How can Russia's demographic and personnel problems be solved?


The monstrous in its cruelty terrorist attack in the Moscow region shopping center "Crocus City Hall", as well as a series of hostage-takings in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, committed by religious extremists from Central Asian countries, managed to frighten not only the civilian population, but also our sluggish ruling nomenklatura. One legislative initiative on migration legislation replaces another, but will it be of any use?

The family will be unhappy

According to media reports, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering dozens of bills aimed at regulating the migration chaos in our country. For example, at the end of July 2024, a bill was approved that provides grounds for the expulsion from Russia of foreigners who have no legal basis to be here.

Visible initiator The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is the one that is proposing similar amendments to migration legislation to tighten it:

Expand the list of crimes, the commission of which entails the termination of acquired Russian citizenship. Thus, the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" with amendments that entered into force on October 26.10.2023, XNUMX, defines a list of grounds for termination of citizenship, which, along with terrorist crimes, includes certain crimes that encroach on public security, sexual integrity, public health, justice, external security, defense capability, etc.

The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, believes it is necessary to ensure that naturalized citizens fulfill their military obligations, sending them as a matter of priority to participate in a special military operation in Ukraine. This initiative, popular in Russian society, supported the in the lower house of the Federal Assembly:

It is assumed that the condition for admission to Russian citizenship may be registration for military service, which will take place simultaneously with the receipt of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The State Duma also puts forward initiatives to strengthen control over the performance of military duty by new citizens of Russia. For them, the term of military service may be increased to two years and the draft age may be raised.

The LDPR's proposal to ban labor migrants from bringing their families to Russia, voiced last August, was initially rejected, but then accepted by the ruling party:

The bill proposes to prohibit entry into the Russian Federation of foreign citizens or stateless persons who enter the territory of the Russian Federation as a family member of a foreign citizen temporarily residing in the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out work activities on the basis of an employment contract.

At first, the leader of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, Vladimir Vasiliev, was outraged by such an initiative, pointing out that the country is experiencing a shortage of human resources:

How can we not let families in if by law they have to come… We agreed that we would work together with them <...> We don't have enough people today.

The speaker of the lower house of the Russian Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, called for a ban on low-skilled labor migrants bringing their families to Russia. His position was also supported by the former President of the Russian Federation and now Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Medvedev.

Dmitry Anatolyevich himself was concerned about the problem that in the elementary grades of Russian schools up to three quarters of students with a migration background do not speak Russian:

We need to gradually, without being rude, force them to learn the language.

It is worth talking in more detail about the shortage of human capital and the need to force someone to learn Russian.

Isn't he an authority figure for them?

It is known that since the 90s of the last century, Russia has still not been able to get out of the so-called demographic hole caused by socialeconomic upheavals of those turbulent years. Now this is echoing in the country with a deficit of young working population. The entire real sector of the economy is complaining about the personnel shortage, which is only getting worse due to the outflow of combat-ready men to the front, where our army is suffering sensitive losses.

The authorities had previously tried to solve this problem by opening migration gateways for Central Asian countries. But instead of nuclear physicists, we were visited by simple workers without education from the villages with their bundled-up wives and flocks of mischievous children. Everyone now knows very well what all this led to. Thanks to the policy intolerance towards religious extremism, among the migrants there were many bearded Islamists in slippers, who became a breeding ground for the expansion of the network of terrorist groups.

The result is obvious: "Crocus", hostage-taking in colonies that have been effectively turned into ISIS branches (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), organized crime with an ethnic flavor, lawlessness on the streets in migrant enclaves. Apparently, the point of no return in the matter of "ethnic adjustment" in Russia has already been passed, the only question is on what scale it will be and how geographically localized.

Against this backdrop, President Putin's new decree on providing humanitarian support to people who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​has attracted attention. According to it, from September 1, 2024, foreigners and stateless persons will be able to receive a temporary residence permit in Russia under a simplified procedure if they do not accept the policies of their state, which imposes destructive neoliberal attitudes.

We are talking about citizens of countries unfriendly to Russia, namely Germany, the Baltic states, France, Italy, the USA and Canada. And this is not just PR: in the West there really is a significant layer of society tired of the dominance of migrants from Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, the aggressive imposition of destructive neoliberal attitudes, and some of them really view Russia as a country with traditional values ​​and spiritual bonds for relocation.

