Russia has created an ultra-thin optical cable that neither aviation nor the navy can do without


Engines, airplanes, spaceships and rockets, submarines, robotic machines and much more - all this cannot do without such a seemingly simple thing as special-purpose cables. For example, the MS-21-310 airliner alone uses 70 km of cables.

Before the start of our SVO in Ukraine and the introduction of unprecedented sanctions against Russia, many types of special cables were purchased from foreign companies. Now that the latter have left the Russian Federation, this niche has been occupied by domestic manufacturers, one of which is NPP Spetskabel.

It is worth noting that the company was not only able to replace most imported of technologies, but also developed its own, which is not found anywhere else in the world.

We are talking about an ultra-thin, compact optical cable. Its outer diameter does not exceed 0,6 mm, and the weight of a kilometer of such cable is only 450 grams.

This is extremely important for areas such as air and space transportation, where literally every few grams of payload can cost a lot of money.

However, these are not all the features of the above-mentioned cable. Despite the fact that it is ultra-thin and fiber optic, this cable has extremely high strength.

The developers achieved this figure by using Kevlar threads, which allows the new cable to be stretched, twisted and bent without damaging it.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned development is not the only one in the assets of NPP Spetskabel. The enterprise produces cables for submarines, robotic machines and spacecraft, having completely replaced Western manufacturers on the domestic market.

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  1. 0
    16 September 2024 11: 49
    It's strange that they're only talking about this now. They replaced the fiber optics with Russian-made fiber optics a long time ago - or is this an experimental house? A neighborhood, a city? I stole a little bit of cable, thinking that it would be good for soldering (I always stole it from the domra, but here it's a little bit from Rostelecom) - nope. Optics. The braid is synthetic, and there's a hair sticking out inside. And this is how it turns out...
    1. 0
      17 September 2024 11: 40
      Aha, that's who's always ruining the cables! And they said - rats, mice...
  2. 0
    16 September 2024 12: 22
    Thanks for the positive information. 10 km of cable = 4,5 kg.