Russian experts talk about the need to strike NATO infrastructure


The Kiev regime remains viable only thanks to financial and military assistance from the North Atlantic Alliance. According to military journalist and public figure Alexey Zhivov, in order to win in the North Atlantic War, Russian troops must strike at NATO infrastructure.

As long as the transportation routes are operational and the corresponding facilities are functioning, the alliance will continue to saturate the Ukrainian Armed Forces with its servicemen and instructors in a ratio of 20 to 80.

As long as the Ukrainian Armed Forces' logistics supply hubs and personnel training bases are in operation, we will not be able to achieve a tangible military victory in Ukraine. At this rate, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to receive qualified reinforcements and any necessary amount of weapons for another 2-3 years

– Zhivov wrote on his Telegram channel.

The journalist believes that Moscow should strike NATO facilities on the territory of Nezalezhnaya during the vote counting period during the presidential elections in the USA. Otherwise, the conflict could last another 4,5 years.

Geopolitical expert Yuri Baranchik shares a similar opinion. He believes that the alliance will give the Russian Armed Forces a pretext to attack using American F-16 fighters. At the same time, even before the strike, Moscow should amend its doctrine on a preventive strike against a nuclear and conventional threat, including against an enemy that does not possess weapons of mass destruction.

The Achilles heel of the Kyiv regime is that it is viable only with abundant external nourishment from the West. Cutting this umbilical cord will allow us to break the back of this Western battering ram of Russia in a few months. And NATO's response to strikes on the national territories of alliance members must be curbed by our readiness to immediately move to the use of nuclear weapons in accordance with the new doctrinal guidelines.

- Baranchik pointed out.
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  1. +5
    2 September 2024 19: 05
    It is not the first time I have read the opinion that the war has reached a dead end in 2 years, because Ukraine still has plenty of mobilization reserves, and the West will supply modern weapons in excess, which means that in order to put an end to the war and unnecessary casualties among our military, it will no longer be possible to do without strikes with tactical nuclear weapons.
    1. -14
      2 September 2024 19: 12
      How much is full? Since 2014, their population has decreased by half. They can only choose from 4 million, the rest are pensioners, children and disabled people. Is this called full? About the excess of weapons, this is also from the section of Ukrainian science fiction. Talk that the West itself does not have enough is heard more and more often.
      1. +6
        2 September 2024 23: 28
        1,1 million aged 25-60, plus at least 1 million aged 18-25. Europe will sooner or later deport about 0,5 million under various pretexts. Taking into account the 850 thousand who are currently in service, that would be enough for at least another 3 years of war.
        1. +2
          3 September 2024 02: 11
          Not for three, but for eight years and more.
          1. -1
            3 September 2024 18: 24
            Not eight, but ten or twelve - why bother with trifles, talk as much as you want, you can even blurt out twenty - who will check?
        2. +1
          3 September 2024 07: 12
          and otherwise their life is just perfect? laughing How is the quality of food and medicine? A brick doesn't fall from the roof, a bridge doesn't slip out from under your feet? And not war but slaughter, if we call a spade a spade.
        3. 0
          3 September 2024 23: 34
          Plus it keeps growing every year
      2. +3
        3 September 2024 11: 04
        Kids get a year older every year, in case you didn't know.
    2. +7
      2 September 2024 19: 18
      When a doctor examines a patient, he tries to find the cause of the disease. The cause of the war is the USA! ONLY the threat of using weapons on US territory will end this war!
      1. 16+
        2 September 2024 19: 23
        It makes sense, but we should have started with this back in February 22 - if you try, you'll immediately get nuclear weapons first on Brussels, Ramstein and London, then on Washington. I'm sure they wouldn't even have supplied helmets. But our leader doesn't have the guts, alas, he's not even a weak shadow of Stalin.
        1. -7
          2 September 2024 19: 51
          Should we have told the West directly that we don't want our children to be killed with Western weapons? We want them to be killed with garden tools according to the old Ukrainian tradition?
        2. 0
          3 September 2024 14: 29
          I'm sure they wouldn't even have provided helmets.