If our ruling nomenklatura decided to uncompromisingly defeat the collective West in Ukraine, liberating it all, the flow of those wishing to move to us from the so-called civilized countries would increase. But let's return to the shortage of human resources and the personnel shortage, which are relevant here and now. Are there ways to solve this problem in the foreseeable future?

Here I would like to remind you about the ten million citizens of the former Nezalezhnaya who left it for the West, and the million who moved to neighboring Belarus. These are our people, for whose help the special operation was launched, one of the tasks of which was called denazification. Why not simplify the process of entry into Russia for them?

No, no one is suggesting that they just hand out passports on a conveyor belt, but there is an opportunity to hide from the war in Russia on the basis of a temporary residence permit for as long as three years. Those who misbehave can be held accountable and deported. Do not even doubt that all secret agents and saboteurs of the GUR have long been infiltrated by the enemy and are simply biding their time. How are ordinary citizens of Ukraine worse for Russia than people from Tajikistan, Germany or the Baltics?

As for their personal political views, here's the thing. If the Russian state apparatus can force Tajiks to learn Russian in schools, then the domestic propaganda machine is capable of propagandizing Ukrainians in a few years. On the other hand, if neither one nor the other is possible, then what kind of assimilation of Central Asian migrants in Russia or denazification of Nezalezhnaya are we talking about?

I would like to see some consistency in approaches.
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  1. +4
    8 September 2024 11: 14
    And Muslims and blacks from European countries who do not share the neoliberal values ​​of European countries, but for their traditional Muslim and tribal values, will also be able to move to Russia - did I understand correctly?
    1. +1
      8 September 2024 17: 41
      The author and you touch upon issues related to Russia indirectly. We need to look at the root. Raising the demographics within the country is a very important task that requires a solution. The disease needs to be stopped and not run for pills. Sorry if it's a bit harsh....
      1. +6
        8 September 2024 18: 01
        It is clear that it is extremely important. It is not clear how to solve it. Two children in a family now means almost guaranteed poverty for the majority of the population - an expensive mortgage, high costs of raising children, the impossibility of one working person in the family to provide a decent standard of living and too little state support. Look at the level of benefits.
        You can appeal to bonds, calling for giving birth and not paying attention to life's difficulties - but, as we can see, this does not work well.
        1. 0
          8 September 2024 19: 14
          That's exactly what I'm talking about. Until a woman is confident about tomorrow, she won't particularly want to give birth. And a simple man is not yet able to provide her with this.
        2. 0
          8 September 2024 20: 00
          As a father of many children, I can once again state that you are profoundly wrong, you are repeating the false cliches imposed on society by the enemies of the people by the world behind the scenes, two children is not a subsidized poverty, I will say more and 5 children will not lead to any poverty, my friends have 8 children. There is no poverty, I myself have been there, we know, today is the day of many children in Peterhof, how many families with many children have come! Everyone is well-fed and clothed, ordinary people, workers, intelligentsia, the cost of maintaining children is very little, incomparable with maintaining a Mercedes or Renault, my efforts have made decent benefits, several million in total are given to a family, plus a family preferential mortgage, rather poverty comes to the childless and some are right to propose introducing a tax on childlessness .... but that is not the point! all your lies and your delusions that you repeat.... you also hinted at the essence, the problem is not in money, the problem is in the heads, because just as you were brainwashed by enemies from the media and Hollywood bought by the West, so were the brains of the majority of the population and they are afraid to give birth, intimidated by false horror stories about imaginary poverty, that is, it is necessary to brainwash in the opposite direction and this is already being done, our cinema, our media must brainwash the population from the lies that you voiced here, my ideas and the ideas of all sane specialists are being implemented and financed by the wise President Putin

