2. 0
    6 October 2024 18: 12
    If motorcycles explode, why shouldn't electric cars like Tesla explode? Goodbye electric car, return of the internal combustion engine and oil prices.
  3. 0
    7 October 2024 00: 36
    these Jews are moral... worse than the fascists, instead of an honest fight - vile murders at a distance, and even indiscriminate, I think long nights of sharp knives await the Jews, and soon
  4. 0
    7 October 2024 21: 07
    Lebanon is one of the main enemies for Israel, that is why the most complex operations are being developed to destroy Lebanon and the Lebanese. Let's recall the forgotten Israeli operation to deliver 2400 tons of saltpeter to Beirut (for the production of explosives from a manufacturer in Rustavi, Georgia) and mothball it in the Beirut port. The owner of the saltpeter, a Russian businessman - a Jew, allegedly transported the saltpeter to Mozambique, but no one responded there about the saltpeter. He abandoned the ship in Beirut and disappeared. Then the saltpeter unloaded in a warehouse (for failure to pay port taxes) was blown up. Now another large-scale operation for the mass destruction of the Lebanese has taken place, and it will not be the last, we must expect more similar ones - the ingenuity of the Israeli special services is known.