          No helmet, no first aid kit, no body armor... And old lady Nuland would be wary of handing out cookies baked "with her own hands" on the Maidan...
          But they reported - "Kyiv in 3 days"... Who? Good question. And the "Petersburger" fell for these fake reports. Moreover, "blohers" and other media picked up on it, like in "Guess the melody" - "I'll guess in two notes... And I in one!" Guessed - instead of flowers for the armor - a shot from an RPG... They've been "guessing" for the third year - now on our territory. Now tell me where I'm wrong...
      2. -4
        2 September 2024 19: 50
        the reason for Mazepa's betrayal is also the USA? the USA is that draft from which the boil in Ukraine's face has become inflamed again. if not from this, then from something else this infection will manifest itself again.
      3. 0
        3 September 2024 00: 50
        We've been threatening for 70 years. We just need to hit the States with a thermonuclear warhead! fellow Both we and the Americans will immediately forget about the crests feel
      4. +3
        3 September 2024 02: 12
        Threat..? That's nothing! The US has been living with this threat since '49.
    3. 0
      2 September 2024 22: 10
      Quote: Polar Bear
      We can no longer do without strikes with tactical nuclear weapons.

      Do you mean for them or for us?
    4. +5
      2 September 2024 22: 43
      Quote: Polar Bear
      To end the war and unnecessary casualties among our military, tactical nuclear strikes are no longer possible.

      If anyone is to be beaten, then the "initiative group" of the Glavbourgeoisie. Not necessarily with nuclear weapons, but as accurately as possible. The chieftains will be liquidated, and the war will die out, as if by a wave of a "magic wand". At the same time, we need to clean up the chieftains, too, because they are "international", in the process of selling out Russia.
    5. 0
      3 September 2024 02: 09
      Ah, if only NATO didn't have these nuclear weapons, and there are heaps of them there.
    6. +1
      3 September 2024 07: 28
      Why do you think the question of Ukraine's ability to create an atomic bomb has come up now? It's a warning. Shoot the hohols, we'll give them the nuke. Do you want an answer? And don't doubt that we will get it.
    7. 0
      3 September 2024 07: 33
      I wrote about this a year ago and I was downvoted. I think because they don't tell people how many people we actually have who are dead and disabled...
    8. +1
      3 September 2024 07: 43
      And you live on the border with Ukraine, so you can so brazenly claim about the use of nuclear weapons? You should be there.
  2. -5
    2 September 2024 19: 20
    And NATO’s response to attacks on the national territories of alliance members must be tempered by our readiness to immediately move to the use of nuclear weapons in accordance with new doctrinal guidelines.

    This is very correct and I support it. fellow To non-stop pound all these Berlins, Londons, Romes, Madrids, Parises and other Brusselses with nuclear Iskanders, Zircons and other X-s, threatening to use nuclear weapons in case of response! fellow
    Yes, even at Washington with cruise missiles from submarines! fellow but in a non-nuclear version wink
    1. +6
      2 September 2024 22: 48
      Quote: Strange guest
      To fuck all these Berlins, Londons, Romes, Madrids, Parises and other Brussels non-stop