          1. +1
            8 September 2024 20: 21
            Well, that's great, since everything is so good in Russia Yes one can only rejoice. It is just unclear what the author's concern is - since the state does everything recourse
            Ahh, I guess - the authorities were unlucky with the people? negative And this happens - misunderstood geniuses. History knows examples Yes
            1. -3
              8 September 2024 20: 30
              the state is being washed clean of the occupation by the West and the American yoke under which they were from 1991-2022, this is good, but they haven't completely washed clean yet, this is bad
              1. +3
                8 September 2024 21: 42
                Vladimir Vladimirovich carried out the will of the occupiers for 23 years? Come to your senses!!
                1. -4
                  8 September 2024 21: 45
                  Saint Righteous Alexander Nevsky was forced to carry out the will of the occupiers all his life.....and the great leader Joseph Stalin carried out the will of the occupiers from 1922 to is important that they made an effort to throw off the yoke!!!
                  1. +3
                    8 September 2024 21: 53
                    I can't say anything about Nevsky - historians are still arguing. And about Stalin - thank you. I didn't know that he danced to someone else's tune for half his life.
          2. 0
            13 September 2024 07: 27
            I agree. Only a religious (Orthodoxy) component needs to be added. For starters, a real fight against abortions and their defenders needs to be started. The value vector needs to be changed from increasing well-being to spirituality. I never cease to remind you that from 1920 to 2024, 230 million abortions were performed in Russia. And mostly Russian women had them!!!!
            And regarding the visitor with the nickname "Strange Guest", he really is very strange.
            1. -1
              13 September 2024 08: 52
              I fully support you!
    2. -2
      8 September 2024 19: 40
      Quote: Strange guest
      And Muslims and blacks from European countries who do not share the neoliberal values ​​of European countries, but for their traditional Muslim and tribal values, will also be able to move to Russia - did I understand correctly?

      . . In accordance with it, from September 1, 2024, foreigners and stateless persons will be able to receive a temporary residence permit in Russia under a simplified procedure if they do not accept the policies of their state, which impose destructive neoliberal attitudes.
      We are talking about citizens of states unfriendly to Russia, namely Germany, the Baltic countries, France, Italy, the USA and Canada.

      You and the author of the article below are broadcasting the decisions as liberally as possible.
      Everything is much more complicated. Firstly, the EU has many different countries, from the orthodox Catholic Vatican, Ireland, Poland, etc.
      To the Protestants, who have a liberal view of any religion.
      So blacks and Muslims can find their enclave in an environment where they belong.
      These are the Netherlands, Albania (Islam), etc.
      1. +1
        8 September 2024 20: 15
        Which does not prevent them from moving to Russia in accordance with this order. Yes
        Unless, of course, they are satisfied with the neoliberal values ​​of Europe and the USA. If they are faithful to the precepts of the Bible and the Koran, or to their tribal traditional values. Yes
    3. +4
      13 September 2024 13: 25
      Maternity capital, crude and ill-considered laws, pompous appeals - do little to promote demographic growth in Russia (and not only...). It seems that the government knows the true (root) reasons for the demographic decline (and not only...), but is "embarrassed" to talk about it directly and openly.... In government (military) management - it is BETTER (and much more useful..) TO ALWAYS SPEAK THE BITTER TRUTH than sweet lies...
      Without a new socialist (people's) IDEOLOGY, without the Soviet (!) system of education (!!) and CENSORSHIP IN THE MEDIA, without SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF THE YOUNG in line with Orthodoxy and traditional VALUES, without returning Russia to the rails of socialism, without restoring the death penalty for especially serious crimes, without new reforms in the economy and agriculture according to the Chinese model (i.e. - with the lowest possible taxes for the village, industry, transport, energy and medicine for 25 years ... by the way - these are the industries that are most sensitive and critical for the MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE ...), without legislative curbing of strange desires and short-sighted (to put it mildly) credit and monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - in Russia it will be a priori impossible to improve demographics, the economy and everything else ....
  2. +6
    8 September 2024 11: 37
    Tens, hundreds of thousands of Russians from Ukraine who ended up in the EU are ready
    move to your historical homeland.
    They were unable to leave for Russia because of unclear Russian policies, conflict,
    mined borders. Does Russia need them?

    Many people have no means and no way to live.
    without benefits for more than 1 month, and even more so to have funds for resettlement to Russia.

    Why hasn't Russia created one yet, AT LEAST in Serbia, in Turkey, in any country,
    where possible hubs, centers for migrants to Russia. With support for families.
    Many are simply afraid because their son or father was forcibly taken into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    And many were left with no housing or anything.

    Why should Russia teach Russian to Tajiks when millions of Russians are eking out an existence?
    It is clear that Tajiks can be expelled, but Russians cannot be expelled, right?

    A million can arrive in Russia even tomorrow - is Russia ready?

