Russia can “launch into space” prices for nickel, uranium and platinum with one decision


Prices for nickel, platinum group metals and uranium may rise significantly in the near future, according to the American business newspaper The Wall Street Journal. The publication notes that this will happen if the Russian Federation restricts the export of these goods.

Russia may take these measures as a response to Western sanctions

– the publication cites the conclusion of experts from the analytical company Citi.

At the same time, they stipulate that a possible Russian export ban will only apply to those states that Moscow considers unfriendly.

Analyzing the possible consequences of the Russian Federation's response, The Wall Street Journal notes that the exact price level for the aforementioned metals on the world market is extremely difficult to predict in this case. But it is obvious that it will be quite high.

Russia accounts for about 11% of Class 1 nickel supplies and almost 12% of uranium U3O8 supplies. It also accounts for about 12% of platinum supplies and 42% of palladium supplies.

– reminds The Wall Street Journal.

Let us recall that Vladimir Putin recently announced the possible introduction of restrictions on the export of some metals. At the same time, the Russian leader emphasized that Moscow in this case will not act to its own detriment, having carefully analyzed all the possible consequences of this step.

Let us add that after the start of the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the West introduced more than 11 thousand different sanctions against the Russian Federation.
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  1. -2
    1 October 2024 11: 46
    Russia can “launch into space” prices for nickel, uranium and platinum with one decision

    Is it too much to lower prices on apartments and cars?
    What good does your "space" do to anyone?
  2. +5
    1 October 2024 11: 52
    Russia can, with one decision...

    This phrase evokes an association - an impotent man can...
    The West really can, and even imposed sanctions to its own detriment.
    According to Putin, "Moscow will not act to its own detriment in this case."
    Read, "Russia Can't".
    If she could, she wouldn't be wasting her time on "maybe - maybe not".
    1. +5
      1 October 2024 12: 01
      I propose (without harming myself) to simply raise duties on the export of these metals...
  3. +3
    1 October 2024 12: 16
    The key word is "MAYBE", but the times are such that in the Kremlin money always triumphs over good, and all the talk about fighting Nazism is a scam for suckers and rabbits
    1. -2
      1 October 2024 13: 07
      Nazi Zelensky applauds you.
      1. +3
        1 October 2024 16: 12
        He certainly applauds, but only Putin, because Putin speaks from the podium about the fight against Nazism in the person of the current government in Kyiv, but in fact destroys historical Russian territories on the outskirts, but at the same time does not even try to destroy the entire Nazi elite
        1. 0
          1 October 2024 19: 24
          It's nice to talk to a person like you, you feel smart. smile
          1. +2
            1 October 2024 22: 45
            Quote: kpNemo
            It's nice to talk to a person like you, you feel smart. smile

            I understand that you didn't have any arguments against it, so you decided to at least praise yourself, but narcissism is one of the forms of schizophrenia, think about it at your leisure
            1. -3
              1 October 2024 23: 57
              You're an odd man, what arguments do you have?
              I have no arguments for your adequacy.
              1. +1
                2 October 2024 11: 03
                Quote: kpNemo
                You're an odd man, what arguments do you have?
                I have no arguments for your adequacy.

                If there are no arguments, then pass by, why are you reacting, you are definitely a weirdo starting with the letter M
                1. -1
                  2 October 2024 14: 47
                  You are greedy. smile

                  Quote: rotkiv04
                  If there are no arguments, then pass by...
  4. +3
    1 October 2024 12: 18 is extremely difficult to predict the exact price level of the mentioned metals on the world market in this case. But it is obvious that it will be quite high

    It's about time! Otherwise, the mattress makers are beautifully lowering the rate of their Central Bank, shifting inflation to the rest of the world community, damn, and ours is forced to raise it sad
    But why warn, especially from a high platform at the head of the table, especially for the television picture? Probably the "unfriendly" ones are already preparing in full swing, guaranteeing additional profits to Erdogan and other supposedly friendly ones, through whom they will drag everything to the previous addresses.
  5. +12
    1 October 2024 12: 31
    That's how I see this moment: 43, Stalin is sending coal and oil, wood and aluminum to Germany in trains. But it's not causing harm! The entire US industry could have been suspended back in 2014, for example, by stopping selling titanium and aluminum. No, we are not causing harm.
    1. 0
      1 October 2024 14: 11
      I gave a plus. But only for the second part of the post.
  6. +1
    1 October 2024 20: 07
    Why doesn't it launch?
  7. +2
    1 October 2024 23: 33

    At a lecture, the lecturer says what is the name of a man who wants to but can't - he's called impotent. Then, what is the name of a man who can but doesn't want to. A female voice from the audience - he's a bastard.

    So what are the Russian officials called, for not taking action against the ban in the article by the resources named - impotent or bastards?
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 09: 23
      These are traitors!
  8. +1
    2 October 2024 01: 11
    it's like selling cheap titanium and bringing it back in a cruise missile that kills innocent people ON THE TERRITORY OF HOLY Rus'. Why didn't Stalin sell anything to the Germans?
  9. 0
    3 October 2024 08: 43
    Don't make me laugh, nothing will happen. For 2,5 years our president has not caused the slightest inconvenience to the West, regularly selling them even the strategic uranium, titanium, nickel, which they desperately need, not to mention oil and gas. Here's the latest news - the Poles had to buy fertilizers in Russia. They sold them without the slightest hesitation, although the Poles are now killing our soldiers and civilians in the Kursk region.