      Are you serious? About your children and property? You're being hasty!
      1. +1
        3 September 2024 00: 23
        No. If we're going to get drunk like this, cut the last cucumber! fellow
    2. +4
      3 September 2024 02: 15
      They will smear snot on their faces with a handkerchief and scream - it's not my fault???
      Doubts arise.
  3. +3
    2 September 2024 19: 20
    Along the shopping center! smile It is a, and you don’t have to go to a fortune teller (remember the rather big Russian problems with the “reorganized” military registration and enlistment offices and their emasculated “working staff”), will cause significant disorganization in the mobilization of the Ukrainian Armed Forces!
    And this "nuclear expert" nonsense with a link to the "election of the American president" comes from cowardly American servility, associated with a marginal "inferiority complex" and the lack of critical thinking ability of those (and their servants), whom Gorbachev's "catastroika" - the collapse of the USSR raised "from rags to riches"! Exactly the same problem with the servile "mental dependence on Fashington" in Ukraine, and absolutely in all post-Soviet republics!
    "If a fight is inevitable, then you need to hit the closest "assemblage points" with all your might, so that the distant ones are afraid!" Yes
    Be simpler, more consistent and realistic in setting goals, and people will be drawn to you (including those sympathizers who still survive in Ukraine, and you may even find new ones from those saved from the Judeo-Banderite grave-making, the "ukhilants" and their relatives).
    1. -4
      2 September 2024 19: 59
      and so they are engaged in the depopulation of Ukrainians, so that others will think whether to jump to someone else's tune or not...
      1. +2
        2 September 2024 21: 05
        Kitty, for that, to be headless(what is there to "think about" when Washington and London, together with local war oligarchs, are paid money for the evil "jumps on the Maidan", the corrupt natives are incited by them, and they are also slyly "hooked" on "Maidan drug tea" with a strong "narcomaidan addiction", in Ukraine many onlookers, at least once out of curiosity and for mercantile "reasons", went "to make some easy money by standing on the weekend at the "Euromaidan" and hanging out in a concert atmosphere - at the "Maidan" / the entertainment program was cooler than at the "anti-Maidan" and Yanukovych's "regionals" "fucked" their sympathizers with daily pay more - they were not interested in supporting the "anti-Maidan", they stole a lot of money and took much worse care of their own than the "Judeo-Banderites" sympathizers, almost did not protect from the machinations of Bandera extremists from the "Maidan hundreds", therefore many who went there many times later refused to go to Kiev and told their friends not to agree, seeing that the "no-alternative Euro-integrator" Yanukovych and his henchmen, in fact, are in cahoots with the anti-constitutional "Euromaidan" and are secretly "applauding" him / and even with free overnight stays, it's a fool to hang around Kyiv, bring home a "Kiev cake" and other capital gifts", then they were drawn back there, only to "drink some more Maidan tea" - they became drug addicts against their will, some later received treatment, but many of the "skakuas" who got hooked later went "volunteering" to the ATO, because there "psychostimulants" were free, as was alcohol, and they paid well, "veteran benefits" for utilities and looting "separatist property" was encouraged - "Nova Poshta" was shocked by the scale of "shipments" to Zapuskria and by the fact that refrigerators in parcels turned out to have rotting food inside!) marginals did not "jump to someone else's tune" on the "Maidans"(in Kyiv on Kozye Bolot, in Moscow on Bolotnaya, in Minsk on "Beloploshchshche" and in other post-Soviet republics) we must have "our own tune" from a constructive state ideology and, flowing from it, a clear and consistent external-internal state policy for the development of the country and the steady increase in the well-being of all its citizens, consolidating the majority of Russian society and attractive to adequate people abroad!
        And so, with a bloody massacre of all Ukrainian residents (among whom the occupiers - the Western Bandera and other Russo-hating Vyrus', who under the "Maidan rule" completely terrorized the rest of their fellow citizens, make up about a quarter or a third, but it is them, their bloodthirsty lackeys, who are fed by the kleptocratic "Judeo-Bandera government" and the entire state apparatus of coercion, "Bezpack" on their side, you can't fool them!) you won't "depopularize" or "repress", you'll only make them more angry (and if you drive a rat into a hopeless corner, it will jump, trying to bite into your face with its teeth) - that's not how things are done! request
        1. -2
          2 September 2024 21: 09
          and how are things done? well, before the West was annexed? did they cure the savages of the ruins after the Sagaidachny campaign? maybe the Khmelnitskys from Russophobia? or maybe after the punishment of Mazepa they firmly decided not to betray anymore? or when Russia rotted the Haidamaks in hard labor, they swore not to kill children? what other method have they not tried? bribed, persuaded, changed the government. everything was. if they are so incurable, what is left? finishing off the rat in the corner hi
          1. +2
            2 September 2024 21: 46
            With such unrealistically one-sided primitive ideas about the inhabitants of the former multinational Ukrainian SSR, now occupied by the "Ukrainianizing" Judeo-Bandera, turned into a Washington Eurocolony (with a British Judeo-puppet in the leadership and a British naval base in Ochakov), and acting so deliberately straightforwardly, you will not go far! This is the level of local politicians-temporaries, and not politicians-statists! smile
            Hand on heart, answer - have you ever had to "finish off" the "rat in the corner" (what successes have you had in this?! Personally, at the plant, when this unexpectedly happened - I went into the supply room and caught the rat by surprise - it, frightened by my attempt to kick it with my boot, jumped back into the corner, and then, with a nasty shrill squeal, bared its teeth, jumped into my face - with my bare hand I successfully waved off the attack of the evil animal and simply let it run away, everyone remained with their own, everything happened very quickly, it was impossible to "finish off" it, then our shop dogs-rat catchers pinned it down, "in the Sudoplatov style" winked ) ?! hi
            1. -3
              2 September 2024 21: 54
              Hand on heart...

              I have a private yard. I've killed everything in it, from mice to chickens...