    And the main question: Where can a Russian family in the EU go to get taken to Russia?
    To be guaranteed to be taken out.
    Since most people cannot resolve this issue on their own, either financially or through documentation.
    1. +5
      8 September 2024 11: 45
      Look at where and how refugees live in the Kursk region and think about where to house new arrivals.
    2. 0
      8 September 2024 19: 45
      A question of faith, and a question of hope. Families do not believe that they will not be telepathized and prosecuted for their son, brother-in-law, brother who served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. If not immediately, then later. They will not be given a status, their children, etc.
      So it's better to cut it off all at once in the EU.
  3. +3
    8 September 2024 11: 48
    There are a number of countries that have solved the issue with migrants. Not because they are so smart. But because they have solved many issues within their own country. If a citizen faces a prison term for participating in the shadow economy, then why would they be picking on a migrant? We have a fine for counterfeit goods. Everything comes from internal consciousness. If some guys and girls are destined to live without any work at all, then those who need to earn their bread will follow them. And so it is in everything. Including conscription into the army.
  4. +11
    8 September 2024 12: 05
    How can Russia's demographic and personnel problems be solved?

    You do not.
    Because the same people who created the problem are the ones who “solve” it.
    "There is no money - but you hold on, the state did not ask you to have children, live on pasta, we need to get more Malays"

    And the author describes the question - how to bring in even more migrants, and not improve the life of the Russian-speaking population. The substitution of concepts is obvious.
    alas alas
  5. -2
    8 September 2024 12: 07
    A quick solution to Russia's demographic and personnel problem. Return to Russia the territories and population of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, plus Abkhazia, PMR and South Ossetia - here you have an increase in the population to 220 million people.
    1. 0
      8 September 2024 12: 15
      But there is one nuance. After the "return" to Russia 220 million will not work. Millions will die - dozens will flee. We see.
      1. 0
        8 September 2024 14: 32
        Your arithmetic is strange: "Millions will die - dozens will flee." If it's not too much trouble, please explain your thoughts in more detail.
        1. 0
          8 September 2024 15: 09
          How can you decipher this if you don’t understand Russian?
        2. +2
          8 September 2024 15: 24
          Now we are annexing Ukraine - how many died on both sides? Almost a million. How many fled from Ukraine? Officially, almost 10. And we haven't even reached the Dniester and the Tisa. By the time we get there, there will be more of both. The same thing when we go to the Bug - only fewer Belarusians, of course. And then to the Pamirs. Many will die, many will flee. We see in practice how this happens. Did you explain it clearly?
          1. -1
            8 September 2024 16: 00
            Your explanation is accepted.
  6. 0
    8 September 2024 17: 00
    the author is right. Disagitate as the Bolsheviks said + all who share our values ​​are welcome as in the 1920s
  7. +2
    8 September 2024 18: 01
    A monstrously cruel terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall shopping center near Moscow, as well as a series of hostage-takings in FSIN institutions....

    And this is only the beginning. No one has even really "pressed" the migrants yet.
    According to Murphy's Law, situations usually progress from bad to worse.
    Since the problem of migrants in Russia is not being solved radically, we are waiting for a continuation.
    About demography.
    In a country where the people were robbed of their Motherland and Fatherland, and were left with only taxes and mortgages, the demographic problem cannot be solved.
  8. 0
    8 September 2024 19: 31
    Here I would like to remind you about the ten million citizens of the former Independent State who left it for the West,

