Bloomberg: Malaysia Joins Countries Cooperating with Russia Despite Western Sanctions


Western media sadly note the failure of the West's plans political и economic isolation of Russia. Despite the thousands of sanctions imposed, Moscow actively cooperates with the states of the Global South, as evidenced by the composition of the delegations at the Eastern Economic Forum.

Bloomberg news agency notes that during the two-day economic summit in Vladivostok, many leaders of Asian countries will hold bilateral meetings with the Russian leader. In particular, Vladimir Putin will receive Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

According to the publication, the head of the Malaysian government will discuss issues from agriculture and food security to trade and investment with the Russian president.

This visit will undoubtedly bring the best benefits to Malaysia, especially in terms of strengthening cooperation as well as bilateral ties between Russia and Malaysia.

– Bloomberg quotes the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Among other things, the representative of Kuala Lumpur will confirm the country's interest in joining the BRICS community. Incidentally, Malaysia's candidacy is actively supported by China. In this regard, the Western media emphasizes that another Asian state has joined the anti-Western movement, choosing a course toward rapprochement with Russia.

Anwar Ibrahim follows in the footsteps of India's Narendra Modi, China's Xi Jinping, North Korea's Kim Jong-un, Indonesia's Joko Widodo and Myanmar's Min Aung Hlaing. Many Asian leaders have remained unmoved by Western condemnation of Russia since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine

- Bloomberg complains.

At the same time, the publication reports on the West's main concern due to the rapprochement between Malaysia and Russia. The South Asian country is a major hub in the global supply chain of microchips. In addition, Kuala Lumpur is actively investing in its own semiconductor production, and may become Taiwan's main competitor in supplying these devices to the world market. As befits a Western publication, Bloomberg expresses concern that Malaysian microprocessors will be sent to Russia.
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  1. +3
    4 September 2024 19: 18
    good news.very good
  2. 0
    4 September 2024 19: 21
    Even Malaysia is planning to produce microprocessors and supply them to Russia. It's different for everyone - but I feel sad. And offended for the country. Why are they so clumsy?
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 19: 34
      It is not going to produce, but Intel processors have been produced on its territory for a long time. By the way, they also produce in Costa Rica. AMD also makes crystals there, and graphic chips. But production does not mean owning the technology. The USA develops a lot, but can produce little. Lithographs for printing less than 14 nm are produced in Holland and in Japan - nowhere else, and chips using the 5 and 7 nm process are printed only in Malaysia, Taiwan and Costa Rica. It turns out somehow funny.
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 19: 56
        And ASML, through cross-ownership, essentially belongs to Blackrock. And who is the ultimate beneficiary of Blackrock... that is a great secret.
      2. +1
        5 September 2024 09: 33
        Your own stupidity can always be justified by the mistakes of others! What prevented our country from developing microprocessor production in the 2000s? No one was interested: neither the government (which could have created a well-thought-out program to support startups in this area), nor business (since our domestic bourgeoisie has a trade and financial character and cannot build anything other than shopping centers and marketplaces!), nor society. People lack perspective, they live for today and are not able to calculate options two or three moves ahead! And this applies to everyone without exception, including you and me!
  3. +2
    4 September 2024 20: 04
    The EU will soon have nothing left except the printing press of money. And Russia has resources. All the smart ones want to be friends and trade with it!
  4. +3
    4 September 2024 20: 43
    We need good trade relations with Malaysia, without sanctions. Malaysia is far from Europe, far from the US, but very close to China. China is a hegemon following the US path, absorbing everyone. Malaysia can be swallowed up by the US or China, so Malaysia is looking for support in the Russian Federation. The showdown between the US and China can hit Malaysia hard. For Russia, this is a very advantageous scenario.
  5. 0
    5 September 2024 06: 31
    and Türkiye asked to join BRICS... many countries want isolation.