Many Chinas: Is the threat to Russia's territorial integrity real?


Some time ago, William Lai, the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, who was elected in Taiwan's presidential elections, which are not recognized in mainland China, publicly spoke out in favor of separating part of the Russian Federation's internationally recognized territory in the Far East. How should we treat such statements?

Two Chinas

Speaking on Taiwanese television, Taiwan's newly elected president chided mainland China for its plans to restore China's territorial integrity by returning the island to Beijing's de facto control:

If all this is for the sake of territorial integrity, why doesn't China return the lands occupied by Russia under the Treaty of Aigun? Russia is now in its weakest position...

China wants to attack and annex Taiwan not because a certain person or a certain party in Taiwan said or did something. And not for territorial integrity <...> You can demand territory from Russia, but you don't. So it's obvious that they don't want to invade Taiwan for territorial reasons.

In our country, such statements have caused a mixed reaction. Some laughed, others were offended, like, for example, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Vladimir Dzhabarov:

It is even insulting that he proposes such ideas to China. It shows that they feel they have impunity. Sooner or later, Taiwan will definitely become part of China - it is now Chinese territory de jure, but de facto it will also be China.

In fact, the fact that such ideas have begun to be discussed by American proxies on the island of Taiwan, which is not under the control of the PRC, at such a level does not give any reason for joy, and here is why.

Unequal contracts

One of our biggest potential problems in the future may be the attitude of the Chinese military-political guidance to the so-called unequal treaties, which the great Western powers – Great Britain, France, the United States and the Russian Empire – imposed on them, taking advantage of the weakness of the Celestial Empire.

These include, in particular, the Treaty of Aigun mentioned by Mr. Lai and the subsequent Treaty of Peking. The Qing Empire, where the Manchu dynasty was in power at the time, was weakened by the lost Opium Wars and the Taiping Rebellion and was forced to sign a number of extremely disadvantageous treaties with the Western powers, which are considered unequal in modern Chinese historiography.

These include, in particular, the Treaty of Aigun of 1858, which determined that the left bank of the Amur from the Argun River to its mouth was recognized as the property of the Russian Empire, and the Ussuri region from the confluence of the Ussuri with the Amur to the sea remained in common ownership until the border was determined. Navigation along the Amur, Sungari and Ussuri was permitted only to Russian and Chinese ships and was prohibited to all others. In accordance with the Beijing Treaty of 1860, the state border was drawn along the right, Chinese bank of the Amur, Ussuri, and also the Kazakevich Channel.

The attitude to these and other unequal treaties in Beijing and Taipei is different. Historical science in mainland China considers them unequal, but the PRC does not make any legal or factual claims to the former territories of the Qing Empire. Moreover, in 2005, the Russian Federation and China concluded a new treaty on the demarcation of state borders, seemingly settling the issue once and for all.

However, there is also the island Republic of China, where pro-Western puppets are in power. And it is Taiwan that does not recognize Russia's "new" territories in the Far East. It is in Taiwanese history and geography textbooks that a significant part of our country, including Tuva and the Amur Region, is painted in the colors of the Republic of China, which should not be confused with the mainland People's Republic of China.

And how should we treat all this in the context of the SVO in Ukraine?

Many Chinas

Let's say that Taiwan does not pose a direct threat to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. It is also extremely unlikely at this historical stage that the PRC leadership will decide to make any official claims to Moscow on the Far East, revising the unequal treaty of the 19th century.

But what might happen if China itself changes from within, and with it, its foreign policy agenda?

Last June, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International economic At the forum, former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl shared some very interesting information about the collective West's plans to weaken China using the tried and tested method of dividing it from within into several warring parts:

This is not only about Russia. I taught about Balkanization at the Diplomatic Academy many, many years ago, more than 20 years. And I remember that I came across papers from American think tanks that also said that by 2020 there is a risk of Balkanization of China. They also had arguments that China should disintegrate into a Chinese Muslim part, into some other part, I don’t remember now all the geography that they had in mind.

As for Islam in China, it is professed by less than 2% of the population, however, given its large population, this figure could reach 17-25 million people. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of them live compactly in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwestern China. It borders simultaneously with the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mongolia. In addition, a significant number of Sunni Muslims live in the regions of Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai.

The question is, what will happen if the plans of the "Western partners" to dismember the PRC are realized? What policy will the Muslim part of China, bordering the former Soviet Central Asian republics, pursue, for example? Will other parts of China make territorial claims to the Far East? And how will Russia then have to fight on two new fronts?
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  1. -1
    29 September 2024 14: 40
    Is the threat to Russia's territorial integrity real?

    If the Guarantor continues to delay moving the capital of Russia to Southern Siberia, then yes, such a threat is absolutely real. Of course, a lot of time has been lost, but even now it is not too late to begin this more than urgent task immediately after the end of the SVO
  2. +5
    29 September 2024 15: 09
    As life shows, internationally recognized territories do not exist, otherwise the Soviet Union would be alive. Unfortunately, first of all, the weak Military-Political Leadership of the "VPR" destroyed the USSR. The key to the success of any state is a strong VPR capable of creating a strong economy and, on its basis, a strong army. We must look to the future, but as Klitschko said, "few can do this" - in this last part of his opus he is right.
    1. +1
      30 September 2024 09: 29
      internationally recognized territories do not exist, otherwise the Soviet Union would still be alive

      Take it wider. The Roman Empire would have been alive, and the Mongol Empire, and the British Empire, all at the same time.
      1. +1
        1 October 2024 14: 15
        Sorry, I missed the scientific sensation, the Roman Empire and international law - sounds good.
  3. +7
    29 September 2024 15: 27
    If all this is for the sake of territorial integrity, why doesn't China return the lands occupied by Russia under the Treaty of Aigun? Russia is now in its weakest position...

    What's scary is not what he proposes, but what he says: Russia is weak. And here you have problems in the east, not only with Japan, but also with China. Here one of the commentators wanted to reach Lvov. Here we must not lose the country.
    1. 0
      29 September 2024 17: 00
      Well, you can say whatever you want. If you consider it a weakness that the Russian Federation is fighting, in fact, with more than 50 countries alone - I have another question - would China withstand something like that? And China itself has already defined the general line of behavior - the return of Taiwan. And then we will see who is strong and who is weak)))
      1. 0
        29 September 2024 21: 07
        Well, you can say whatever you want. If you consider it a weakness that the Russian Federation is fighting, in fact, with more than 50 countries alone - I have another question - would China withstand something like that?