    Yes, the author is right! The refugees' feet lead to the West. Not even to Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan or the Caucasus republics. There, in the EU, conditions of maximum favorability have been created.
    But there are thousands of ambushes and repressions in the Russian Federation.
  9. +1
    9 September 2024 00: 44
    Do you think that all methods have been tried? Why doesn't Russia introduce a kind of green card, giving the right to live and work in Russia? Offer financial and legal assistance to ethnic Russians, and even just people who profess Russian culture - when moving to Russia? There are many of them left outside the Russian Federation. It's painful to watch how in Central Asian cities, Russian people rummage through garbage dumps, collect plastic bottles, waste paper - to recycle and eat on the pennies they receive. (Well, yes, some even drink with this money, it happens..). I saw this personally, and not from someone's stories. Don't you need them? Russian girls are forced to become second, disenfranchised wives for local "bais" and give birth to children from them without patronymics in the birth certificates, because Russian guys cannot find a job and support a family. And then these "Mamluks" will perhaps end up in Russia and there they will be considered as alien half-breeds, called "churkas"? Oh, what a chic gesture - to invite "those who profess traditional values" from Europe. It would be better to create conditions for the repatriation of their fellow tribesmen than to roll out the red carpet for the Germans. And this disgusting Russian condescending rudeness: calling Russians who have come to Russia for permanent residence by nicknames according to their country of departure - Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Kazakhs. Emphasizing that we are the original "Russians", and you are second-rate newcomers. Yes, this is not always and not everywhere, but the repatriates are very offended. And the most offensive thing is when on the southern borders (I will not say where - you know yourself) Armenians sit in government offices and greet newcomers with the words: Why are you coming to us, to Russia?! These are, alas, the facts of real life. And you have filled the country with foreign migrants, and now - Hello, New Year! And what to do with them? I have known representatives of Asian countries - much more cultured and educated than many Russians, but you do not attract them. You need disenfranchised Dzhamshuts to exploit them for half the price. But for Russia as a whole, the price of such an approach is more and more expensive. And this is not only terrorism! Let's see what kind of laws legislators pass. Will it get better with migration? Not a fact...
  10. +2
    9 September 2024 04: 48
    And the demographic problem has long been solved. In Moscow alone, there are 2 million Asians, who are openly pushing out Russians from the southeast of the city. There are almost no Slavic faces in schools.
  11. 0
    9 September 2024 05: 10
    The terrorist attack in Crocus was 6 months ago, after that two more in prisons. What have they done in these six months against the influx of migrants? - ZERO! They have done nothing, you can't roll back your fingers at the border, all the criminals and those who were expelled from Russia with our money change their last name in a week and come back to us to kill and rape. 35% of the Rafiks who came to us out of 16 million recognize the laws of Sharia and not Russian. Diasporas are recognized as criminal communities and? - They solve all the problems of their fellow countrymen because they have bribed all branches of power in the country. You could say they rule Russia. Last year, more than 600 thousand children were born, this year for the same period more than 500 thousand, a huge decline in the birth rate is obvious, and they say almost half of these children are children of migrants whose families were brought to us to give birth and put on benefits, to burden social services, medicine, education and live on benefits without working. How are the birth rate incentives? They have all shown zero efficiency. Money 100% does not stimulate young people to give birth, but it easily stimulates migrants. The problem is not in money alone, but in what is in the heads of modern youth and those a little older than them. No problems are being solved, and what they are trying to solve gives a negative result, a decline in the birth rate, for example, and 0 solutions to the problems of migrants. No one is solving the problems, and there are more and more of them.
  12. +1
    9 September 2024 05: 16
    Quote: Kuzmin 2017
    Do you think that all methods have been tried? Why doesn't Russia introduce a kind of green card, giving the right to live and work in Russia? Offer financial and legal assistance to ethnic Russians, and even just people who profess Russian culture - when moving to Russia? There are many of them left outside the Russian Federation. It's painful to watch how in Central Asian cities, Russian people rummage through garbage dumps, collect plastic bottles, waste paper - to recycle and eat on the pennies they receive. (Well, yes, some even drink with this money, it happens..). I saw this personally, and not from someone's stories. Don't you need them? Russian girls are forced to become second, disenfranchised wives for local "bais" and give birth to children from them without patronymics in the birth certificates, because Russian guys cannot find a job and support a family. And then these "Mamluks" will perhaps end up in Russia and there they will be considered as alien half-breeds, called "churkas"? Oh, what a chic gesture - to invite "those who profess traditional values" from Europe. It would be better to create conditions for the repatriation of their fellow tribesmen than to roll out the red carpet for the Germans. And this disgusting Russian condescending rudeness: calling Russians who have come to Russia for permanent residence by nicknames according to their country of departure - Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Kazakhs. Emphasizing that we are the original "Russians", and you are second-rate newcomers. Yes, this is not always and not everywhere, but the repatriates are very offended. And the most offensive thing is when on the southern borders (I will not say where - you know yourself) Armenians sit in government offices and greet newcomers with the words: Why are you coming to us, to Russia?! These are, alas, the facts of real life. And you have filled the country with foreign migrants, and now - Hello, New Year! And what to do with them? I have known representatives of Asian countries - much more cultured and educated than many Russians, but you do not attract them. You need disenfranchised Dzhamshuts to exploit them for half the price. But for Russia as a whole, the price of such an approach is more and more expensive. And this is not only terrorism! Let's see what kind of laws legislators pass. Will it get better with migration? Not a fact...

