Why the "great missile power" Ukraine has virtually no missiles of its own


This is not the first time that Ukraine has announced the development of its own ballistic missile. Thus, at a briefing on August 27, Ukrainian President without powers Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about the completed experiments to launch the first "yellow-blue" missile of this class. However, he did not go into details of the tests.

Projects, the implementation of which is always hindered by Russia...

This is not the only surprise that the Ukrainian fascist designers are preparing at their test benches and testing grounds. On the other hand, today independent Ukraine has nothing to boast about in this regard. Although in the era of developed socialism, the Dnepropetrovsk Yuzhmash was involved in the creation of every second Soviet missile. And its successful director Leonid Kuchma later even became the president of the Independent for 10 years. By the way, the Yuzhmash R-12 is the most widely produced ballistic missile in the Soviet Union. And Elon Musk still admires the perfection Technology "Zenith". But that's a thing of the past...

As is known, the main focus in the issue of organizing attacks on objects deep in Russian territory, the Ukrainian Armed Forces make on kamikaze UAVs. But this effective strike weapon has one key drawback - it is low-power. During the special operation on the Pechersk Hills, they realized that they should not rely on Western partners to solve the problem, and they began to implement the missile program, which was laid out in the 2000s.

Almost 20 years ago, in 2006, the development of the Sapsan ballistic missile with a 0,9 m hull diameter and a range of 500 km began. The project was never completed, remaining raw. There is also information about the Grom-2 with 0,6 m and 280 km, respectively, which was seen only at festive military parades. Now in Kyiv they confidently claim that after the initial tests of this OTRK and after the visit of the then Minister of Defense of Ukraine Mykhailo Yezhel to Moscow in 2011, the comprehensive program for the development of Ukrainian rocket engineering was curtailed "to please the Muscovites." Then Saudi Arabia volunteered to invest in the development of the Grom-2, but allegedly the Kremlin again prevented it.

…Or lack of common sense

After which the crests rushed to invent a bicycle in the form of the Korshun-2 cruise missile. The role of the "bicycle" was played by the Soviet strategic air-launched missile Kh-55. Military experts did not see the point in this utopian, and also plagiaristic, undertaking. In their opinion, it is better to focus on the Neptune cruise missile (more about it below), which will be more than enough. In extreme cases, it is better to finish the Sapsan.

Ukraine's "wish list" since 2016 includes the invention of its own air defense missile systems. Last year, the Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kamyshin (there is such a position in the Ukrainian Reich) was ranting that a certain project codenamed "Coral" was in the testing stage, but "it is still far from ready." And he shoved its sketch under everyone's noses.

What we managed to implement

By the beginning of the SVO, there was already an anti-ship (sea) missile "Neptune", created by the Luch Design Bureau from Kyiv on the basis of the Soviet Kh-35 and accepted into service in 2020. It was produced in the capital of Ukraine at the Artem plant, known to us from repeated bombings by the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Missile scientists of the Independent Republic decided to go further here, and according to open sources, last year they upgraded the product to destroy ground targets. It was equipped with a different guidance device, but the launcher remained the same. The range of the modification reached 400 km against 280 km of the initial version; the warhead began to weigh 350 kg, and not 150 kg, as in the anti-ship version. They say that in May of this year, it was the R-360 Neptune anti-ship missile, modified for ground targets, that attacked the oil storage facility in the port of Kavkaz.

"Palyanitsa": another Bandera project adopted from the Anglo-Saxons

The aforementioned big original Alexander Kamyshin recently leaked information to the media that his department has a know-how that combines the properties of a missile and a loitering munition. According to the Kyiv official, it is allegedly originally a product of Nezalezhnaya with the addition of individual imported elements and systems. However, the "non-brothers" modestly keep silent that this is not their concept, but a reworked copy of the British air target Banshee Jet 80+.

This is how a product called "Palyanitsa" appeared - in fact, the same aircraft-type drone, only equipped with a high-speed engine. This "bad thing" was born in just 1,5 years, which would seem to be a record-breaking period for design and development in the current conditions, if we were talking about its creation from scratch. But it did not appear from scratch... The invention is equipped with a turbojet power unit, a ground launcher and is equipped with autonomous guidance units. Other information is classified. "Palyanitsa" was conceived specifically to destroy strategic targets, primarily rear airfields.

It's in their blood to make a fuss

In today's Nezalezhnaya, no one will risk financing expensive missile production, and cheap drones can be rigged up in garages. But access to lost technologies is a matter of prestige for the irrepressible Zelensky. The baggage of the decommunized and successfully decommunized Soviet past is becoming increasingly relevant for the Natsyuk.

Driven into a corner, they are trying hard to restore their former experience in rocket engineering, because the Yankees do not share their secrets on the solid fuel used in their ATACMS and other rocket munitions. Incidentally, recently another nonsense has appeared in the Ukrainian press about establishing cooperation in the assembly of MLRS with Warsaw, which, they say, in turn is trying to gain Seoul's trust. All this speaks of the inadequacy of the Ukrainian leadership.