        Russia is fighting with one country, not 50, this country is called Ukraine. With a population 4 times smaller than Russia, which is supplied with weapons by maybe 50 countries. And it supplies them very stingily. 12 F-16 is ridiculous. They exchange hundreds for F-35. But
        The weapon itself does not fight, it is the people who hold it. Advisors advise, but the Ukrainians fight. If we fought NATO, we would be wiped out in one wicket. So don't hang propaganda noodles on my ears. And we are weak not only because of the army, but also because the country is isolated, and there are not 50, but 150 such countries supporting sanctions. And China has learned our lesson. Cde Xi will leave the Taiwan problem to his descendants.
        1. +2
          29 September 2024 21: 26
          Well, let's start with the fact that, to be so pedantic, the Russian Federation is not at war with Ukraine. It is conducting a separate air defense system there. And besides, I repeat the question - whose communications, control and reconnaissance systems? Without them, all weapons, from drones to Storm-Shadlows, are just scrap metal. F-16, yes, a little. And have you forgotten how all Soviet aircraft were assembled all over the world? And how many artillery systems were delivered, should I remind you? And those same Javelins? And even ordinary bulletproof vests? And how many tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were sent to Ukraine? Look at the amounts in billions of dollars, they are quite comparable with the Russian military budget. As for the population - how many waves of mobilization took place in Ukraine and how many in the Russian Federation?
          One-sided? Come on))) They can only fight from Afghanistan and Iraq, from which they then flee. And when they really start to fly, and now it is quite possible, after the adopted doctrine and TNW - then we will see. Adolf Aloizych and Napoleon also wanted us with one hand. It did not work out, however. And as for economic strength - when Taiwan withstands such sanctions, from which the Russian Federation even had an increase in GDP - then we will talk. For now, those who introduced these sanctions are blowing bubbles. If this is not an indicator of strength, then what is an indicator at all?)))
          1. 0
            30 September 2024 13: 40
            Adolf Aloizych and Napoleon also wanted us with one hand.

            Then remember everything: the Poles in Moscow and the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Crimean and Russo-Japanese wars. And Aloizych gave us a good beating in 41, which saved him from being dizzy with success. And the fact that we had the USA and England as allies. And now the Ministry of Economy has sent out a tome to business entities on what goods to apply for in China, they will consider it in China, and maybe they will sell it, and there is a lot of things there. First of all, production equipment. The President of Iran declared at the assembly that Iran will no longer sell weapons to Russia. The DPRK is left and that's it, we are isolated.

            One-sided? Come on))) They can only fight from Afghanistan and Iraq, from which they then flee.

            It's clear, another Kyiv in three days. Patriots of Russia are unteachable. The main weapon is a rake.

            And when they actually fly, and now it is quite possible, after the adopted doctrine and tactical nuclear weapons, then we will see.

            First, look at the huge crater at the Plesetsk test site. SECOND!!! The Sarmat missile test failed. The missile exploded in the silo. It is believed that 8 successful launches out of 10 are needed to put it into service. The first successful one was 2 years ago. And that's it. We had a hard time with Bulava, it didn't want to fly for 10 years and 30 launches until it was accepted into service. And here, imagine one successful launch, TWO years later!!! the second unsuccessful one, and they tell us that Sarmat is being put into service!

            As for economic strength, when Taiwan can withstand sanctions that even caused Russia’s GDP to grow, then we’ll talk.

            Do you think there are no Konashenkovs in Rosstat?
            1. -2
              30 September 2024 18: 43
              Regarding the allies in the person of the USA and England, you smile))) Good allies, who delayed opening the second front until June 44 and made the decision to land in Normandy when the Red Army had already crossed the borders of the USSR and was fighting in Europe))) Because they realized that if they delayed any longer, all of Europe would turn red. Therefore, it was important not to be late for the victory pie))) I want to ask about something else - where were these allies when they were really needed at the end of 41 or in August 42? Remember convoy PQ-17? It was on its way, just before the Battle of Stalingrad. It was carrying much-needed fuel and tanks. But the English admirals left the convoy without cover and sent it to German submarines and German planes. Almost none of the ships ever reached Murmansk. Lend-lease? So the USSR paid for it in gold until the end of the 70s. Moreover, the main share of lend-lease fell on the second half of the war, when everything, in essence, was clear and lend-lease was not so much needed anymore. Data on lend-lease varies - from 4 to 7%, in monetary terms, of what the USSR used for victory. This is on one side of the scale. On the other - the participation of General Ford, Standard Oil, Hugo Boss (they sewed uniforms for the SS troops) in the formation of the Reich. The motorized infantry of the Wehrmacht used 70% of the trucks produced at Ford factories. Adolf himself noted the need to supply additives to aviation gasoline for the needs of Goering's department. So who did the allies invest more in, considering that during the war their GDP doubled - a big question)))
              1. +1
                30 September 2024 22: 43
                Great Britain fought since 39, and when we captured 90 thousand at Stalingrad, they captured 150 thousand Germans and Italians in North Africa. 43, landing in Italy. It is lazy and useless to analyze your Soviet cliches.
                1. -3
                  30 September 2024 23: 21
                  Well, it's not cliches that need to be known - history. Rommel, if anything, suffered a defeat in North Africa when most of his tanks were sent to the Eastern Front. And this is your assessment of what the Wehrmacht command was doing to the African Front.
                  As for who fought and how - here it is not cliches, but the numbers that speak for themselves. The USSR lost about 9 million soldiers and 20 million civilians in the war. American losses - about 400. That's all the math for you.
                  1. 0
                    30 September 2024 23: 29
                    Rommel was defeated because the Americans landed in his rear and he had to simply flee to Tunisia to evacuate to Italy.

                    Read his memoirs.

                    Memoirs as a historical source? Naturally it justifies itself. And what were the tanks from North Africa carrying to Stalingrad?
                    1. 0
                      30 September 2024 23: 37
                      I know that they were on the Eastern Front. I read about this fact several times in literature about the war. They just looked very strange in the Russian snows, colored like the sands of El Alamein.
                      1. 0
                        30 September 2024 23: 49
                        It is possible that tanks painted for Africa were sent to the Eastern Front, I believe, but that they were brought from Africa is nonsense.
                      2. 0
                        1 October 2024 00: 44
                        Looks like you're right about that.
                    2. -1
                      30 September 2024 23: 43
                      By the way... memoirs are quite acceptable as a historical source. Let's say the person who wrote them distorted the truth in some way. But there are moments when his words can be trusted. He is a witness of those events that are considered historical. But can the testimony of a witness be discounted?
                      1. 0
                        1 October 2024 00: 31
                        He is not a witness, he is a participant, he led this army. That is the difference.
                      2. 0
                        1 October 2024 00: 54
                        Well, that doesn't mean he's lying about everything. That's the job of a historian - to generalize such memories. And to draw conclusions about the probability of this or that event based on comparison with other sources.
            2. +1
              30 September 2024 18: 50
              First, look at the huge crater at the Plesetsk test site. SECOND!!! Sarmat missile test failed

              Look at how America is straining to invent hypersonic. ))) One failure follows another. And Sarmat is a new weapon, they will bring it to mind. And not only Sarmat. There are Yars, Sineva, Bulava, and not all, time-tested, Topol removed. It is surprising that you noticed the funnel, but did not notice another, more blatant case)))) That's what I'm talking about-

              The British Navy has carried out an unsuccessful test launch of a Trident II D5 ballistic missile from the nuclear submarine HMS Vanguard. The head of the British Ministry of Defence, Grant Shapps, was on board the submarine when the missile fell into the water.

