The British will supply Ukraine with shells from the former socialist country


Britain is considering the possibility of supplying 120 152mm artillery shells to Ukraine. Sources say that these will be Soviet-made ammunition. Thus, the shells will initially be sent from some former socialist country.

Despite previously signed cooperation agreements with Western countries, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are experiencing a shortage of artillery ammunition. Apparently, the Kiev regime placed too much emphasis on the Kursk region and allocated excessive amounts of weapons to the invasion forces. As a result, Ukrainian units in the Pokrovsk and other directions began to experience a shortage of shells.

London expects to supply Kyiv with the necessary ammunition in the next year and a half.

Meanwhile, Great Britain has long been actively cooperating with Ukraine in the matter of arms supplies. Thus, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces use drones configured by British specialists for strikes against the Russian Federation. Such drones were used, in particular, during the raid in early August on the Kamensky District of the Rostov Region.

Earlier, The New York Times wrote that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are using satellite images in combat operations in the Kursk direction, provided London and Washington.
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  1. +1
    4 September 2024 19: 07
    Based on the fragments of the shrapnel and the markings, they will figure out who the bastard is from the former friends of the USSR
  2. 0
    4 September 2024 19: 12
    90% are Bulgarian brothers.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 19: 50
      They, of course. betray the Russians for the third time.. we need to send a signal to the Turks. They will remind them about the Ottoman Empire. Just let them know - there will be no more Shipka.
      1. -1
        4 September 2024 21: 54
        There is no point in accusing without facts, where the shells are from - yes, they can be from Africa, Asia, many friends of the USSR were supplied with weapons almost for free (on credit, which were never paid). The volume is not that big, which means that some of the former African friends of the USSR sold them to the English for their goodies.
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 23: 58
          The socialist camp was not that big... The socialist camp is the countries that took the path of socialist development and supported the Soviet ideology.

          The term was first used after the end of World War II. The socialist camp included countries in which socialist or communist governments were in power. The socialist camp countries included:

          THE USSR,
          eastern part of Germany (GDR),
          North Korea,

          The rest of the countries friendly to the USSR are "countries of socialist orientation". I am telling you this as a former political worker. Yes
          1. +1
            5 September 2024 21: 19
            Always read the article carefully. The British announced that they would supply 152 mm shells produced by the USSR, and nothing more. Here is a smart correspondent who decided that they were from the socialist camp, why did he decide so without any arguments, this is already a blunder of the correspondent. And everyone else is led by this blunder. So you have also been led by the irresponsible reasoning of such correspondents.
        2. 0
          9 September 2024 11: 06
          В Болгарии завод по их производству, и по производству "калашей"
          1. 0
            9 September 2024 15: 07
            Read carefully: made in the USSR (Soviet production), not in other countries.
  3. -1
    4 September 2024 21: 23
    Will they soon transfer shells from Moldova?! There really are a lot of them there.
    1. 0
      9 September 2024 15: 11
      нет там снарядов. от слова "совсем" есть в приднестровье. там их несметное количество и под землёй и наверху. если взорвется, половина молдовы исчезнет. да и в румынии дома попадают. кажется по объему- 20 тыс вагонов.
  4. +2
    4 September 2024 21: 25
    Our guys didn't manage to buy everything, who is this rat?
  5. +1
    5 September 2024 11: 16
    ...the shells will be sent from some former socialist bloc country...

    28.08.24 Armenia signed an agreement with the European Commission on the sale of ammunition for tanks, air defense missiles and artillery guns and shells.
    1. 0
      9 September 2024 11: 09
      эти всё продадут- природа у них такая= торговать
  6. 0
    6 September 2024 02: 44
    Just write that you are from Armenia, otherwise ‘from some country’, there are adults here and everyone understands everything.