The destruction of an overpass through which Ukrainian Armed Forces units were supplied was caught on video


As they advance in the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces strike at the supply routes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in order to disrupt the logistics of the Ukrainian troops. For example, fresh footage has appeared online showing the process of destroying a railway bridge (bridge-type overpass) near the city of Selidovo in the part of the DPR occupied by the Kyiv regime.

According to war-related publics, this was the route by which the transfer was carried out. equipment, personnel and property for the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades holding the line in this section of the front. This structure was located next to the LBS and there were even intense battles in its area with the use of armored vehicles. The Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to repel several assault attacks by the Russian Armed Forces, which tried to break through and take control of the structure.

Now it is gone. The overpass was destroyed by a high-precision missile strike by Russian forces. The Russian missilemen's amazing accuracy is astonishing. One video shows the incident in slow motion.

We remind you that experts have already explained why bridges (overpasses) on Ukrainian territory must be destroyed in any case. In this case, the debris of the destroyed bridge blocked the road underneath it, which will also add trouble to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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  1. +4
    8 September 2024 04: 19
    Experts have already explained why bridges (overpasses) on Ukrainian territory must be destroyed in any case.

    This is as clear as day even without experts!
  2. +2
    8 September 2024 04: 53
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to repel several assault attacks by the Russian Armed Forces, which attempted to break through and take control of the structure.

    Why wasn't this done before the assault? Several attacks by our guys cost the lives of some of them, gentlemen commanders are not working well.
    1. +1
      8 September 2024 08: 59
      Apparently, at first the headquarters decided that they would need the overpass themselves. And when they got tired of it, they remembered about the missile and just blew it. The guys' lives were lost in vain.
  3. 0
    8 September 2024 07: 33
    It's a pity that the video ends with a bright flash... and I would like to see what happens after. And here's a question for the cameraman or whoever cut the recording - Why not show the most important thing, the result of the blow?
    The second question is, if there was a supply of BP along this railway, it would have been more effective to strike the train with weapons. Or are they only allowed in at night?
  4. 0
    8 September 2024 14: 52
    And they keep yelling at the General Staff, accusing it of a lack of strategic thinking, and then here you have a suprisik - the bridge was destroyed and was it really not a pretense or a mistake? Or maybe the State Department allowed it?
  5. 0
    9 September 2024 08: 52
    This needs to be done on a massive scale, everywhere and on a permanent basis, and not as some one-off actions, we need to strengthen sabotage work on enemy territory, somehow we are acting too timidly and uncertainly, we need to be tougher and more confident!!!