              It would seem... a well-tested product and suddenly such a blunder. Are you not going to put exclamation marks?))))
              1. 0
                30 September 2024 22: 32
                If you don't understand the difference between a test launch failure, which could mean design flaws in the rocket, and one of hundreds of launches of a rocket put into production, i.e. defective, what can we talk about.
                1. +1
                  30 September 2024 23: 18
                  It's interesting, you immediately called the Trident defective, and the Sarmat unfinished. In fact, when the Trident was accepted into service, 15 launches were conducted at the first stage. 11 were successful. (This is from the pad). At the second stage, 28 launches, 4 unsuccessful. (From the submarine). So, for such products, a certain number of launches are a priori unsuccessful. The expectation is that what will be launched will achieve its goals. That is, one unsuccessful launch means absolutely nothing. If out of 15 launches, another 12 are successful, then the Sarmat will be in no way inferior to the Trident in terms of reliability, and will significantly surpass it in terms of characteristics.
                  1. 0
                    30 September 2024 23: 59
                    I wrote to you in a human way that there were two launches with a two-year break. One successful, one not. If they continue to test it like this, then multiply 15 launches by two years. In addition, the launch silo is completely destroyed, how long it will take to restore it - a year, two, three - God knows.
                    1. 0
                      1 October 2024 00: 52
                      Well, the mine is a disaster, it's not alone at the testing ground. Our people are not commenting on this topic. And the testing is not entirely clear. And was it a Sarmat that exploded there? In any case, we'll see everything in the next six months. It seems like they were going to put it on combat duty. If that doesn't happen, it most likely exploded in the mine.
                      1. +2
                        1 October 2024 01: 04
                        Yes, God bless the mine, it’s not alone at the site.

                        There is only one shaft at this testing site around the KIK building. It is unlikely that there are any other such shafts anywhere else, and the Sarmat was tested at this site.

                        And was it really a Sarmatian who exploded there?

                        What else? It's time to remove Satan from service, that's what Sarmat is made for.
                      2. 0
                        2 October 2024 21: 07
                        Well, let's start with the fact that there was no official confirmation from the Russian authorities on this topic. When Peskov was asked this question, he answered that the Kremlin has no information that Sarmat exploded. This wave is mainly being whipped up by Western publications, based on a photo from one of the reconnaissance satellites. According to his estimates, the crater is about 60 m in size. The same size is left by Kinzhal when it explodes with 450 kg of explosives on board. When some experts suggested that Topols removed from combat duty be launched over the bridges across the Dnieper. replace the nuclear warhead with a regular one, then it would weigh about 8 tons), that is, 20 times more powerful than the dagger charge. I mean that I have read from more than one expert that the crater is too small for the Sarmat. However, even this is not important. It is unknown, if there was an explosion, its cause. Maybe it happened during fuel loading (then what questions are there about the constructivism of the Sarmat)? In general, it is unlikely, given the veil of secrecy, we will find out what happened there. But we know that the newest American Minuteman 3 missile, which was going to replace the Tridents, exploded during testing at 11 seconds, while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 23. And remember the Syrian campaign, when after Trump's Tomahawk strike on Syria, 30% of the Tomahawks simply did not reach their target. Also a defect?))))
                      3. 0
                        4 October 2024 01: 43
                        I mean, I've read from more than one expert that the funnel is too small for Sarmat.

