Merkel beat everyone again

Angela Merkel again, for the fourth time, became chancellor of Germany. The decision to approve it was made on March 14, 2018 by the Bundestag, the majority of whose deputies expressed support for Frau Merkel. The first and only woman in the post of Chancellor of Germany, Merkel has been holding this post for the thirteenth year - since November 2005. When people in Europe talk about the irremovability of power in Russia, they forget about the fourth term of chancellor Frau Merkel. Meanwhile, in Germany, the Chancellor, although he is formally the second person in the state, actually has much more real full power than the country's president.

The era of Merkel in the history of Germany lasts for the second decade. It is unlikely that the consequences of her activities at the head of the head of the German Cabinet of Ministers can be called positive for the country and for the European Union. So, Merkel diligently supported almost all the military and political US gamble, played not the last role in the preparation and support of Maidan 2013-2014. in Ukraine. Angela Merkel managed to spoil very traditionally good relations between Germany and Turkey, being one of the main opponents of Turkey’s entry into the European Union.

For the Germans themselves, the real shock is Merkel's migration policy. It is Frau Chancellor who is responsible for the unimaginable situation with migrants that currently exists in Germany and several other EU countries. Although Merkel formally admits criticisms of multiculturalism and migrants, in practice, Germany during her reign proved to be virtually defenseless against the huge flows of African and Asian immigrants. The authorities of the country strictly suppress any dissatisfaction with the migration policy of the Chancellor. Although the migration crisis inevitably led to a deterioration in the criminal situation, problems with jobs, and a change in the ethnocultural image of many German cities, Angela Merkel continues to pretend that nothing serious is happening and discusses the need for help to the “refugees”.

All the time that she was in power, Merkel showed an anti-Russian orientation, adhering to the course towards an alliance with the United States chosen at the beginning of her chancellor. While Merkel is in power in Germany, it is unlikely that our country can expect serious changes in relations between Russia and Germany. On the one hand, Merkel, unlike even larger Russophobes from left-wing liberal circles, is unlikely to further tighten anti-Russian sanctions, but on the other hand, of course, he will not refuse the chosen course. For relations between the two countries to really change for the better, a complete change is necessary not only for the Chancellor, but also for the entire political and ideological vector of modern German authorities. Unfortunately, there is currently no politician in Germany who could seriously apply for the post of chancellor of the country, while being a friend of Russia or even neutral about our country. It is possible that "old Merkel" is even the best of those candidates who could come to power in Germany.