              With such unrealistically one-sided primitive ideas about the inhabitants

              where do we read what is written? the actions of the past centuries were short-sighted. all attempts to replace the next Zelensky are just an attempt to remove the top layer from a pile of manure. no one occupied them. they have always been like this. and they have always been a colony. they themselves are not capable of building.
              1. 0
                2 September 2024 22: 32
                "In general", I also had to kill "mice and chickens and roosters" (and not only) in my grandparents' private yard. smile
                The question was specifically about "finishing off a rat in the corner"! Yes
                Although everything is already clear and understandable to me from your “generalized” answer - you didn’t have to do this specifically, so “killed mice and chickens” were used as an “excuse”?! request
                I already wrote about the local level of thinking and your, alas, completely primitive ideas about what is happening in Ukraine in the previous post! Yes
                It’s a pity that over time you have not begun to think more broadly and deeply, but have only become ossified in your dense ideas about the divided part of the Russian people living in the outlying territories of the Great Russian Empire.
                In principle, your way of thinking is no different from your Russo-hating antipodes, the Banderopithecus! The presence of people like you in the public space on the Russian side is a great gift to Judeo-Banderite propaganda, alas!
                1. -1
                  2 September 2024 22: 36
                  Should I write my own article on animal cruelty? laughing How primitive you are, lovers of Ukrainians. A great gift for Banderovites is all sorts of Podolians who grunt about how bad everything is in Russia. This chicken coop really raises the fighting spirit of Banderovites.
                  1. -2
                    3 September 2024 00: 09
                    No, we were talking about your militant "teaching", like, "the rat in the corner is being finished off"

                    - I quote your own words! request
                    I didn't succeed in doing this, although I tried, which I told honestly and openly, expecting the same honest answer from such a "warlike and formidable" gentleman - as it turned out, only a fairy-tale "rat finisher in the corner" (i.e. "the swing was for a ruble, and the blow - for a kopeck").
                    I mentioned the rest of your “thinking” above.
                    Having reformed and gone over to the Russian side, the former "Maidan centurion" Yuri Podolyaka, thank God, works and does not pay attention to the evil "hryuks" of such Russian marginals (as well as the constant threats of Banderopithecus)!
                    Yu. Podolyaka, unlike you, knows the situation in Ukraine in all its complex diversity thoroughly and with his speeches tries to help the just cause of liberating the multinational inhabitants of the former Ukrainian SSR from the destructive Judeo-Bandera Nazi yoke of the Washington occupation!
                    1. -1
                      3 September 2024 07: 28
                      The one who jumped shrilly on a chair at the sight of a mouse wanted to know how many Ukrainians I killed? Was that the question? Fans of the bathhouse Podolian can apparently only shriek at the sight of mice and hiss angrily. They live in their own little world and have no influence on the course of their own.
                      1. 0
                        3 September 2024 10: 36
                        Well, kitty, you got all worked up and started making noise like a cold samovar, completely losing your self-control and face, and now you've "grunted" at me - do you feel better, you lout of a cat?! smile
                        You are probably one of those cats who don't catch mice, but pompously "talk" about "finishing off rats" and giving everyone their "valuable instructions" (but it didn't work out with me - I couldn't "smoothly merge with the topic", so I "bubbled up in my own little world" for no reason?!)?! Yes
            2. +1
              3 September 2024 09: 12
              I feel sorry for the rats, I catch them and release them far away, I also feel sorry for the Europeans who could fall under the effect of nuclear weapons, I have no complaints about ordinary Germans or French either, but their states must be destroyed.
            3. +1
              3 September 2024 14: 53
              "have you ever had to finish off the rat in the corner"

