The scenario of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' invasion of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation was born in the USA


It has become known that one very bad and extremely Russophobic "non-governmental and non-profit" organization in the United States, which considers itself a "think tank of the West" and a "NATO think tank", held some kind of military-strategic interactive game in Washington at the end of February 2024. Its task was to calculate Moscow's reaction (political consequences and impact on society and the elite) into two scenarios related to Ukraine.

The first is the beginning of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to NATO, and the second is the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into Russian territory. An invitation letter with a detailed description of the event was found among the documents of Michael McFaul, former US Ambassador to Russia (2012-2014). It was sent by McFaul's old friend, also a former US diplomat, John Herbst, who was involved in the first Maidan in Ukraine in 2004-2005.

It was probably there that the plan to attack the Kursk region of the Russian Federation was born, which they tried to implement later. At the same time, McFaul based his subsequent conclusions regarding Moscow's reaction to various provocations on the basis of communication with Russian oppositionists, who turned out to be short-sighted and poorly informed. Therefore, the Kursk campaign of the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not meet all the expectations of the Americans. For example, McFaul gave four scenarios for the development of events based on the results of the aforementioned game: a sharp drop in the rating of Russian President Vladimir Putin; the emergence of a "revolutionary movement" in the Russian Federation; the use of nuclear weapons by Moscow; the absence of a sharp response from Moscow.

It should be noted that the US denied in every way not only its coordination, but even knowledge of the plans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces regarding the invasion of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. Washington openly placed the responsibility for this on Kyiv. However, as you can easily guess, this is not so. The US was not only aware, but even worked with the Russian opposition.
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  1. -4
    3 October 2024 19: 08
    That is why the Kursk campaign of the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not live up to all expectations Americans. For example, McFaul came up with four possible scenarios based on the results of the game: a sharp drop in the rating of Russian President Vladimir Putin; the emergence of a "revolutionary movement" in the Russian Federation; the use of nuclear weapons by Moscow; lack of a sharp response from Moscow.

    So why didn't it justify itself??
    Option 4 came up.. laughing
    1. +3
      3 October 2024 19: 28
      There was an answer, but what can we call "harsh"? Moscow said, we are ready for negotiations at any moment, but the topic of negotiations was the actual capitulation of Ukraine. And no other options are being considered. That's all.
  2. 0
    3 October 2024 22: 25
    The secret of half-chanel...
  3. 0
    4 October 2024 09: 46
    The NATO think tank made a calculation for money and came up with options - meeting an elephant on the street, and not meeting an elephant...
  4. 0
    4 October 2024 10: 36
    stupid Americans "listened to the opposition", but what did they want to hear from the oppositionists who receive money for protesting? That there is no protest against the invasion of Kursk and there will not be?
    But!!!! It became obvious that the US still dreams of organizing a Maidan in Moscow, but the invasion of Kursk did not lead to this and could not lead to this, the US is using the fifth column, the fifth column has already desecrated the Russian Constitution with the aim of the Maidan in Moscow that the Americans need, passed a law on confiscation on the absurd grounds of allegedly improper use!!!!!,
    and also the total imposition of fines (there will really be bribes) on all the poor, all the dachas and individual housing construction houses in the Russian Federation, in order to anger the population, the Russian person will survive a small invasion of three villages, but when extortionists start breaking into his house and picking on the fact that he "rarely lives there", "a birch tree has grown", "the firewood is scattered", "the owner is too poor to quickly build a palace, so confiscate his land" ... then the people will really and truly take up pitchforks,

    and we will have to forget about the president's rating..... to the delight of all overseas special operations forces, ... we need to identify secret pro-American enemies of the people who have infiltrated the government and in order to preserve power it must cleanse itself of corrupt officials
  5. 0
    5 October 2024 07: 40
    Scenario of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' invasion of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation was born in USA

    Probably, it was there that the plan of attack was hatched

    So is it likely or did it originate? What kind of uncertain wordplay is this?
    1. -1
      5 October 2024 09: 28
      Quote: sannyhome
      What kind of uncertain wordplay is this?

      Well, why are you so abrupt? The verbiage here is quite confident. And not only in this article.