                        It's funny to read. The fuel exploded there, but it doesn't detonate. However, I'm not an explosives expert. We warn each other about test launches and launches in general. That's why these launches are monitored and the US knows a lot about them. And if instead of launching a Sarmat there was an explosion and a crater, they would happily report it.
                      4. 0
                        4 October 2024 11: 14
                        It doesn't detonate? So what exploded then? Only the fuel could have exploded. I hope you don't think that the missile had a nuclear warhead before the test launch? They reported it only based on the fact that they saw a crater from a satellite. Moreover, an official person - the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation said that the Kremlin knows nothing about the explosion of the Sarmat. And the Western press, as usual, whips up a wave - like, maybe it was a Sarmat, maybe not, but considering highly likely, probably a Sarmat. This is simply not serious. Moreover, in the 80s the USSR launched the Voevoda, the starting engine failed and the missile fell back into the silo. So the destruction was an order of magnitude greater then.
                      5. 0
                        4 October 2024 11: 33
                        Anything can explode. A gas-air mixture. I had this happen. I turned on a match instead of a burner in the oven while sleeping and it exploded. The glass flew out and nothing happened to me. Although I was standing at the epicentre of the stove. The components of an explosive are initially mixed. And for a rocket fuel to explode, the components need to be mixed. That is, there is a leak, contact and the part of the mixture that comes into contact explodes. That is, unlike explosives, which always explode the same way, here everything depends on what actually happened before the explosion, where the leak is, which leak.
                      6. 0
                        4 October 2024 13: 12
                        As for fuel detonation, I'm going to send you to high school now. Do you drive cars? Have you heard how gasoline detonates in an internal combustion engine? Fuel can also detonate from an open flame. Explosives are manufactured in such a way that the explosion is predictable. Fuel does not have this. But this does not mean that it does not detonate. And most importantly, how does everything you wrote prove that it was the Sarmatian that exploded?
                      7. 0
                        4 October 2024 16: 47
                        You are not only rude, but also poorly educated. In an internal combustion engine, it is not gasoline that detonates, but a prepared gasoline-air mixture. And only at a certain (high) pressure. Fuel, any, cannot explode from an open fire. A mixture of fuel with an oxidizer can explode. Moreover, the explosion limits are sometimes quite narrow. For methane 5%-15%, i.e. if there is 20% methane in the air, there will be no explosion.
                      8. 0
                        4 October 2024 22: 39
                        You are uneducated. It is clear that the fuel-air mixture detonates, but fuel comes first, because air cannot detonate))) So if you made a blunder, have the courage to accept defeat, and do not divert the argument from the essence. And it is such that you said that fuel does not detonate. And when you were poked in the nose, you began to dodge like an eel on a frying pan))) First, read what detonation is, Mr. Professor. If you blurted out such nonsense about fuel detonation, then, obviously, you do not understand the essence of the detonation process.
                      9. 0
                        4 October 2024 23: 13
                        Again a deuce (((((The prepared gasoline-air mixture in a normally operating engine burns, and does not detonate even under a certain (high) pressure. For detonation to begin, either the ignition timing does not meet the requirements, or there are deposits in the cylinders (and the mixture overheats, which is the cause of detonation), or gasoline with the wrong octane number is poured in (as we see, it is the quality of the gasoline that plays a role here, and not the mixture), or even the cooling system may be acting up, which leads to engine overheating. That is, detonation occurs only during abnormal engine operation. Unlike you, I drive a carburetor Niva and it is not for you to teach me how an internal combustion engine works))))
                        Methane... Turn on your brain, at least sometimes. Or are you already planning to fuel the Sarmat with methane?(((((
            3. 0
              30 September 2024 18: 54
              It's clear, another Kyiv in three days. Patriots of Russia are unteachable. The main weapon is a rake.
              By the way, I will note that they talked about three days on the other side of the ocean. I have not heard about three days from any official of the Russian Federation. If these words were repeated, then political scientists, like Solovyov, well, he is not a military person and not an official.
              As for Rosstat, yes, I believe its data. Or are you suggesting that I don't believe it, but believe you?)))))
              1. +2
                30 September 2024 23: 08
                Putin may not have spoken about Kyiv three days in advance, but he definitely planned it. 24.02.22 landing in Gostomel, then transport planes were supposed to land at the captured airfield, and if everything worked out, Kyiv in three days.
                1. 0
                  30 September 2024 23: 25
                  Well...if we talk about who was thinking about what, it's like reading coffee grounds. There is no evidence here and there can't be.
                  1. +2
                    30 September 2024 23: 37
                    I didn’t say what he was thinking, I said that he was making the Gostomel airfield, it’s 10 km from Kyiv, and if everything came together, Kyiv would be there in three days.
            4. 0
              30 September 2024 20: 48
              Then remember everything: the Poles in Moscow and the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Crimean and Russo-Japanese wars. And Aloizych gave us a good beating in '41, it was saved that he got dizzy from success.

              I remember. The Poles were thrown out of Moscow. And then there were 4 partitions of Poland. And it became an integral part of the Empire, and not vice versa. The Mongols and Tatars? And that they were part of Western civilization?))) They were also finished off in 1480 by the standoff on the Ugra River. And after that, Ivan the Third literally threw out their ambassador, trampling on the Khan's charter. Aloisych got it in the neck?))) His generals warned him that he shouldn't go east. Because Russia is great and a blitzkrieg won't work with it. He didn't listen and the result is sad. The Crimean War? Well, a whole coalition fought against the Russian Federation, Great Britain laid down the cream of its youth, and in the end, 10 years later, Russia was feeling great. Japan?))) Don't make me laugh. It's still begging for its islands. A month was enough for the Kwantung army to get a punch in the teeth.
              1. +2
                30 September 2024 20: 59
                I remember.....

                I remember. There was the Soviet Union and now there is none.
                1. 0
                  30 September 2024 21: 15
                  So maybe it's for the best?))) Almost all the union republics were subsidized. Namba van - Georgia. Up to 75% of its budget was formed by the USSR. Namba tu - the Baltics. Periodically, Belarus and Kazakhstan became self-sufficient. Azerbaijan was always self-sufficient (because of oil). And those who shouted that they were feeding the entire Union were always in the minus. They invested more in them than they gave, and remember in what a flourishing state they were released to float freely. By the way, to some extent this is an unprecedented case in world history. Remember the ruined India, when Britain left there, the same China. And the USSR let its republics go in a flourishing state. This is the difference between civilizations. And in the end, the Russian Federation withstood such sanctions and even received an increase in GDP of about 5%, from which even the hegemon would have difficulty breathing. And those who introduced them are blowing bubbles)))
                  And besides, who said that this is the end of history? You yourself recently remembered the Poles and how did it end? So, Russia is not the first to go through twists of fate. And from them it always came out renewed. But some with Aegis have a history shorter than the history of the Bolshoi Theater. And how they will survive the sharp turns of history is a big question)))
                  1. +2
                    30 September 2024 22: 02
                    So maybe it's for the best?)))

                    Maybe it’s for the best, but then why are we feeding Belarus, Abkhazia and really wanting (tens of thousands have been sacrificed) to feed Ukraine?
                    1. 0
                      30 September 2024 22: 44
                      Well, Belarus, from time to time, even during the USSR, was self-sufficient. I mentioned it. Why shouldn't we trade with it on a mutually beneficial basis? As an ally, it's cheaper to supply the same gas and oil (not for free, but at the same Chinese price, despite the fact that the buyer is not a wholesaler and requires small volumes, compared to China). And at the same time, this is a great bonus for loyalty to the Russian Federation. Abkhazia is a great pain in Georgia's ass, and considering what the Georgian leaders did and their pro-American position, it's a great way to hurt them. Ukraine? I personally know some comrades from Donetsk. They have so much Russian spirit that the same Muscovites should learn a lot from them. We are fighting for these people. And whoever wants to in Ukraine will join the Russian Federation after the next referendum. And whoever doesn't want to...will stay in Ukraine, which will get a president loyal to the Russian Federation and a couple of military bases on its territory, so that it doesn't fool around anymore)))) Everything is according to the American model))))) And these lands are, in general, Russian. I like it when Zelensky shouts about the decommunization of Ukraine. He destroys monuments, renames streets))) And the main communist heritage - the lands donated by the communists - he does not decommunize.)))) Lenin
                      Gave the east to Ukraine in the 20s, Stalin - Western Ukraine, after the partition of Poland, Khrushchev - Crimea after the November plenum of 1954, although there was no quorum at that plenum of the Central Committee and. de jure, the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine was untenable. No less legal illegality. It was in the 90s, when Ukraine was allowed to float freely. The Belovezh Accords were signed by Yeltsin, although Gorbachev was the President of the USSR at that time, and therefore EBN simply did not have the right to do this, according to the legislation of the USSR. There are many questions about the west of Ukraine. But personally, I am categorically against transferring it to the same Poland. Firstly, for what reason and for what services to the Russian Federation? Yes, they say there will be many disloyal people there. But the "dove of peace" of the USA showed how to fight this. The most dissatisfied and active - to felling trees, the less active - a black mark and no government positions. And it is necessary to dilute this contingent with our people from the east - so that they can keep an eye on us))) And a military base, as usual)) Even the father of Daniil Galitsky in the 12th century was called in the chronicles "Russian prince", but not in the sense of nationality, but in the sense of "descendant of Rurik".
            5. 0
              30 September 2024 20: 52
              The Iranian President declared at the assembly that Iran will no longer sell weapons to Russia. The DPRK is left and that's it, we are isolated.

