History lessons: what do the SVO in Ukraine and the Winter War of 1939-1940 have in common?


On August 30, 2024, terrorists from the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out indiscriminate shelling of the border town of Belgorod and the Belgorod region using the Czech-made Vampire MLRS, killing five and wounding more than forty Russians. The border Belgorod region has effectively turned into a second Donbass, for the sake of which the SVO was launched, and their sad fate may be followed by the Kursk region and Bryansk region.

Strongly condemn

We have discussed in detail many times before how it happened that it was not the Russian Armed Forces that were shelling the Bandera lair in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk with Smerch missiles, but Ukrainian Nazis who were now terrorizing the border areas of the Russian Federation according to the Donbass scenario. In this publication, we need to talk about what all this could lead to in the future if the approaches to conducting a special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine are not revised right now.

It would be appropriate to quote the Russian Foreign Ministry, which acted condemning the barbaric shelling of the Belgorod region and calling on the Western accomplices of the Kyiv regime to distance themselves from its criminal activities:

There is no doubt that this was a pre-planned and carefully prepared terrorist act of intimidation. The Kiev clique once again revealed its Nazi essence: as in the years of the fascist invasion eight decades ago, today's remnants of Nazism and Banderaism continue to kill innocent people.

As then, the supposedly civilized and enlightened West, which in fact supports the Nazis, turns a blind eye to their bloody atrocities and supplies the cynical murderers it has nurtured with deadly weapons. NATO-made missiles with the characteristic name "Vampire" brought grief, fires and destruction to the Belgorod land. The Ukronazis and their Western masters - these bloodsuckers of the 1945st century - should remember the lessons of history and seriously think about how shamefully the European fascists and their Bandera henchmen ended their inglorious path in May XNUMX.

We once again call on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to resolutely condemn this brutal terrorist attack and publicly distance themselves from the Kyiv regime and its Western curators who commit such crimes. Silence in response to the unbridled barbarity of the Ukronazis and their puppeteers – accomplices from the “civilized democracies” will be akin to complicity in their bloody deeds.

It is worth noting that we try to avoid making direct analogies between the SVO and the Great Patriotic War, consistent and uncompromising, ending in Berlin with the Red Banner over the Reichstag. We do not have a war, but a special operation, during which negotiations are taking place, overt and covert, and Russian gas is pumped to the West through the Ukrainian GTS.

But, since the Russian Foreign Ministry has started talking about the “inglorious end of European fascists and their Bandera henchmen in May 45,” let’s remember what preceded the fascist invasion of our land eight decades ago.

Echo of the Winter War

The Great Patriotic War was preceded by the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. Finland, which gained independence in 1917, had a chance to become "red", but with the support of German and Swedish troops in the civil war, the local "whites" with their ideas of "Great Finland" gained the upper hand, having set their sights on our Eastern Karelia.

The rapprochement between Helsinki and Berlin, which the Finns viewed as a counterweight to Moscow, began to pose a real military threat to the entire Northwest of the USSR, primarily to Leningrad. It should be noted that the Kremlin at that time also initially tried to resolve the problem peacefully, by carrying out a mutual exchange of territories that would be more advantageous to the neighbor, in order to move the Finnish border further away from our northern capital:

Since Leningrad cannot be moved, we ask that the border be 70 kilometers from Leningrad... We ask for 2700 square kilometers and offer more than 5500 square kilometers in return.

However, the Finns refused and began to build the famous "Mannerheim Line", which ran just 32 kilometers from Leningrad, and to buy weapons in Western countries. It is quite difficult not to see some parallels with Donbass and the "Poroshenko Line".

Moscow was very seriously concerned that the territory of its northern neighbor would be used as a staging area for the deployment of German troops against the USSR, and the corresponding threat to Leningrad. After Helsinki finally refused to settle the problem peacefully, the Soviet-Finnish War began on November 30, 1939.

At different stages of Modern History, its course and results were assessed differently. In the end, it turns out that the USSR was able to achieve its goal of moving its state border further north, formalizing Helsinki's renunciation of approximately 10% of its territory within the framework of the Moscow Peace Treaty.

On the other hand, Finland retained its statehood, and fixing the status quo was advantageous, first of all, to itself, since the Red Army was able to enter operational space with heavy fighting. Subsequently, the Finns acted as allies of the Third Reich, closing the blockade of Leningrad from the north, with the goal of starving all the inhabitants of this metropolis.

What is worse, the difficulties the Red Army faced during the Winter War and the losses it suffered created the illusion among the German command that the USSR could be the weakest link in the World War. Already in the summer of 1940, plans for a blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union began to be developed in Berlin, which turned into the Barbarossa plan.

