Türkiye has converted Azerbaijani Air Force Su-25 attack aircraft to carry precision weapons


Azerbaijan will soon receive a batch of Su-25 aircraft modernized by Turkish specialists. Now these Soviet-made combat aircraft have the ability to use high-precision weapons. We are talking about Teber-82 guided bombs, KGK-83 gliding bombs, and QFAB-250 LG laser-guided bombs, as well as SOM cruise missiles.

Let us recall that the signing of a contract between the Azerbaijani Air Force and the Turkish company TUSAS, which operates in the aerospace industry, became known last summer. This was officially announced during the IDEF'23 defense industry exhibition held in Istanbul in July 2023.

Türkiye has converted Azerbaijani Air Force Su-25 attack aircraft to carry precision weapons

The aim of the agreement is to make maximum use of Azerbaijan's national capabilities and the potential of the Turkish defense industry.

– Turkish media explained at the time.

It is worth noting that there are not many aircraft in the Azerbaijani Air Force, and purchasing new combat aircraft in Russia or other countries is quite expensive for Baku. That is why the decision was made to modernize the existing fleet of Su-25 attack aircraft.

Turkish specialists from TÜBITAK-SAGE then demonstrated how this could look. They were able to implement the so-called KGK wing guidance kit into the Su-25 attack aircraft. This solution allowed the use of Mk-82/83 unguided bombs as long-range air-to-surface guided munitions.

Further modernization allowed equipping the Su-25 with high-precision missile weapons. Incidentally, this fact can be considered as an indicator of the high combat potential of the Su-25 attack aircraft.
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  1. +1
    26 September 2024 19: 41
    And what, could it have been done like this: not by pitching up the NURS?! winked
    1. +4
      27 September 2024 09: 47
      Apparently, our generals have not yet come to the understanding that modern warfare has completely moved into the realm of using high-precision weapons.
      They have other, peaceful goals: cottages, luxury cars, beautiful women...
      We will continue to be NURSs over areas.
      The lunar landscape is our everything!
    2. 0
      11 October 2024 14: 11
      And where to put these unmanageable things? So they spend them with some result.
  2. 0
    28 September 2024 05: 30
    It is worth noting that there are not many aircraft in the Azerbaijani Air Force, and purchasing new combat vehicles in Russia or other countries is quite expensive for Baku.

    Why not, JF 17 block 3 have already been purchased. By the way, they are also undergoing Turkish modification for suspension of the latest weapons and much more.
  3. +2
    28 September 2024 23: 26
    Holy shit, some non-Russians improved our planes, and what do we have?!
  4. +1
    2 October 2024 22: 13
    Quote: Twice-born
    Holy shit, some non-Russians improved our planes, and what do we have?!

    It seems like everyone else is smarter.
  5. 0
    6 October 2024 05: 08
    Interesting. The Turks can and they succeed. The Su Bureau is silent.