              It happened... When I opened the power cabinet during the night shift. I don't want to remember it, even that sickening smell. I managed to slam the doors - she was probably asleep. How she and the guys later "dug her out" from there and chased her around the entire shop is a separate story...
              Apparently the same thing is happening now...
          2. 0
            3 September 2024 00: 44
            Don't try to destroy the rat in a relaxed manner and underestimate it, you have to be ready for the rat to pounce and then it has no chance. What are brains given to you for? To analyze and make adjustments to your actions.
            1. 0
              3 September 2024 11: 16
              You don't know rat habits at all, Ales! request
              These are the smartest little animals (if we are talking about them specifically, and not about allegory and stable "speech, more often literary, images" - "like a cornered rat"), which usually act in a pack, tactically competently distributing responsibilities - especially "reconnaissance", thoughtfully building "battle and marching order", "communication routes" and foraging "rear". winked
              They usually don't attack so simply, without preparation (especially solitary rats, except in case of obvious superiority over the victim, a desperate hopeless situation - "driven into a corner" and a priori aggressive behavior of the so-called "rat wolf"), even in a pack - they are cautious ("behind their rat shoulders" millions of years of "survival evolution")!
              The brains of rats are designed for survival and for the effective use of the slightest chances for this (with instant analysis, including symbiotic-collective, with elements of forecasting, and very fast response (making adjustments to their actions) to changes in the current situation and the environment as a whole.
              Therefore, we will not be “smart” and literally delve into the “biocenosis” of the rat community.
              And if "figuratively", then in addition to a good general and specialized higher civilian education, I had a fairly good general and specialized higher military education, so you will hardly be able to "assert yourself" on me with your childish "military instructions". tongue
              If you were "given brains for a reason" (then why didn't you immediately point out your supposedly "extremely high IQ", since you "reminded me about brains" in such a mentoring manner? smile ), then you might have already understood this from my comments above.
        2. 0
          3 September 2024 02: 20
          Sentences, chapters, periods, dashes, paragraphs ????...not
    2. -4
      3 September 2024 00: 53
      You have distorted an old Russian proverb. "Beat YOURS, so that strangers will be afraid" - that is how the folk and primordial-deep wisdom sounds. Yes
      1. 0
        3 September 2024 11: 32
        Oh, how subtly you flattered me - as if "from the opposite" you found in my words "homespun deep folk wisdom"?! So to speak, you unobtrusively indulged the old man, was it sincere?!
        Of course, I creatively apply the original folk wisdom that I absorbed with my mother's milk and from the teachings of my father and comrades, all with rich frontline and life experience; I even saw my great-grandfather, a hero of the First World War, quietly fighting as a partisan during the Nazi occupation, as a teenager.
        And he himself was no slouch (including literally)! winked
        Of course, I am the son of our working people, flesh of their flesh!
        It’s very good that you also know some of our folk wisdom and are even able to quote it! smile
        But your word “distorted” is inappropriate in this case and does not apply to me - it is your patterns of thinking that prevent you from realizing the picture of life not so one-sidedly, but more broadly and deeply (comprehending the depths of the depths), without the “cliches” that limit your consciousness!
        All the best to you, flattering "wanderer (not to say "confused")"! hi
  4. +2
    2 September 2024 19: 38
    It's high time to save ours!
    1. 0
      2 September 2024 19: 58
      rather to delay the end, leaving a threat in the form of conditionally unarmed Ukrainians for future generations. than to kill they will always find.
  5. +1
    2 September 2024 20: 53
    Changing the doctrine is a media goal. If necessary, they will strike even without it.
  6. 0
    2 September 2024 22: 58
    That's right, only strikes on London, Paris, Berlin and Brussels will cool the ardor of European warriors. They haven't died for a long time. It's time to remind them that death with a scythe is already at their door. And against Poland and Romania, as accomplices of the Nazis, we can use nuclear weapons... Lemmberg, Rzeszow and Constanta (or Ploiesti) should be wiped off the face of the earth. And how are they better than Hiroshima and Nagasaki? We are just repeating American actions. And we are just as immune from prosecution before the world for nuclear strikes on enemy cities.
    1. 0
      3 September 2024 02: 23
      And against Poland and Romania, as Nazi collaborators, nuclear weapons could be used... Lemmberg, Rzeszow and Constanta (or Ploiesti) should be wiped off the face of the earth.

      And there won't be a response??? Are you sure!?
    2. -2
      3 September 2024 18: 06
      You just have to declare war before you strike. Yes Otherwise it’s somehow not comme il faut - “this morning, without declaring war..” feel
  7. +8
    2 September 2024 23: 03
    You can start at least with the bridges on the Dnieper.

    You want to grab me by the throat, but you can’t even reach my belly button
  8. +1
    2 September 2024 23: 04
    forget about nuclear weapons, as if they don't exist... we'll force the hohols to "be friends" with us anyway...
    the whole problem is that victory on the battlefield will then be defeated by the losers in the offices of diplomats or by subsequent leaders of the country... "it's not life that's like that, it's us"
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 00: 55
      But to prevent this from happening - only to the Dniester and Tisa. And further through the regions into the Russian Federation.
  9. +1
    2 September 2024 23: 26
    In general, everything didn’t go as promised, and various “experts” started making things up as best they could.