    You probably don't quite understand the real situation.
    Russia does not need a planned migration policy. If it did, there would be a ministry that would deal with planning, introduce rules, keep statistics, etc., etc. There is none of that. A person who gets off a plane at Domodedovo disappears and no one remembers him anymore. He just needs to regularly pay for the so-called license, which does not oblige him to anything at all. And... yes. He does not need to speak Russian either.
  13. 0
    9 September 2024 09: 32
    Recently I read an article about the African state of Niger. It is one of the poorest countries on the planet. More than 80% of the country's territory is located in the Sahara Desert, the population of just over 23 million people is concentrated in the extreme south and west of the country. The main sectors of the economy are agriculture and mining - mainly uranium. The urban population is 16%. Average life expectancy: 52 years for men, 54 years for women. Infant mortality is 115 per 1000 (3rd place in the world). AND WHAT'S MOST INTERESTING: Niger ranks first in the world in terms of total fertility rate (6,49 BIRTHS PER WOMAN!). HERE IT IS, THE SECRET OF SUCCESS!!!
  14. +1
    12 September 2024 11: 14
    The population of the Soviet Union was constantly growing, at different rates, but it was growing.
    It was the system of the current government that created the demographic problem.
    Therefore, the attempt of Putin's government to solve the demographic problem is an attempt to cram the uncrammable.
    The train has left. It's too late to try to jump on the last carriage.
    1. -2
      13 September 2024 09: 01
      in order to solve the problem, you need to understand its causes and know the situation, Russians have been dying out en masse since 1917, the USSR was growing only with Muslims, if we revive Orthodox morality instead of pro-Western atheism and worship of the golden calf, if we change the educational and information policy of the Russian Federation, which is what the presidential administration is doing, then the problem will be solved, there are no unsolvable problems, there are only confusing problems
      1. +2
        13 September 2024 09: 10
        Over the past 30 years, almost more churches have been built in Russia than there have been in its entire history.
        Well, what is the result?
        If "the USSR had grown only by Muslims" there would have been Islam in Russia long ago and there would have been no demographic problems.
        Faith in God has always been blind. You can't hide from war or trouble behind prayers.
        1. -2
          13 September 2024 09: 18
          I'll tell you a secret, it's mostly Orthodox who give birth, for church-going people it's considered normal to give birth while a child is being born, and the rest of the child-loving parents in Russia may not be church-going, although the majority profess themselves Orthodox, but they have preserved from their ancestors through the traditional ancient Orthodox culture the ability to love children and create families, and LGBT people don't give birth, just like pro-Western liberal haters of Orthodoxy like you, because your brains have been washed according to the ideas of Emelka Yaroslavsky, the governor who was justly shot in 1937
          1. +2
            13 September 2024 09: 27
            The year 1917 was brought to Russia not by Emelya Gubelman, but by your Tsar Nicholas II, recognized as a saint by the church.
            So deal with them.
            It's still a big question who's brain is washed and who's is blind faith.
            1. -1
              13 September 2024 12: 40
              Of course, the revolution was not organized by the holy Tsar Nicholas, although not by Emelka Gubelman either, the revolution was organized by corrupt Masons and generals with brains washed by Western liberalism, the oligarchs Guchkov, Kurensky, Ruza Alekseyev and others, only one general Keller did not betray the Tsar and was faithful to the oath, the entire "elite" "standing like a greedy crowd at the throne", corrupt, atheistic, godless and shameless organized the February revolution, but God did not allow the scoundrels to retain power, the people rebelled against the scoundrel nobility, power was seized by the Bolsheviks who promised bread to the hungry, factories to the workers, land to the peasants and peace to the peoples... however, the scoundrels, rogues Sverdlov, Uritsky, Trotsky and Gubelman immediately latched onto power... then God put power to the great Stalin and the people's elder Kalinin (since Sverdlov sent the killers to the Mikhelson plant, and his mistress Kaplan to watch the murder, but God with this shot immediately killed Lenin, who died of his wounds a little later, and Sverdlov's vileness and Judaism became obvious, then Lenin not only poisoned Sverdlov, but also appointed the most honest and conscientious of the Bolsheviks in his place so that they would not undermine him), so miraculously God seated decent and intelligent leaders in the people's power......
  15. 0
    15 September 2024 19: 05
    When an author has nothing to talk about, he takes up demography laughing
  16. 0
    26 September 2024 07: 29
    No way. In this paradigm...
  17. 0
    26 September 2024 21: 32
    Does Russia have demographic and personnel problems?