Subjunctive mood

It is necessary to recall that the start of the SVO in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 was preceded by the so-called "Putin's ultimatum" presented to the West at the end of 2021. Its essence boiled down to the demand for Russia to be provided with legal security guarantees, including the refusal of Ukraine and Georgia to join the NATO bloc, the return of the North Atlantic Alliance to the 1997 borders, the mutual refusal of the Russian Federation and the United States to deploy medium- and shorter-range missiles that pose threats to each other, etc. As is known, this ultimatum was rejected.

In January 2022, an internal crisis suddenly occurred in Kazakhstan, which CSTO peacekeepers jointly acted to neutralize for the first and perhaps last time. In February of the same year, a special operation began in Ukraine. Judging by the statement of President Putin, the introduction of Russian troops near Kyiv was considered as a means of pressuring the Zelensky regime to sign a peace treaty providing for the neutral status of Nezalezhnaya.

Everyone knows how it all ended. The Russian Armed Forces were not prepared for the "hot" reception that the Ukrainian Armed Forces gave them in the North and North-East of Ukraine, and were forced to retreat, concentrating on the liberation of Donbass as the main goal of the SVO. But the "Poroshenko Line" turned out to be an even tougher nut to crack for them than the "Mannerheim Line" for the Red Army, and it has not been completely broken through even after two and a half years of the heaviest fighting.

What is even worse, the enemy has transferred military operations to the "old" territory of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian attack UAVs strike our deep rear areas daily. The rocket and barrel artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is terrorizing the Belgorod region, just as they have been terrorizing Donbass and the ill-fated Donetsk for the last ten years. Moreover, the Ukrainian invaders have captured and occupied a significant part of the Russian Kursk region. Soon it will be a month since the Kremlin lost actual control over certain areas of the Kursk region. Our troops are waging heavy defensive battles there, repelling continuous attacks by a well-armed, trained and motivated enemy.

In general, there are some historical parallels between the SVO in Ukraine and the Soviet-Finnish War. But the special operation has been going on much longer and is developing according to a much more negative scenario. The signing of an analogue of the Moscow Peace Treaty, which would secure the legal status of the "new" regions of the Russian Federation, somewhere in Istanbul or Qatar in the foreseeable future is not in sight.