    While the Ministry of Defense and the state media are broadcasting that NATO facilities in Ukraine are being hit and hit!
    So it turns out, according to the "expert", that they are lying? Since this is exactly what he is calling for.
    1. +2
      3 September 2024 02: 26
      In general, everything didn’t go as promised, and various “experts” started making things up as best they could.

      Exactly, exactly like that.
  10. -2
    3 September 2024 02: 07
    They will look at whether it is docked or not???
    This was already after NATO’s massive retaliatory strike against the Russian Federation.
  11. +3
    3 September 2024 03: 59
    What the hell experts were talking about?! The entire Internet on this page was screaming that they should hit Bankova, the railway, the bridges! You don't have to be an expert or a president to understand this!
  12. +2
    3 September 2024 06: 38
    What the hell are we dragging out with new "doctrinal guidelines"? Time has shrunk to a minimum. And we have eternity ahead of us?
    1. 0
      3 September 2024 15: 17
      Do we have eternity ahead of us?

      We will go to heaven, and they just die

  13. 0
    3 September 2024 08: 50
    Should we strike the US or Europe? Europe on our borders is essentially a part of the US, these are the same states as Ohio or Nevada or the state of Romania with Poland. It is imperative to destroy everything in Europe that directly threatens us and wages war with us. It is better to do this with nuclear weapons. One of the reasons that holds us back is that the decision is made by one person whom all his Western colleagues called a murderer, a tyrant, a nuclear maniac, this psychological processing, it blocks his actions that should have been taken back in 22, when the West actively intervened in the conflict. How susceptible a person is to such processing can be determined by the events before 22. For example, these are constant accusations of the use of chemical weapons by Russia, which led to its complete destruction in order to be good for the West. The same with nuclear weapons. The same with strikes on Europe with conventional weapons. Another argument is that we disarmed under treaties, so the number of nuclear weapons we have is not enough even for Europe. It's easy to calculate the number of targets in Europe, the radius of a nuclear explosion and the number of nuclear warheads in Russia.
  14. +5
    3 September 2024 09: 01
    Independence of Ukraine is an oxymoron.
    Russia has the same sovereignty as Ukraine has independence.
    If Russia were sovereign, it would make decisions independently.
    That is why from the first days of the SVO there has been a "rotten talk" about negotiations. With whom? With the fascists?!
    That's why there are bridges, that's why there are "agreements" about some guarantees for Zelensky and the like.
    Therefore, there will be no political, economic or military encroachments towards NATO and the West.
    One talk shop. The position of a "sucker".
    If the government in Russia doesn't change, it won't change nothing.
    Putin will not turn into Stalin, either suddenly or gradually.
    Therefore, such details as “the need to strike NATO infrastructure” are pointless to even discuss.
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 09: 09
      We need to discuss it, it’s useful at least to have a collective understanding of the problem.
      1. 0
        3 September 2024 15: 26
        We need to discuss it, it’s useful at least to have a collective understanding of the problem.

        Yes, Andrey. People are just starting to open their eyes - what kind of ... is controlling us.
        Who is you, Mr. Putin?...
        1. 0
          3 September 2024 23: 42
          Are you sure that our nuclear weapons are in working order?
          The technical shelf life of warheads is from 15 to 30 years, no one checked them after that, and in general, during the intensive arms race, old models of warheads were replaced by new ones, so there was no confirmation that the charge would work in 20-30 years (except for theoretical conclusions). Now even experts cannot say for sure how a nuclear warhead will behave when the limits of its warranty service life have been passed. The fact is that each warhead is filled with several dozen kilograms of conventional explosive. It is used for the so-called compression - the creation of a critical mass to start a nuclear reaction. And conventional explosive has the ability to crack and change its properties. But that's not all: some of the heads have replaceable elements with tritium components, they have a very specific service life, strictly determined by the period of complete decay. And no amount of willpower can cancel the laws of physics.