              ))))) It's funny))) Especially when I'm watching Mishustin's visit to Iran and what they're negotiating there. What isolation? What are you talking about? Wake up!!!)))) Look how many people want to join BRICS, and this is a powerful blow to the dollar and the entire Bretton Woods system, or more precisely, to what it has transformed into. The West is isolated. There is no talk of any isolation for Russia. Look at the line that formed to shake Lavrov's hand during his trip to the UN)))
              1. +1
                30 September 2024 21: 16
                It's funny))) Especially when I'm watching Mishustin's visit to Iran and what they're negotiating there. What isolation? What are you talking about? Wake up!!!))))

                In the spring, a huge delegation headed by Putin, the entire government, went to China, Mishustin remained in charge. They hugged, smiled and signed an agreement on the supply of Jerusalem artichoke and beef cartilage to China. The sad experience was taken into account and Putin was left and Mishustin was sent to Iran, we will wait for the results.
                1. -1
                  30 September 2024 21: 22
                  Yeah))) In that case, you explain to us how the Russian Federation, after the Western direction and the explosion of the joint venture for its hydrocarbons ordered a long life, only increased its GDP)))) Without reorientation of supplies and without China, it couldn't have happened))) Or do you want to say that so much Jerusalem artichoke was sold?)))) Tell your grandmother fairy tales about cartilage at night))) she might believe it. And what the Supreme and Xi actually agreed on, excuse me, you are not obliged to report. You are swimming in shallow waters))))
                  1. +1
                    30 September 2024 21: 36
                    We wanted to agree on Power of Siberia 2. To agree on volumes and prices. We didn't agree. Power of Siberia 1 25 billion, Nord Streams 1 and 2 50 billion each.
                    1. -1
                      30 September 2024 21: 49
                      Still need to come to an agreement.))) What time are we living?))) Europe should not worry about this))) But the fact that they received gas from the Russian Federation under long-term contracts for $350 per thousand cubic meters. And they lived happily ever after. They laughed at the Russian Federation, calling it an oil addict. But a drug addict is not the one who supplies the dope, but the one who consumes it))) So now they pay $450 per thousand cubic meters. According to EU officials, after 22, gas spending has increased by almost a trillion euros.))) China buys for $180 per thousand cubic meters))) Three times cheaper)))) Can you guess what this means? Only one thing - due to the cost price, the dominance of Chinese goods around the world will continue. But to whom Europe will sell its junk ... I don't even know)))
                      1. +2
                        30 September 2024 22: 10
                        Europe should not worry about this))) But about the fact that they received gas from the Russian Federation under long-term contracts for $350 per thousand cubic meters. ....... China buys for $180 per thousand cubic meters)))

                        So we sell to China at half the price of Europe? Good business.
                      2. -2
                        30 September 2024 22: 15
                        Of course, it is good. We get the same amounts due to large volumes. And at the same time we economically support our partner, and do not push cheap gas to those who call for inflicting a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation.
                      3. +2
                        30 September 2024 22: 22
                        We get the same amounts due to large volumes

                        Only Power of Siberia goes to China - 1 billion cubic meters. We sold 25 to Europe. And now we sell through Ukraine, Turkish Stream, Blue Stream, about 200 billion. And where are the large volumes?
                      4. 0
                        30 September 2024 23: 06
                        Well, there is also LNG. It is sent to the same China. By the way, I just looked at the data for China, in 23 they sold gas at an average price of not $180, but $277 per thousand cubic meters. The price there fluctuates, and it is calculated using a formula where the price of gas is tied to oil. Apparently, oil went up and gas became more expensive. As far as I know, they increased the volume of gas via the Turkish Stream. India seems to have refused LNG, fearing secondary sanctions... but who knows how things really are? Maybe they buy it through third parties. Plus, the same Europe buys LNG (but, of course, not at $350 per thousand cubic meters). Novak said that 40% of Russian gas was removed from the European market. And 90% of oil.
                      5. +2
                        30 September 2024 23: 16
                        Even here on the site there was a message that due to sanctions against Arctic LNG2 the gas carrier was stuck.

                        In addition, next year the Power of Siberia pipeline is planned to reach its design capacity of 38 billion cubic meters.

