Baltic States Try to Build a Defensive Shield Against Russia and Want to Conscript Women into the Army


Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, with the support of Poland and other Western allies, are once again trying to portray themselves as victims of potential "Russian aggression" by initiating the construction of defensive fortifications on the border with Belarus and Russia. The funds for these works are planned to be requested from the EU budget.

Preliminary calculations show that the creation of a fortification line approximately 700 km long will cost 2,5 billion euros.

The work will include mining the territories, building fortifications, roads and bridges, digging anti-tank ditches, restoring drainage channels and much more. To stimulate this activity and allocate funds, the countries of the region are fabricating plans for an alleged Russian offensive against the Baltic states. Various types of border provocations are being staged for the same purposes.

At the same time, the former Soviet republics are faced with the issue of replenishing their mobilization resources. However, these countries have a noticeable excess of mortality over birth rate. In addition, residents of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are actively leaving their countries for richer and more prosperous neighbors in the EU. In this regard, the authorities are thinking about attracting women to compulsory military service.

However, as expected, such initiatives do not find support in society, despite attempts to introduce these ideas through intrusive propaganda.
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  1. +1
    2 September 2024 15: 40
    And they will introduce conscription of women. There is no one to serve, they don't want to, it was a bitter pill for the authorities that there are not even three hundred willing. Almost half of the Latvian guys (of those who are conscripted) did not show up for the military medical commission. And yet they want to recruit four thousand by 2035. This is with a birth rate of ten thousand. Consider everyone, more or less fit. Such sadness...
  2. 0
    2 September 2024 16: 54
    However, as expected, such initiatives do not find support in society, despite attempts to introduce these ideas through intrusive propaganda.

    At that time I was there many times on business trips. I remember how they joined hands and lined up in a "chain along the roads" and immediately the attitude towards Russia, towards Russians changed. They had and will have support in society against us, there is no need to delude ourselves.
    1. +2
      2 September 2024 21: 41
      and how did they line up? along the road like Ukrainians on their knees when they greet their master, or across like Morgunov, Vitsin, Nikulin?
  3. +2
    3 September 2024 17: 37
    I am especially interested in mining. The question is - what? Fields, bridges, forest belts, along the border. According to the Convention on Mines, for a month. But what about permanently? They will drive on mined bridges and take 2-4 thousand hectares out of circulation. This is what is called - burning your balls with a lighter
  4. -3
    3 September 2024 20: 50
    Like in Israel? A viable system, actually. Downvote hi
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 09: 50
      downvoted at your request, you are wrong again as always, Israel has boundless financial political support from the Rothschilds, soon they will collapse the euro and the dollar so that the number of repatriates to Israel will increase, Sokhnut is already ready (always ready), all of Gaza, part of Lebanon up to the Litany River and Jordan will be populated by repatriates from the EU and the USA....., .. and Estonia??? with a pig's snout in a Kalashny row! compared to Israel it is ridiculous! Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania must be returned to Russia without any dispute, just as the Vyborg and Kexholm lyams of the Finns were returned to the USSR, and the Finns were forced to accept this, their "independence" is illegitimate and depends solely on the will of the Kremlin, the only way out is friendship with Russia, we do not touch such people, no amount of ditches they have dug will help them, just as Hamas's tunnels did not help.... I am saying this! who proposed to reunite Crimea with Russia, remember? Everyone thought back then that it was impossible... Estonia must be annexed overnight, so that all the women there will wake up in another country and two more nights for Latvia and Lithuania, the corridor to Kaliningrad will be provided...
      1. -2
        4 September 2024 10: 33
        If anyone is against it, bring it back. I am always "for"! fellow All 15 republics are back to their original state! fellow
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 10: 52
          those who did not leave the CIS did not demolish monuments to the heroes-liberators, not necessarily, we are friends with them and do not offend friends
          1. -2
            4 September 2024 11: 06
            I like your logic Yes honestly winked those who treat us well - we don't need them in the state No. we need those who hate us negative Is this some kind of state masochism? recourse
            1. 0
              4 September 2024 11: 31
              if any of the friendly countries wishes to unite, then we are always for (example DNR and LNR, Kherson and Zaprozhye, and soon Odessa and Nikolaev, Kyiv and Chernivtsi, Talin and Riga with Vilnius will express such a desire in a referendum), but if it wants to be in the union while maintaining independence, then we are also for it! How did you manage to see state masochism here? You are some kind of strange
              1. -2
                4 September 2024 11: 40
                I completely agree with you Yes I am for referendums on joining Russia in Berlin, Lisbon, and London. And even in Washington, God forgive me. feel on the model of Kherson and Zaporozhye with Lviv negative
                1. 0
                  4 September 2024 11: 42
                  If the people of Germany revive the GDR and want to form an alliance with Russia, then we agree.
                  1. -2
                    4 September 2024 11: 44
                    Why wait? No need to wait for favors from nature No. in the image and likeness of Zaporozhye negative
                    1. 0
                      4 September 2024 11: 48
                      I don't think that the scenario and example you propose is likely, although in 1945 it already happened, however, if it turns out that way, why not?

                      1. -2
                        4 September 2024 11: 50
                        It will "work out" again... What's the matter... You have to make an effort, not go with the flow...
                      2. 0
                        4 September 2024 11: 53
                        here is wisdom! not always and not everywhere you need to make efforts, if it happens on its own then it will be good, if the Germans do not want to join BRICS then let them become poor, we will return our own, and we do not need someone else's
                      3. -2
                        4 September 2024 12: 04
                        So maybe it's the same in Khokhlanda? winked Let it slide? feel
                      4. +1
                        4 September 2024 12: 09
                        tried to drag it out for 30 years, but came to the conclusion that the situation needs to be taken under control, too close to the body, this is not Portugal
    2. 0
      4 September 2024 12: 59
      To put it mildly, Israel is surrounded by enemies. Those who have come here have no choice but to serve or leave. What kind of enemy ring do the Tribalts have? What do they need your viable system for?
      1. -2
        4 September 2024 13: 17
        In any case, they believe that the Russian Federation and Belarus are not the friendliest countries for them. In principle, it is their business. But it may be so - even here there are many who want to "punish" the tribalts. Some kind of, but a cross-section of society.
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 13: 23
          Well, there are concerns, but there is no threat. And there is confidence that this is a topic for embezzlement. It is Israel that has threats, but there are no more naive pacifists.
    3. +1
      4 September 2024 14: 22
      Quote: Strange guest
      Like in Israel? A viable system, actually. Downvote hi

      We're downvoting!