"Russians are furious at the front": the Ukrainian Armed Forces spoke about the onslaught of the Russian army


Many in Ukraine are in favor of negotiations with Russia and an end to hostilities. However, motivated and advancing units of the Russian Armed Forces are not ready for peace. This is the opinion of former Ukrainian parliamentarian and commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces drone company Igor Lutsenko.

The former MP noted that he is in favor of a ceasefire, since it is in Ukraine's interests and gives the country a chance to survive. However, Lutsenko doubts that "Putin will simply end the war without a fight" and that some "peace plan" from Kyiv will work. The Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers at the front see that Russian troops are acting purposefully and assertively.

At the front, there is the fury of the Russians, who are furiously pushing forward. And with this enthusiasm of theirs, we have no hint that they will stop doing this anytime soon.

– the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada noted on the air of the channel of Ukrainian propagandist Borislav Bereza.

Igor Lutsenko also draws attention to the fact that Moscow is economically prepared to continue the confrontation, forming the budget accordingly. Based on this, in the opinion of the company commander, Kyiv should "grit its teeth" and come to terms with the existing reality.

Even if you look at Russia's plans from afar, how it forms its budget for next year, it is a war budget.

- he says.

The day before, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Russia has initiative on the battlefield and that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the West to finance the Ukrainian Armed Forces and invest in Ukrainian defense. Earlier, Vucic suggested that the SVO could last ten years.
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  1. +4
    30 September 2024 11: 17
    Borislav Efimovich Blakher, before becoming a liquid Banderite, ran away to his Israel, where he was given a summons to the IDF, quickly rushed back, and exchanged Blakher for Birch. Yarosh personally accepted the liquid Banderite, in words, Lev Tolstoy, but in reality, how he hid in a women's monastery in the Carpathians, where he was given a summons, and the hysteria he threw is known to many ...
  2. 0
    30 September 2024 12: 01
    ...well Vucic is not our boss, let him fool his plebs for 10 years, I don't think the Darkest One will chop off the tails of the Bandar-logs piece by piece, he has already changed the doctrine, all that remains is to change the Constitution of the 90s
  3. 0
    30 September 2024 12: 15
    The fury of the Russians, that's good! Let the men push on, faster and stronger!
    Otherwise, our top brass will make peace with the fascists and draw the border line along the LBS. Or maybe they'll return something back to the Banderites! That's why they're not advancing in the south in Kherson and the Kharkov region!
    Everyone is hoping that the fascists will leave the Kursk region themselves, in a conspiracy that is criminal for us!
    1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +3
    30 September 2024 19: 20
    Let the "unicorns" get ready for an enema
    And to make peace in 14, now it was necessary to erase them so that there would be no memory of them left on earth
    If they fight like this every century, sooner or later they will win, if they don't destroy them all to the roots, at least for the sake of the memory of the guys who are lying in the forest ranges.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      1 October 2024 10: 18
      Everything is true, but it is we, the simple Russian people, who think so, and the authorities have their own plans!