                        Yes, we have a ton of plans. Our management only knows how to make promises.
                      6. -1
                        30 September 2024 23: 27
                        I disagree. It can work. Do you know how many sanctions have been imposed against us? And the economy is afloat, and even in the black. What is this if not an indicator of the quality of work?
                      7. 0
                        1 October 2024 00: 41
                        Well, sanctions were imposed against us, 300 billion were taken away, colossal expenses for the war, tens of thousands died, hundreds of thousands became refugees, I have a question, why all this, where is the result worthy of the costs? If as a result, brotherly Ukraine threw itself into our arms and reunited with Russia. Then okay, well, where is it?
                      8. 0
                        2 October 2024 20: 34
                        Where is the result? It is on the surface. Let's start with 350 billion))) In front of the SVO in the Russian economy in a number of strategically important sectors in the logistics chains there were foreign firms. It is clear that they had to be removed from these chains? How? By open nationalization? Then the West would have raised a squeal throughout the world, would have said that the Russian Federation violates all conceivable rules and regulations, even those that it signed itself. But having swallowed the bait of 350 billion, it caused much more damage to itself than to the Russian Federation. Firstly, by causing reputational damage to itself. It showed the whole world that fairy tales about the sanctity of private property, an honest, competitive market are nothing more than fairy tales for the gullible. And it gave Russia a reason to accuse itself of outright theft. Secondly, it helped the Russian Federation to carry out this very nationalization in strategic areas of industry with little bloodshed, now the Russian Federation could say - we will not allow our economy to be destroyed, we are putting our state managers in place of foreign owners who no longer want to work with the Russian Federation, and from now on we will manage ourselves. Secondly, according to Volodin and Siluanov, foreign investments in the amount of 500 billion were frozen (that is, the Russian Federation even ended up in the black). Thirdly, by Mishustin's decree of 22, they partially withdrew from the Western patent system, freezing the payment of royalties to Western patent holders. The next step is to abandon the Western patent system and not recognize Western patents. Fourthly, they withdrew from the Bretton Woods agreements signed by the EBN in 90 and began to issue money based on the needs of the economy, and not on the number of dollars they traded. According to, for example, economist M. Khazin, this was one of the reasons why the Russian Federation's GDP is now growing, because from regular underfunding the economy received a breath of fresh air, when much more ruble investments poured in. Fifthly, a blow was dealt to the dollar as a reserve currency, the West undermined confidence in it (since the number of those wishing to join BRICS has increased significantly, and one of the conditions for joining is the refusal to settle accounts in dollars between countries). That is, the Russian Federation took a big step towards gaining genuine national sovereignty, breaking with the West, reorienting its markets to the East and cutting it off, in particular, from cheap gas, which, as it turns out, was one of the foundations of Europe's prosperity.
                        Plus the annexation of Crimea and, in the foreseeable future, at least the eastern regions of the independent one. Refugees and victims. Yes, they exist, but there are not that many of them. In addition, there were victims before 2022, if you haven't noticed, in the DPR and LPR. Which have been regularly subjected to shelling since 14.
                        And the most important bonus - the Russian people saw the true face of the West, fairy tales about the absence of corruption in the West, human rights, humanism, about the West helping us, about high Western values ​​- collapsed like a house of cards. We saw the West as it really is - the worst enemy of the Russian Federation.
                      9. -1
                        4 October 2024 03: 18
                        24.02.22 our leadership started the SVO. Agree, it must now prove to you how it acted correctly, it is logical, agree, and all propaganda is aimed at this, and we do not have unbiased media, it is all propaganda.
                        Firstly, the goal of the SVO was to create a friendly state from Ukraine, which would recognize Crimea as Russian and restore cooperation chains with Russian factories. For this, they marched on Kyiv to support a pro-Russian coup there. The goal was good, but initially unattainable, as life has shown. The result of the SVO is the opposite of what was intended.
                        The West became the worst enemy of the Russian Federation not even after Crimea, but after 24.02.22/XNUMX/XNUMX.
                        Before that, Taiwan made chips for us. The Ulyanovsk plant, German-Japanese CNC machines. Volkswagen built a 300000 car engine plant in Kaluga. They were going to export. Mercedes, as luck would have it, built a plant in 21. And in general, the auto industry was flourishing. 1565 thousand cars. Of which a million were foreign firms. Localization was growing. We were mastering advanced technologies. Note that back then, our management was only happy about foreigners - Renault was raising our VAZ, investments were coming into the country, and, more importantly, technology. And then in 22, everything collapsed. Production in 23 was 720 thousand, China came instead of the West. McDonald's started working and that's it, period.
                        And how do our managers develop our own production? In the process of import substitution, the MS-21 80-ton aircraft has become 6 tons heavier, flies no higher than 7 km (Tu154 12 km), and has lost range. What to do? They are going to shorten it to make it lighter. Machine tool manufacturing without Western components may die, and our only hope is China. Having rejected the West, we have not become independent, but have fallen into total dependence on China in a situation where it does not really need us.
                      10. 0
                        4 October 2024 23: 31
                        Who told you that the goal was to make Ukraine a friendly state? The leadership of the Russian Federation has repeatedly noted that it would be quite satisfied with a neutral status. As for the goals of the SVO, here they are - denazification, demilitarization and protection of the interests of the Donbas. As the SVO developed, the goals also changed. As a result of the referendum, in addition to the DPR and LPR, other volosts of the independent state were annexed. After the victory, those who want to will join, again through referendums, the Russian Federation, and what remains of Ukraine will get a pro-Russian president and a couple of bases on its territory. Well, exactly like the States do in the same Germany))) So the goal is quite achievable.
                        The West has always been the worst enemy. I will not list its centuries-long campaigns against Russia, which for it usually ended sadly. But even when we were supposedly allies with the States, right after the Second World War, this did not stop them from preparing the Dropshot plan, which implied dropping atomic bombs on more than 30 cities in the USSR (good allies, right?). We can also recall the US support for Chechen separatists and supplying them with weapons and transferring fighters and providing intelligence. So, no need to tell fairy tales. We all remember perfectly well about "good relations".
                        Well, Mercedes are gone, the Chinese have arrived, whose auto industry is currently the most powerful. It is not for nothing that the European Union is introducing such duties on Chinese electric cars. So Moskvich has already begun assembling a Chinese analogue. So won't we get more advanced technologies from the leader of the world auto industry? Listen more often to "Russia FM" and the host of the author's program Maxim Kodakov (chief editor of the magazine "Behind the Wheel") - he talks a lot about the Chinese auto industry. And about ours too. So the departure of Renault, and especially the German auto industry, which is now going through far from the best of times, is only a plus.
                        As for the planes, this is a temporary phenomenon. Nevertheless, the MS-21 flies. And it takes time to bring the plane up to standard. In addition, thanks to the gang of Gaidar and others like him, they destroyed their own aviation industry (why, when we can buy everything for oil?). And it takes time to restore it. I have no doubt that this will happen. But how much heavier the Airbuses and Boeings will become after the Russian Federation stops supplying them with titanium - we will also find out. The main titanium reserves are in our country and China. Maybe China will sell them. Exorbitantly. But Europe is used to buying everything more expensive)))
                        China doesn't need us? It needs us very much. As a source of regular, predictable and cheap hydrocarbon supplies. Cheap oil and gas (compared to Europe) - this means that the cost price of goods, already at the initial stage, is much lower than in Europe. Well, and then draw your own conclusions))))
        2. -1
          1 October 2024 00: 04
          Quote from Pembo
          Comrade Xi will leave the Taiwan problem to his descendants.

          How much do you have to hate your descendants?
          1. -1
            1 October 2024 00: 06
            Of course, it is much fairer to hate the meek contemporaries.
        3. 0
          8 October 2024 07: 31
          He said correctly that Russia is weak. That is why the war is on our territory. And China will help us with everything it can because without our help it will be destroyed.
    2. -1
      30 September 2024 17: 57
      Russia is weak.

