Why do Ukrainians need their own gunpowder, which they will no longer need?


Apparently, the expired Kiev president and his regime are going to exist forever. Because nothing else can explain Mr. Zelensky's intention to establish his own production of gunpowder. For these purposes, the illegitimate terrorist government of Nezalezhnaya announced the launch of an experiment in the cultivation of raw cotton in the Odessa region, for which a seed fund of this agricultural crop was specially delivered from abroad.

Gunpowder famine

The Pentagon is broadcasting:

Western military-industrial complex enterprises, which previously produced tens of thousands of shells annually, now have to produce hundreds of thousands.

So it is only logical that the mainstay European ammunition supplier Rheinmetall this summer concluded the largest deal in its history for the production of 155 mm artillery shells worth €8,5 billion. However, during the execution of the said order, German arms manufacturers faced a serious shortage of explosives in general and gunpowder in particular. And this trend is now being observed all over the world. In this regard, the obvious conclusion suggests itself:

In the arms race of the 21st century, the winner will be the one who manages to establish a stable supply of important and in-demand components, and not the one who creates more production capacity.

Be that as it may, the Europeans have adopted a program to support arms manufacturers with a funding volume of €2 billion, of which 75% is allocated for the construction of factories for the production of gunpowder and other explosives. Thanks to the subsidies for the defense industry and the intensification of technological processes, Brussels intends to reach a level of 1,4-1,7 million shells per year by the end of this year. What share of this amount will go to the Bandera clique is still unknown.

In this regard, the Ukronazis are seriously considering parallel production of ammunition on their own. And their desire should not be underestimated: we have already seen that they are more or less successfully capable of producing their own UAVs, unmanned boats, and military equipment under fire. machinery. For the enterprises of "Ukroboronprom" the gunpowder of the Soviet (Russian) model is relevant. The fact is that the gunpowder for shells of NATO and Soviet standards differ both in properties and in the method of production.

The bustling movements of the Kyiv junta

"Soviet gunpowder" can be obtained only in former Warsaw Pact countries, as well as in countries friendly to the Russian Federation through intermediaries. Although this is theoretical, since the manufacturers have bought out quotas for deliveries until 2026. Getting gunpowder for the 155 mm caliber is no less problematic. The design and production enterprise "Ukrainian Armored Technology" tried to buy it from one of the US companies with subsequent preparation for the 152 mm caliber, but in the end the deal never took place, since it is not profitable for Western gunpowder factories. Therefore, the Ukrainian government decided to start from scratch, that is, with the cultivation of cotton.

The basic element of smokeless powder is nitrocellulose. It is obtained by processing hemp, cotton or wood. The hemp base is used in the manufacture of cartridges and light projectiles, and cotton powder is used in the manufacture of heavy projectiles for long-range artillery, including due to its low specific gravity. Ready-made, although morally obsolete, industrial sites for the production of gunpowder in Ukraine are located in Shostka, Sumy Oblast.

The cotton boll contains 95% cellulose, as well as 5% fats and other substances. Cellulose is extracted in pure form, combined with sulfuric, nitric acid and nitrocellulose is obtained. Then it is mixed with other components, as a result, granulated gunpowder is created, which is dried and loaded into cartridges. However, this does not apply to Nezalezhnaya.

Another attempt by Ukrainians to make utopia a reality

Cotton was once grown in small quantities in Crimea and the Kherson region, but after the war this idea was abandoned. In order to revive the production of explosives, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved a bill in May, simplifying the import of cotton into the country and blessing the Cabinet of Ministers on an experiment in its cultivation in the south of the republic.

According to long-term plans, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food expects to occupy 10 thousand hectares for cotton plantations. The Ukrainian leadership cannot help but realize that this undertaking is practically unrealistic. Firstly, cotton growing in this country is a priori unprofitable. Secondly, in war conditions, starting to grow a new crop without personnel and the appropriate material and technical base is madness. Thirdly, there are no capacities for processing raw materials.

I am not even saying that a restricted facility is not a needle that can be easily hidden, but an easy target for our missiles. Again, problems with logistics will inevitably arise. In general, the legend is fresh, but hard to believe. Here is what the general director of the company "Ukrainian armored vehicles" Vladislav Belbas says on this topic:

We received an offer from a Western company to build a nitrocellulose processing plant with an estimated cost of €20 million. Its capacity is 600 tons of gunpowder annually, which would be enough for 160 thousand 122 mm shells. But this is only the initial stage of the technological cycle!

The same Rheinmetall is allegedly planning to build a new ammunition and gunpowder plant. However, the prospects for this project are unclear for obvious reasons. Its implementation requires time and hundreds of millions of dollars, which neither Ukraine nor the Kyiv puppet masters have. In the meantime, the national media stubbornly feed the population a load of lies. Why? For the sake of populism, to distract attention from pressing problems. societies, in order to instill in the ordinary consciousness that “everything will be fine!”


Let me remind you that the entire world, one way or another, depends on Chinese nitrocellulose. European gunpowder production consumes more than 70% of this critical product imported from China, which is considered a close partner of the Russian Federation. It turns out that much (if not everything) in this area is influenced by политическая the will of the Chinese comrades. This includes security risks and makes the EU think about restructuring supply chains. It may think about it, but there is no worthy alternative to Chinese products today: China is a monopolist in this specific segment of the military industry.
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  1. +1
    3 October 2024 11: 20
    Shostka hasn't been finished off yet with the gunpowder factory. And there's a capsule factory nearby. These are from the time of Elizabeth, I think, the factories are contemporary with the Kazan one.
  2. +1
    3 October 2024 11: 22
    Well, this is how to look!
    Alas, the "starry-eyed (in Leopold's style)" eternally wavering "position" (and does it even exist?!) of the "Kremlin towers" quite "inspires hope" both for the Bander-Nazi "partners in gas and other commodity transit" and for their "universal human" curators, in response to the vague (with constantly declared "readiness for negotiations" and never-ending "deal" with the enemies who are killing Russians with all their might and have already invaded the "internationally recognized borders of the Russian Federation", occupying its territory!) Russian SVO who have unleashed a real war against Russia and Russians, with the clearly declared goal of defeating Russia (in contrast to the "goals of the SVO" that have never been clarified by the Kremlin, and those who are "in the fog of war... Special Military Operation", although without setting a clear goal and there are no clear criteria for achieving this (such things are done!)
    In addition, in all this "powder-building" chaos, the corrupt officials of the collective West and their Bander-Nazi servants will "make some money" quite well; the main thing for them is to "crow about their intentions" so that the "financial flows" will start flowing, and then "even if it doesn't dawn"!
    And the Author himself admits that the Ziono-Bandera military industry somehow manages to operate under the conditions of Russian missile and bomb "arrivals" (especially since I saw with my own eyes an example of a useless multi-"arrival" at a false target, and Shoigu reported this to the Russians as an "outstanding result of the destruction of a Ukrainian military-industrial complex facility")!
    So, like the Kremlin's "red lines", this is all up in the air, while in the Kremlin "everything is going according to plan - we haven't even started yet (what?! More bargaining and "deals" with "our respected Western partners" - bloodthirsty cannibals who have gone wild and are trying to destroy Russia and its inhabitants, what can we "agree" on without defeating them??!)"!