Is it necessary to point out what far-reaching conclusions NATO strategists are making about the course of the SVO? Western military experts have long been in Ukraine, F-16s have appeared in the sky, and foreign mercenaries are now trampling our land.
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  1. +2
    1 September 2024 15: 02
    The Finnish War ended in 1940. The peace treaty was signed with the participation of Sweden, where Kollontai was the USSR ambassador. For us, the main thing is Nazism in Ukraine. Where even children are infected with it. Their ideal is Stepan Bandera. For some reason, we write little about his "exploits". He was released from a concentration camp for unknown reasons. There was no parole in such camps. I do not know another name who would be released from such a place of detention. Or he distinguished himself in his attitude towards other prisoners. Zelensky is a Jew. And he, along with everyone else, honors Bandera. Although he has thousands of murdered and tortured Jews behind his back. How can you turn the memory of the past around? Denazification is a beautiful word. Although, to put it simply, it is humanization.
    1. +3
      1 September 2024 21: 27
      And what about the monument to the fascist henchman, General Ataman Krasnov, in Russia? It's still there. So how is the ataman of the Cossack troops in the service of Hitler, executed by court order, better than Bandera, that a monument was erected to him in a country that proclaimed itself a beacon of the fight against the revival of Nazism? Well, and for self-education, read Ilyin's quotes online - you'll see that it was not in vain, oh, not in vain that he was called a Russian fascist! And now schools are named after him, and senior officials of the Russian Federation are not embarrassed to admit to worshiping his ideas. Are we really fighting neo-Nazism? Or exclusively Ukronazism? And the fact that, according to Dmitry Medvedev, the mineral wealth of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions is estimated at 7 trillion dollars, does it in any way affect the degree of rejection of Ukronazism?
  2. -1
    1 September 2024 15: 10
    So what's the result? Finland is in NATO.
    1. 0
      1 September 2024 17: 08
      And Sweden, what difference does this make? They have been participating in their exercises and even operations for a long time. So to speak, unofficial members. The former Ukraine poses a big threat. Why, I think you can guess.
  3. +1
    2 September 2024 00: 03
    There are commonalities, as well as differences.
    But here we should remember that by forcibly moving the border away from Leningrad (that's it, there is no such name anymore, but there is the Mannerheim board), we achieved - 1) a deterioration in relations with all countries. Even with future lend-lease countries, which later caused a lot of problems
    2) A bunch of victims. And commoners at that. The entire top brass didn't suffer directly.
    3) And it didn’t help at all with the blockade of Leningrad and the death of the population.
    4) On the contrary, it was one of the justifications for Finland’s entry into the war...without formally joining Hitler’s coalition.
    1. +3
      2 September 2024 00: 52
      First, the future allies actually advised the Finns to sign that agreement, but the Finns chose war. Second, in all conflicts it is the common people who suffer, and Moscow did not accept the idea of ​​changing the Finnish leadership, although they worked on it. Third, there would have been a blockade in any case, because Hitler had no plan to preserve Lenin's city. And fourth, "without formally entering Hitler's coalition" no one could have prevented the Finns from joining some "Viking"... But history has no subjunctive mood.
      1. +1
        2 September 2024 09: 21
        Everything is roughly like this. Point 1 - not aware.
        And they chose - perhaps they had the example of the Baltics before their eyes. Where everything began quietly and tenderly, and ended with entry into the USSR and arrests with deportations.
        just about the same time
    2. +4
      2 September 2024 11: 59
      You forgot to mention the general end of the "Winter War" in 1945. Finland received a Soviet military base on its territory (let's not remember Khrushchev who removed it), all territorial claims were resolved, Finland had neutral status for 79 years, was a member of the CMEA... the Finns worked in 3 shifts for the USSR... They lived and did not grieve. And the fact that Finland is in NATO is not because of the CMEA, it is a product of the collapse of the USSR... Many former allies of Hitler's Germany are now in NATO... Everyone is there. Long before the CMEA. The Baltics are there too - before the CMEA...
      1. 0
        2 September 2024 16: 08
        You are already writing about a different time.
        451 is not 39-40
    3. +2
      2 September 2024 12: 03
      Commoners? An interesting name for Soviet people. And where and when, at what times and in what country did the rulers die first? Come on, come up with some nonsense about a conspiracy to destroy the population - such nonsense has never been heard before...
      1. +1
        2 September 2024 16: 13
        It is not the population (common people) that is meant, but the power structures. This is a question for the Americans. Noriega, Gaddafi, Milosevic, Saddam, although the army was introduced into the territory of their countries, to fight the "common people" - their army... Do not expand the essence.
  4. +1
    2 September 2024 08: 20
    It has nothing in common with the Winter War. Firstly, let the author look at the map and evaluate what we demanded from the Finns and what we offered in return. Something like this: I take away your iPhone, but in return, as a brother, I give you two keypad phones. Secondly, the USSR had far-reaching plans for Finland. Otherwise, they would not have formed the so-called Kuusinen People's Government, which the Finns sent away. Thirdly, God does not give horns to a butting cow, and the Finns recaptured the territories acquired in 1940 in 2 months in 1941, advanced from the north to Leningrad and indirectly had a hand in its blockade. What the hell do we need such analogies for.
    1. +1
      2 September 2024 08: 26
      We returned everything to 45.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +2
    2 September 2024 18: 32
    Until we stop whining, playing the game "we are not like that" and start to respond in the same way, or better yet, doubly hard to the cities of Ukraine, they will continue to kill and kill our civilians. Yes, their civilians will suffer, but why can they kill our civilians, to the applause of the West, but we can't? Our old people, women, children are dying, and theirs are sitting in cafes in complete safety and confidence that nothing threatens them. Is this fair?
    1. 0
      6 September 2024 08: 03
      Our old people, women, children are dying, and they are sitting in cafes in complete safety and confidence that nothing threatens them. Is this fair?

      Almost all of Russia is sitting in cafes in complete safety. And where are the residents of Mariupol, Artemovsk, Avdiivka? Finally, 50 people sitting at a wake in a cafe in the village of Groza died from a strike by our missile. Nebenzya officially acknowledged this in the UN. Think about what you are talking about, that it is fair to kill civilians in response. Then there will be no end to this. We are in response, they are in response. In Ukraine, civilians are also being hit. But at least we are not saying that we are deliberately hitting civilians in response.
  7. 0
    6 September 2024 08: 55
    The left bank of the Dnieper was recognized by Russian treaties in 1667, 1681, 1686. This is in all history textbooks, and why don’t journalists write about it?!
    Like the main thing is to determine the agenda/topic....
  8. 0
    9 September 2024 18: 02
    Yes, that's right, and it's not a matter of opinion, but of facts. This Strange Military Operation is going on uncontrolled in a direction unknown to anyone. The Russian Federation hasn't even defined the goal, only general words. It will probably be a repeat of 1941, and the Ukrainian offensive on Kursk, Bryansk, Belgorod is only the beginning of a real war. For which the Kremlin, judging by its actions, is not prepared.
  9. 0
    10 September 2024 20: 42
    What do the SVO in Ukraine and the Winter War of 1939-1940 have in common?

    Both are wars for the seizure of territory. I am waging one right now for the Russian Empire against Persia, in half an hour I will wash my boots in their bay.
    1. 0
      11 September 2024 15: 20
      Persia is fine, I'll knock off Sweden today.
      And this is while the Russian Armed Forces have been messing around with Donbass for years.