      It is desirable to give precise definitions. In Russia, the comprador power is weak. The state of Russia itself is strong. If the state of Russia were weak, NATO would have destroyed it long ago. I assure you, if Russia did not have such power, we would live better. The state forms the people, and the people are obtained from the population. Power is not eternal, and the state of Russia, having different names, has already lived for more than 1000 years.
      1. 0
        30 September 2024 22: 14
        Russia's economy is 2% of the world's. NATO countries are 62%. You can see the strength of our army for yourself. Technologies, no comment.
        1. +2
          30 September 2024 22: 57
          Well then, explain to us how after the sanctions against the Russian Federation, the economy with 62% of the world's GDP went into a drift)))) And 2% of the world's GDP even managed to increase their GDP)))
          1. -1
            30 September 2024 23: 00
            Let me explain. You have noodles on your ears from the Channel One pasta factory.
            1. +2
              30 September 2024 23: 32
              Really? But I look around me and see that the quality of life hasn't changed at all. They promised 200 for a's not even close. The range of products in the store hasn't changed. There haven't been any more unemployed, judging by my work and the state of affairs of the clients I deal with. The KHL is still playing. And even Nastyushka Ivleva throws parties...pardon me, she did. Are you suggesting that I don't believe my eyes?)))
              1. 0
                1 October 2024 00: 18
                Sanctions were imposed against us mainly on the defense industry. Secondly, if you don't feed a person for a week, oddly enough, he won't die and won't die if you don't feed him for a month - fat is a safety net, and at first we managed to bypass the sanctions. But fat doesn't last forever, and secondary sanctions are increasingly squeezing us. The dollar is not 200, but 90, and at what price? The Central Bank rate is 19%! A normal economy can't live like that. And yes, there is food in the stores.
                1. 0
                  2 October 2024 20: 47
                  Mainly for the defense industry?))) You obviously also consider gas and oil to be defense industry goods)))) The 19% rate is, of course, too high. But the Fed now also has a rate of 5%, and this is for those who can turn on the printing machine at any moment and print as many candy wrappers as they want))) And we must also take into account that government injections into strategically important industries are currently bypassing these 19%. Although I also agree that inflation depends on the market saturation with the commodity mass, and not on the Central Bank rate. By the way, I am in favor of nationalizing the Central Bank too. Are you aware that it is a branch of the Fed in the Russian Federation? No?))) Read its charter))
            2. +1
              30 September 2024 23: 34
              What to do with this?

              Always optimistic about the future of the German economy, German Chancellor Olf Scholz admitted for the first time in September that things are actually much worse and the country's economy is not competitive.

              Then, admissions from the German government about the country's poverty began pouring in one after another.

              According to Die Zeit, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said the day before that, due to the lack of growth, the German economy has become uncompetitive and the country itself is rapidly becoming poorer.
              1. -1
                1 October 2024 00: 24
                An excellent example. In a normal country, people are not afraid to tell the truth. About difficulties, problems. And here: Everything is fine, beautiful marquise, and things are good with us, not a single sad surprise... Maybe it is good to live in such a country - for the time being.
                1. +1
                  2 October 2024 20: 42
                  Are you kidding?))) Aren't they afraid to talk about problems? They blew up a joint venture and forced them to pay 450-500 per thousand cubic meters for gas instead of 350, and these daredevils bleat like sheep)))) They are afraid to even conduct an investigation - because they know who they will get)) By the way, this does not cancel the above-mentioned question - how 2% of the world GDP put 62% in drift))) And so far I see that it is not Channel One that is hanging noodles on our ears, but you)))
        2. +1
          2 October 2024 20: 57
          The strength of our army is on par. At least it is enough to fight with the whole of NATO. I repeat, if you do not understand the first time - the control system, intelligence, communications - NATO. But without this alone, Ukraine could only fire drones at areas, there would be no interaction between the troops, and there would be no talk of flying 500 km and hitting some warehouse. Secondly, they collected Soviet weapons from all over the world, starting with SU-17 and ending with T-64 and 72. Thirdly, they actively supply their weapons, along with their instructors who control them. Fifthly, they collect rabble from all over the world who want to fight in Ukraine. Plus, they supply these same weapons through their own logistics. I will say more - only the Russian army can resist NATO. And regarding technologies, please comment))) And at the same time explain to us how the West with its technologies still cannot create hypersonic. And Russia has been flying it for a long time)))
          1. 0
            4 October 2024 03: 37
            I will say more - only the Russian army can resist the NATO one.

            NATO's main weapon is aircraft, they have thousands of them, we have hundreds. In 21, we produced 29 combat aircraft of all types. The US produces only one and a half hundred F35s a year and has already riveted more than a thousand. If you don't understand what this means, thank God. Continue to be in a good mood, I won't upset you anymore.
            1. 0
              4 October 2024 11: 01
              Are you talking about the F-35s, which are not ready to take part in intensive combat operations, many are not being put into operation, waiting for the TR-3 to be upgraded? Here's the expert opinion of the PMers themselves.

              But the stealth program has been plagued by delays from the start. The F-35 fighter jet still has more than 800 deficiencies (errors in its performance). That's why the aircraft are far from capable of taking part in high-intensity combat. On top of that, the operating costs of the new aircraft are many times higher than originally planned.
  4. +3
    29 September 2024 17: 30
    Well, what's there to guess about? Only one thing is clear: nothing lasts forever, including state borders, as well as the states themselves. In the current state of affairs, in a historical perspective, these very prospects for Russia are sad. The issue here is primarily demographics. To hold such a territory, you need a population and a multi-million army. The Chinese are in no hurry and the Far East is not going anywhere. Everything depends on us. But now Russia is ahead of the rest of the planet in the gap between the rich and the poor. Only large cities are developing as a rule. The population is declining, and megalopolises are growing. This suggests that the population is moving from small towns and villages to large cities. With such a picture, no birth rate will increase here. So anything is possible, including the loss of the Far East and not only.
    1. -3
      30 September 2024 08: 35
      Quote: Ilya 22
      Only large cities are developing as a rule. The population is decreasing, and megalopolises are growing. This means that the population from small towns and villages is moving to large cities.

      This is a natural and quite logical process, it happens in any developed country. Just look at what kind of equipment is currently cultivating the fields... and there have been no wastelands for a long time... Maybe we will return to collective farms..? :о) And as for -

      With such a picture, our birth rate will not increase.

      then it's not a rural issue, it's a problem for all developed countries, when the standard of living reaches a certain high value, the birth rate falls. And what -

      To hold such a territory, you need a population and an army of millions.

      yes, there is no doubt about it, therefore the birth rate problem should be a priority, almost full state support for all children up to 16 years old, and not some meager child benefits. Well, yes, maternity capital there... at least something... but it is not enough.
      1. -1
        30 September 2024 16: 25
        There are no wastelands in Russia??? laughing

        In Wikipedia, for many regions, there is data in the economics section on the volume of arable land by year... Judging by that data, the area of ​​cultivated land in Russia has decreased colossally.

