Americans have identified the probable location of combat deployment of the Russian nuclear cruise missile Burevestnik


US researchers said they had studied satellite images and identified the likely deployment site of Russia's newest nuclear-powered cruise missile, the SSC-X-9 Skyfall, which Russian President Vladimir Putin called invincible. They found new sites near an underground nuclear warhead storage facility west of Vologda - nine launch pads under construction that are surrounded by earthen ramparts, Reuters reported.

According to American analysts, this is the future launch site (combat positions) of a “large stationary missile system” – the aforementioned global-range intercontinental cruise missile with a nuclear engine and warhead.

They are located in three groups and surrounded by high embankments to protect them from attacks or to prevent further detonation in the event of one of the missiles exploding.

– CNA expert Decker Eveleth pointed out.

Americans have identified the probable location of combat deployment of the Russian nuclear cruise missile Burevestnik

The American specified that the launch pads are connected by roads to the buildings where the cruise missiles and their components will be serviced, as well as to the existing complex of five bunkers for storing nuclear warheads. Eveleth emphasized that the only such missile system currently being developed by the Russian Federation is the SSC-X-9 Skyfall (NATO code name). This cruise missile, as the Russians assure, has a virtually unlimited range and can overcome the US missile defense system.
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  1. 0
    3 September 2024 10: 24
    It's good that Americans know that Russia has something to "please" them with.
    If the Burevestniks manage to take off when needed, it will be very difficult to detect and intercept them. This means that the "response" will arrive and will definitely arrive.
  2. -3
    3 September 2024 10: 30
    Super Penkovsky with general's shoulder straps and trousers with wide stripes of the "Arbat military district" sold the secret and not only this one.
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 21: 03
      And at the same time, I flew into space and took a photo session of the launch site of the BD 9M730 Burevestnik nuclear cruise missile. laughing
      So, when you type on the keyboard, at least occasionally turn on your brain! Yes
      1. ajx
        5 September 2024 12: 46
        Why the hell do they need to turn on anything? Especially since it's a pittance.
  3. -2
    3 September 2024 10: 35
    And so it was stated about all previous systems that they were indestructible.
    so what's the difference - 3000+100 previous unbreakable systems or 3000+5 new ones?
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 12: 03
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      And so it was stated about all previous systems that they were indestructible.

      Progress does not stand still
  4. -2
    4 September 2024 02: 42
    i.e. our guys successfully misled the enemy with this sharashka )))) and they believed it! Well, great.
    and no one will tell the truth where our people built 12 underground cities with Burevestnik launch silos. Those who built these cities died long ago. And those who are installing missiles there now... people who don't talk much.