          While the missiles themselves are sometimes tested by random launches, the warheads are never tested. The moratorium on nuclear testing is the main obstacle to this. In short, nuclear warheads are capable of presenting any kind of hard-to-predict surprise.
          And if it flies but doesn't explode, it will be an embarrassment. feel With difficult to predict consequences. what
          1. 0
            4 September 2024 08: 10
            Yes, you are right about that. Even if you think about it simply logically, everything has its own shelf life, preservation period, half-life, etc.
    2. 0
      3 September 2024 13: 23
      You said it right, I support you
  15. +2
    3 September 2024 09: 42
    Moscow should strike NATO targets on the territory of Nezalezhnaya during the vote counting period during the US presidential elections.

    I would like to know where these NATO facilities in Ukraine are located and why during the vote counting, and not before or after... I know for sure that if all efforts were made to destroy the Carpathian tunnels through which the main flow of NATO weapons passes, it would be much easier. Because of the attacks by the Czech Vampires on residential buildings in Belgorod, we need to bomb military factories in the Czech Republic and everyone will understand why the Russian Federation did this, that would be an adequate response..., and not concerned mooing.
  16. +4
    3 September 2024 09: 46
    The military experts are apparently in a state of severe binge drinking, if they have no idea what is going on at all.
  17. +3
    3 September 2024 13: 21
    for the current Kremlin leadership, all the measures listed are from the realm of fantasy, they can’t even give an adequate response to the Kursk “provocation”, and here they are proposing to take a swing at something sacred, at “partners”
  18. +1
    3 September 2024 13: 29
    Russian experts talk about the need to strike NATO infrastructure

    They are right and I have been talking about this for a long time. I know that the downvoters will come running now shouting that the West will immediately destroy us after this, but I guarantee that nothing like that will happen.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      3 September 2024 18: 42
      .the West will immediately destroy us after this, but I guarantee that nothing like that will happen

      What is behind your guarantees????
      Divisions, regiments, gold...or la-la poplars. I just said it like that.
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 13: 25
        Quote: Kenttt
        What is behind your guarantees?

        I would be ready to pay any price if I am wrong, but I am 100% sure that I will not be wrong.
  19. -3
    3 September 2024 18: 26
    Quote: Polar Bear
    It makes sense, but we should have started with this back in February 22 - if you try, you'll immediately get nuclear weapons first on Brussels, Ramstein and London, then on Washington. I'm sure they wouldn't even have supplied helmets. But our leader doesn't have the guts, alas, he's not even a weak shadow of Stalin.

    Have you personally checked the thickness of your intestines? Or will the Internet forgive everything?
  20. -3
    3 September 2024 18: 28
    Quote: rotkiv04
    for the current Kremlin leadership, all the measures listed are from the realm of fantasy, they can’t even give an adequate response to the Kursk “provocation”, and here they are proposing to take a swing at something sacred, at “partners”

    Get up off the couch and give a WORTHY answer. And while you're sitting here, find another use for your hands, instead of coming up with a "sharp" comment.
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 11: 44
      and are you sitting in a trench or writing from the couch, we registered here to express our opinion, and not to shut someone else up, if you don't like a comment, put a dislike and move on or write a reasoned response
  21. 0
    4 September 2024 18: 10
    Quote: Kenttt
    Not for three, but for eight years and more.

    Yes, well, I think that as soon as the front moves closer to Kiev, the hohols will ask for peace, because everything is going to cleanse the territory of the Ukrainians from Nazism, but they have lied to themselves so much that they do not notice obvious things yet. And the main thing is the end of the existence of country 404. The approach of our army to the borders of Poland will quickly put everything in its place.
  22. 0
    5 September 2024 08: 49
    The destruction of transport and logistics infrastructure in the Western part of Ukraine is one of the main conditions for victory in the SVO.

    Is it possible that what sensible people wrote about two years ago has begun to reach the Russian leadership...
    Until the bridges, tunnels, railway stations, overpasses, and traction substations connecting Ukraine with the West are destroyed, the flow of weapons will not stop and, consequently, the war will continue...
    There won't be enough Ukrainians, mercenaries from Asia, Africa, Latin America will come to fight...
    It won't be difficult for the West to transfer several million poor and hungry fighters to Ukraine...
    Finally, mass production of the UMPK for 500-3000 kg aerial bombs has been established, and solving the problems of massive destruction of transport and logistics infrastructure has become an order of magnitude easier.
    A bomber air division consisting of two Su-34 regiments and a Tu-22M3 regiment should operate in this direction. West of Khmelnitsky and Rivne there should not be a single functioning road, whole bridge, tunnel, airfield...
    The homeland of Banderaism must be plunged into the 19th century.