        And about look at what kind of equipment and what do collective farms have to do with it? I don't want to upset your little world, but there was equipment in the collective farms too. By the way, the equipment was of domestic production, unlike a significant part of the current...

        That is, the land was mostly cultivated by peasants, and work was provided to the city by purchasing equipment... But now there are no peasants, no work in the cities, no agricultural science (I want to remind you that the seed and reproductive stock in agriculture is largely imported)...
        1. +1
          2 October 2024 09: 32
          And what was the efficiency of these collective farms? 20 centners of wheat per hectare was considered almost the height of perfection. Now even 100 centners is not the limit, so to speak, feel the difference. There is probably a general reduction in arable land, but this is a question of logistics and accessibility, which means there is still room to grow. Where I live, everything and everyone is involved, everything is uprooted, even the fields overgrown with birch groves after the 90s and the collapse of the USSR. No collective farm can compete with a large agroholding, everything has long been automated, manual labor is minimal. For example, one site for growing broilers is serviced by a maximum of 50 people, with a productivity of 1200 tons of meat per month, and there is more than one such site in the cluster. You are simply behind the times... what the hell are collective farms. And regarding the reasons for the decline in the birth rate, listen to demographers who do this professionally, I hope everything will become clear.
    2. 0
      2 October 2024 08: 33
      The total population of small towns was many times smaller than the total population of large Russian cities already in Soviet times. A small town, according to our classification, is a city with a population of less than 50 thousand people. The total population of all cities in the Russian Federation with a population of less than 50 thousand people is 16 million people, that is, only three million more than the official population of Moscow.
  5. 0
    29 September 2024 21: 01
    Well, Taiwan shouldn't bark at Russia, the little rat should preserve its "independence", so let it think about itself
  6. -1
    30 September 2024 09: 48
    It is extremely unlikely at this stage in history that the PRC leadership will decide to make any official claims against Moscow.

    It is unclear why this is extremely unlikely. From the Chinese point of view, the lands in the north are practically desert, little developed by local tribes. After 2014 and 2022, narrow-eyed polite little men without identification marks and a special operation "Haishenwai in three days" do not seem like fantasy at all. Now everyone sees that this is possible, and no one will do anything to you.
    The mentality there is quite traditional, as we now love. The northern barbarians have a lot of land that they don't need, but few warriors, all died in the campaign against the western barbarians. We just need to agree with the overseas barbarians.
  7. -1
    30 September 2024 12: 10
    The threat to Russia's territorial integrity is real.
    The fact that there is a territorial problem between China and Russia is well known to historians of the Far East. This problem is not raised because it is not beneficial to the political leadership of China and Russia, but this does not make the problem disappear, China is waiting for the Russian state to weaken. China uses the weakness of Russia and "soft" power to take Russian lands through demarcation. Now China is actively pushing the Tumen project, China's outlet to the Sea of ​​Japan. The political power in Russia is weak, the Russian state itself is strong, only this stops many from expansion.
    Everyone is looking at the Special Military Operation in Ukraine and waiting for the result, waiting for the Kremlin to make a decision. In the end, the weakness of the government will lead to the liquidation of the Russian Federation as a state and the disappearance of this government, the government understands this, but hopes that it will be able to escape to the West. The SVO showed the faces and attitudes of countries around the world, including the former Soviet republics, towards Russia. Therefore, there is a process of military actions with Kiev, not a war.
    Russia needs a law that states that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the 1975 borders (Helsinki Accords), is an integral part of Russia. Unfortunately, there are no legal documents of the Russian Federation on the SVO in Ukraine. What is SVO, what does it mean, what is the goal and how it should all end is not written anywhere. Uncertainty gives rise to irresponsibility and gives the right to the strong to take everything from the weak.
    1. -1
      30 September 2024 16: 30
      You again with your law...

      Please understand that you personally can accept ANY law... But Ukraine is not obliged to comply with it...

      And, by the way, within the 1975 borders was not only Ukraine, but also Belarus, Moldova...

      Or is it another?

      And finally, why do you (turbopatriots) need Ukraine if inside Russia there is extinction and degradation that has no end in sight?

      Maybe we should start striving for the future ourselves, developing science, industry, medicine, education???

      What did you come to Ukraine with?? With the bonds of the times of Sergius of Radonezh, Dugin and the obscurantist Tkachev??? Maybe we should offer an image of the future, and not medieval obscurantism?
      1. -2
        30 September 2024 17: 31
        Please understand that you personally can accept ANY law... But Ukraine is not obliged to comply with it...

        What are you talking about???
        Ask mainland China about Taiwan, ask the UK about the Falkland Islands, ask Japan about the Northern Territories, etc. Why did they pass laws or do you have a selective approach, they can, but we can't. Not according to Senka Shapka. There is also Venezuela, where on December 3, 2023, a referendum was held, during which more than 90 percent of Venezuelans voted to annex the Essequibo region, which occupies more than two-thirds of the neighboring state of Guyana, and Guyana has a lot of oil.
        Russia needs the law, and who recognizes it or does not recognize it in international relations should be of no concern to us. The coup d'etat in the Soviet Union, its destruction and dismemberment into small entities was recognized by the UN as legitimate and legal, and this, gentlemen, is a criminal offense that has no statute of limitations. The liquidation of the USSR was also recognized by China, India, and others.
        Are you afraid that with the law in place, the war in Ukraine will end quickly and the entire territory of Ukraine will become Russia. Do you want the war to last 10-50 years? Or do you want Russia to capitulate?
        Before you expose, write a possible real picture of the end of the war in Ukraine. Answer the question of what needs to be done. Bring your proposal to everyone. Most people have read my proposal. There are a lot of comments on it, which means it has reached people and made them think. We are waiting for your proposal, not criticism.
  8. +2
    30 September 2024 16: 36
    The threat to our country, Russia, is constant. And it is not weakening.
  9. 0
    30 September 2024 17: 25
    Well, no one is afraid of their bourgeois people - they are not really a state, but a cloud without pants.
  10. +1
    30 September 2024 22: 46
    In Chinese history textbooks back in the 2000s it was clearly stated that Western Siberia up to and including the Tomsk region was temporarily lost Chinese territory. Just the other day it was reported that at present in Chinese textbooks, by the way, just like in Iranian ones, Russia is presented as an aggressor
  11. -2
    1 October 2024 11: 59
    We will have to revise that treaty and most likely we will have to give those territories or part of them to China. Nothing lasts forever, and turning China into an enemy would be like death.
    1. The comment was deleted.