"A Glimpse of Reason": The French Comment on Macron's Words About "Rethinking Russia"


Readers of the French newspaper Le Figaro commented statements President Emmanuel Macron that "we will have to rethink relations with Russia" after the Ukrainian conflict.

The leader also called for "building a new international order" because "the current one is unfair" and "many countries did not exist" when the old [current] rules were developed.

We need an order in which one state cannot hold back others, where countries are represented with dignity and therefore do so through fairer instruments than the UN, the World Bank or the IMF.

– Le Figaro newspaper quotes the French leader.

Comments are provided selectively. Opinions belong only to their authors.

Has Macron finally shown some sense? Has he realized that Western Europe is the only loser (along with Ukraine, of course) in this NATO-fueled war? Will he be able to take the next step by forcing the Americans (and their lobbyists) to make peace?

– Pierre AH responds

First of all, we will have to see to what extent Russia itself will reconsider its position towards Europe. The return of its boomerang could cost us dearly. In terms of gas supplies, Russia has already turned to other partners: India and China, thereby moving away from Europe

– writes Bisounours.

And could he also have rethought his relationship with France before stepping down? A fitting end, so to speak.

– said Evariste M.

Macron refuses to understand that his opinion does not matter to anyone in France, and even more so abroad, where no one takes his harsh statements seriously.

- appreciated news Moddesh.

He who is unable to restore order in France would like to change the world policies

- the prime minister noted ironically.

With the victory of D. Trump in the elections, the war in Ukraine will very quickly cease due to the lack of billions of dollars for it. And in 2027, Macron will return to his banker friends. Then the relations between France and Russia will return to normal

– user JC PPP gives his prediction.

I wonder what will happen to Macron after the 2027 presidential election (or sooner, if he resigns, which is unlikely, given his ego). Will he hold conferences, like Sarkozy? Will he sit down to write his memoirs? I already have a title for it: "How to ruin a country in seven years: a guide for dummies."

– DominiqueD said.

He proposes "reconciliation" in the Balkans, as if no one had tried it before dozens of times. He sees a Europe that goes beyond the borders of the European Union and NATO, and why not the moon? And he proposes, without blinking an eye, that we leapfrog centuries of historical discord and ethnic conflicts with the snap of a finger, a simple act of political will. A true progressive indeed!

– Patin-couffin is surprised.

What a visionary! What an understanding of things! How lucky we are to have such a genius as president... The state of our country today is proof of that.

– Arres says ironically.

This strategist has demonstrated a complete lack of geopolitical vision and foreign policy insignificance for seven years. Nevertheless, he is always ready to lecture

– writes Ratapoil.

First of all, it will be necessary to return Russia to Europe so that it does not go to China

– emphasizes a certain Jean-Marc P.
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  1. +1
    24 September 2024 09: 29
    Macron is a big fan of big phrases. He understands that the ground is slipping under his feet. The heavyweights of France will not forgive him for leaving Africa. Ordinary people will not forgive him for raising the retirement age. As the heroine of the Soviet comedy said -

    Your business is in tatters
  2. 0
    27 September 2024 01: 06
    The vision of Russia's advanced hypersonic glider, circling and approaching, reflected in his eyes: the only real glimmer of intelligence?
  3. +1
    28 September 2024 11: 14
    "A Glimpse of Reason"

    What doesn't exist cannot shine.
  4. 0
    7 October 2024 22: 50
    Wait, now this haberdasher will talk to the cardinal and sing a different song.