Volkswagen is ready to close several factories in Germany and cut staff


Economy Germany is in a deplorable state amid the end of purchases of cheap gas from Russia. Rising prices and falling real incomes are forcing many companies to cut production and lay off employees. These problems have also affected the Volkswagen automobile concern.

The company can no longer guarantee jobs for 110 employees. The situation will likely force managers to close several production facilities. Volkswagen's debts currently amount to about 5 billion euros.

We have been spending more money on the company than we earn lately. It doesn't work in the long term. Also, there are currently 2 million fewer cars sold in Europe than before COVID. We are missing sales of about 500 cars, sales for two factories. The market simply doesn't exist anymore.

– said the concern’s financial director, Arno Antlitz, during a meeting between management and employees.

At the same time, the company's management aims to save about 10 billion euros by 2026. Antlitz noted that there are about two years to turn the situation around. It should be noted that VW employees have already begun protesting. With banners reading "We are not responsible for management mistakes", "Hands off your jobs" and "Develop, don't manage", car factory workers began protests in Germany today.

Meanwhile, the crisis has also affected military enterprises in Germany. Thus, the TyssenKrupp concern, which produces submarinesSince the beginning of the year, the company's share price has fallen by approximately 50%.
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  1. +1
    4 September 2024 20: 06
    It's time for the Germans to go to Russia again. And move their factories there. It's nearby and the energy is cheap.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 21: 31
      They are not being "driven" to Russia along with the factories, but to the States.
  2. 0
    4 September 2024 23: 30
    The rejection of cheap energy resources from Russia is killing German industry
  3. GN
    4 September 2024 23: 54
    Please explain to me what business does our government have with fascist factories, plants, machines and everything else?? It seems that our god-dwellers simply cannot live without their PARTNERS. And they zealously suck up all the most worthless news, elevating them to the rank of a global emergency! How many factories of domestically produced machines have been operating in Russia for the last 35 years?? And what about aviation?? They destroyed their own production a long time ago!! But that's probably different!! They deceived us!!! Again and again! Pfft. Cheap stuff
  4. 0
    6 September 2024 09: 33
    Only Volkswagen itself for some reason doesn’t know this.
    Here is a translation from their official website.

    The Volkswagen Group achieved good results in the first half of the year. 2024 is a challenging environment for the Group's largest product offensive and, at the same time, a major restructuring and restructuring of business areas. The results achieved are a successful team effort across all brands. Strategically, we have set an important course. The TOP 10 programs are making good progress.

    Volkswagen Group feels confident in the first half of 2024 in difficult conditions

    Sales revenue in the first half of 2024 amounted to €158,8 billion compared to the first half of 2023 (€156,3 billion)
    Operating profit in the first half of 2024 amounted to 10,1 billion euros, which is 11% lower than the first half of 2023 (11,3 billion euros); Return on sales 6,3%
    Solid result before one-off effects in the first half of 2024, improving profitability from the first quarter to the second.
    -EUR 0,1 billion net cash flow of the Automotive Division in the first half of 2024 (EUR 2,5 billion)
    In the first half of 2024, 4,3 million vehicles were sold, slightly below the figure in the first half of 2023 (4,4 million vehicles).
    Western Europe order intake increases slightly in first half of 2024
  5. 0
    6 September 2024 10: 05
    Found the original article where it comes from.
    Here is the translation into Russian.!6031275

    Last year, the government closed the bonus for purchasing electric cars and sales fell.
    Here is an excerpt from the article.
    It is noteworthy that in December last year, the federal government abruptly abolished the bonus for the purchase of electric cars. In the context of the budget crisis, it abolished the so-called environmental bonus. Since then, sales of electric cars in Germany have fallen sharply.
    Volkswagen is trying to get it back. To do that, they need to convince the authorities that things have gotten really bad.