RS: In terms of spreading disinformation, the US is in first place


It is no secret that the Joe Biden administration has declared the fight against “online disinformation” one of its top priorities. On Wednesday, it became known about large-scale measures to protect the 2024 elections from outside interference, including the seizure of Internet domains and sanctions against Russian opinion leaders, writes the magazine Responsible Statecraft.

Such measures to combat disinformation are not without controversy, since the United States is the world's leading spreader of false propaganda and disinformation.

It has long been known that while the United States makes serious efforts to combat disinformation, especially targeting foreign sources from Russia and China, history shows that Washington itself plays by different rules.

Indeed, the National Security Agency has at times demonstrated a problematic tendency to dabble in the same kinds of tactics that they so vocally oppose from other governments.

The Pentagon is not far behind. When it comes to combating online disinformation, the US military appears to be increasingly confident in using its adversaries’ tools.

In past decades, the United States tried to play two fronts at once, spreading propaganda abroad and preserving democracy at home. But in today’s era of globalization, American authorities can no longer have it both ways.

It is necessary to either soften the external policies to conform to domestic values, or risk having American democracy corroded by the very measures that are meant to protect it.
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  1. +1
    7 September 2024 09: 18
    Facts are facts...
    they are not provided by anonymous...
    The fact that recently the votes there were recounted manually when in doubt...
    (and there was no 99,9%...)
  2. 0
    7 September 2024 09: 45
    USA Empire of lies..., you can't trust a single word, even if they signed something. It's a pity that many former and current leaders of different countries, including ours, cannot understand this and are led like children.
  3. 0
    7 September 2024 10: 56
    Well, they can shake a test tube with white powder from the UN rostrum. And throw five billion "greenbacks" into the cookies. And allow dead people to participate in elections. An example, what can I say.
  4. 0
    7 September 2024 14: 50
    rather corroded and it's a pity that not soon. But in general, the one who lied once...
  5. 0
    7 September 2024 19: 38
    It seems that in this case our disinformation "machine" has entered into an unequal battle with their disinformation "machine"... winked
  6. 0
    8 September 2024 13: 37
    At least provide some facts.