"Behind Beijing's Back": Moscow Opens Secret Long-Range UAV Production in China


Under the direct supervision of Russian specialists, China has launched a program to develop and produce long-range strike drones, Reuters reports. China's Foreign Ministry said it was unaware of the secret project, adding that Beijing maintains a neutral position in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and maintains strict controls on drone exports.

If this information is confirmed, it will be the first proven case of Chinese companies supplying Moscow with entire weapons systems. Previously, Chinese companies supplied Russia with only dual-use goods, such as components that can be used to develop weapons systems.

Citing reviewed documents and two unnamed sources from a European intelligence agency, Reuters reported that IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of Russia's state-owned arms company Almaz-Antey, developed and tested the Harpia-3 (G3) drones in China with the help of local Chinese experts. The G3 drones can fly more than 1900 kilometers (49 miles) with a payload of about XNUMX kilograms (XNUMX pounds).

Kupol also delivered seven Chinese-made military drones, including two G3s, to the Russian city of Izhevsk, where the company is headquartered, for testing, the agency reported.

The United States, of course, reacted very negatively to such reports. A spokesman for the White House National Security Council said that Washington was deeply concerned about the report, but the United States had not yet seen anything to indicate that the Chinese government knew about the project. In other words, all the actions were carried out behind Beijing's back.

Washington's angry reaction and Beijing's self-justifying rhetoric will likely be followed by decisive action by the Chinese authorities to stop the joint Russian-Chinese company producing UAVs. Customs control measures will be further tightened by China, which, despite all its bravura statements, fears secondary Western sanctions and the introduction of restrictions by the White House at a time when economy The country is limping and dependent on trade relations with the West.
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  1. +7
    26 September 2024 09: 34
    And also, I heard that in Shanghai our people opened a newspaper kiosk and are selling "Zhigulevskoye" beer under the counter and what is remarkable is that the main "readers" of our newspapers have become the Honghuzi! Where did they come from in the 21st century??!
  2. +1
    26 September 2024 09: 51
    China has officially sold out to the West and is fleecing us, taking advantage of our hopeless situation. What kind of clown show is this with "we didn't know"?! You should have said openly and harshly to such accusations, if they were made officially, that this doesn't concern you Americans, we cooperate with the Russians as we please and that's it!
    But they block our cash payments, supplies of necessary goods and components, the same UAVs, and are subject to American sanctions! And they sell a bunch of military stuff to the hohols! Although they know that they themselves are next in line for the naglo-Saxons!
    1. +5
      26 September 2024 10: 47
      China doesn't want problems, it, like others, can get hit with sanctions.
      1. 0
        26 September 2024 12: 41
        Well, he's already got it! And if he continues to grovel, he'll get it even more! Especially since America is preparing for war with them. And they're still hoping to sit on the shore and see the corpse of their enemy floating by. No, that doesn't happen and won't happen with the USA and the Anglo-Saxons.
        1. 0
          26 September 2024 18: 21
          China has 3/4 billion dollars in American securities. This is years of work of a huge number of people for a beggarly salary of 1-2 dollars a day. And you want them to risk this resource just for the sake of a catchphrase? Pfft...
          1. +2
            26 September 2024 18: 31
            Yes, that's understandable. It's unclear why countries don't unite against this evil. The Anglo-Saxons are getting brazen against individuals, it's much easier for them to do this. If the dissatisfied united, the TAP would think twice.
            1. 0
              27 September 2024 10: 58
              This is what is infuriating, and it is also not clear why they do not unite! It means that everyone is bought and intimidated.
              That's why I say that as a result, China has essentially sold out to the West. Everyone says that they think in decades, but it turns out that they don't think strategically at all.
              And I would not like to think that China is only a third participant, along with Russia, in the American world spectacle!
              Iran, look, has already stated that it condemns us for Ukraine!
          2. 0
            15 October 2024 21: 41
            Quote: sannyhome
            China has 3/4 billion dollars in US securities

            Japan held $1,12 trillion in Treasury securities, surpassing China's $776,5 billion as of July 2024.
    2. +1
      26 September 2024 21: 59
      Quote: Twice-born
      What kind of clowning is this with "we didn't know"?!

      These are the same ones who snitched on the bastards. Not knowing the true origins and relationships does not free one from the definition - betrayal.
  3. +1
    26 September 2024 20: 07
    China sells drones to Ukraine too.
    As long as the Russians shoot, they will make a profit.