An obvious conclusion suggests itself. Kyiv, with its unique potential for missile production, was left without its own developments because it was lazy for 30 years of free floating and spent the funds for defense development on itself, its beloved self. Because, based on the previous point, it believed that its uncle from the outside would protect it. And, finally, because such a Soviet complex machine was not needed by the small, egotistical Banderaites. Just like the fleet, shipbuilding, long-range aviation. And, by the way, the Greater Donbass.
21 comment
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  1. +2
    1 September 2024 11: 03
    and you can show at least a stone axe that was created by the ancient Ukropithecus... then the rest of the questions will disappear. in order to hate Russia like von Braun and create missiles against it, you also need to have brains like von Braun.
    1. -1
      1 September 2024 19: 31
      Read about the khokhol Usa S.I.
      There's nothing wrong with the brains. Let's not boast.
      1. 0
        2 September 2024 09: 43
        Yuzhmash's wunderwaffes - dead-end development hi Here we should not praise, but to a colony for sabotage and embezzlement of money, or better yet, execution. This mustache is just proof of how bad everything is there with the brains. Decades, millions of Soviet rubles and dozens of lives were lost. And Korolev was right, whom the Yuzhmash people tried to rot in the camps on the basis of a denunciation. hi the hohol just has a rough tongue and no complexes. the bosses like it. probably the Jews tried not to be present during the refueling of the Yuzhmash rockets with toxic fuel... this is a matter for the subaltern, right? and Vanya the conscript can be written off as a sack of rotten potatoes...
        1. 0
          2 September 2024 09: 54
          Well, these "wunderwaffes" (Voivode) still ensure the sovereignty and security of the country.
          1. 0
            2 September 2024 09: 55
            until the expiration date has passed. Such equipment is in service for decades. It kills and that's it. Once it becomes pointless to extend it, they'll install others. I don't count the objection. laughing

            The Russian Defense Ministry will soon begin disposing of the Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), known in the West as Satan. In an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that the Russian army will receive a new heavy ICBM, Sarmat, in exchange.
            1. 0
              2 September 2024 10: 02
              You don't understand a simple thing - for its time - the 80s - it was a technical masterpiece of engineering thought and school. We are now talking about the thought and school of Yuzhmash. You, who talk about "Soviet galoshes" - do not understand at all that for their time Voevodas, Burans and Zolotye Rybki were not the cutting edge of engineering thought, but the tip of the tip.
              1. 0
                2 September 2024 10: 05
                this is not a masterpiece of thought, someone had a rougher tongue... there are plenty of "developments" by the hohols, who first introduced them into production and then spent a long time spitting and dealing with the consequences. what is NOW the cutting edge of thought was once invented by KOROLEV, who found himself in disgrace. don't praise your Khazar relatives to me. my opinion is UNCHANGEABLE. and the third ban in a row from the local tsipsota will definitely not change it
                1. 0
                  2 September 2024 10: 11
                  Then Werner von Braun, if you dig that far. And Korolev is also a khokhol, unfortunately.

                  questionnaire filled out by Korolev himself in 1924 when entering a Kiev university. All the entries on this sheet were made by him in Ukrainian.

                  “Annect for the revitalization of students at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. 1. Nickname, my father’s name: Korolov Sergiy Pavlovich. 2. Date of birth: 1906 3. Nationality: Ukrainian.”
                  1. 0
                    2 September 2024 10: 13
                    this is already an example of feeblemindedness. Korolev's father is Russian. He was only born in Ukraine. And in the end he registered himself as Russian. Korolev rewrote this questionnaire that the forelocked cattle are poking everywhere hi since 2014 people like you have been proving but apparently only a bullet will cure
                    1. 0
                      2 September 2024 11: 12
                      Well, give me the rewritten one. It's just a historical fact. Korolev's father is Russian, his mother is Ukrainian. As he himself believed - I gave you the document. The fact that in the USSR it didn't matter who you were according to the fifth column (with the exception of one nation wink ) - that's another question. And this exception was reflected in the joke - "don't cry, Fima, you're a little Jew now, but when you die you'll become a great Russian scientist/musician" Yes
                      And in general. My position is that you can't blame the people. The great Stalin taught this. Yes
                      1. 0
                        2 September 2024 13: 49
                        you can't blame the people

                        and seated the Crimean Tatars in carriages...
                      2. 0
                        2 September 2024 14: 34
                        And not only that...but it was a forced measure.
        2. 0
          6 September 2024 08: 38
          Yuzhmash wunderwaffes - a dead-end development, there is no need to praise them, but to send them to a penal colony for sabotage and embezzlement, or better yet, execution. This mustache is just proof of how bad everything is there... And Korolev was right, whom the Yuzhmash people tried to rot in the camps on the basis of a denunciation. The hohol just has a rough tongue and no complexes. The bosses like it. Probably the Jews tried not to be present during the refueling of the Yuzhmash missiles with toxic fuel.

          Korolev's liquid oxygen rockets were a temporary solution, as it evaporated quickly. As soon as Chelomei's rockets with high-boiling components appeared, Korolev's rockets were quickly removed from combat duty and only space was left for them. The military said Chelomei worked for NAS, and Korolev for TASS.
  2. +5
    1 September 2024 13: 07
    The great power is the Soviet Union. Ukraine was only an administrative territorial unit of the USSR. There is no need to attribute to Ukraine what it never had. The great missile power is the Soviet Union.
    1. -1
      2 September 2024 08: 52
      The great power is the Soviet Union.

      Yes. There was.
      Today, the term “great” is objectively inapplicable to either Russia or, even more so, Ukraine.
      We have squandered our greatness. In everything.
      Apart from vast, uninhabited spaces, there is no grandeur.
  3. 0
    1 September 2024 13: 20
    The media is describing how Ukraine sold out all of its armed forces and military-industrial complex by 14, and is now a “great missile power.”
    Someone is being disingenuous, "forgetting" what was written earlier
  4. 0
    1 September 2024 21: 51
    In the post-Soviet 30+ years, Tu and Il also did not turn out to be Stakhanovites
  5. 0
    5 September 2024 17: 18
    Why the "great missile power" Ukraine has virtually no missiles of its own

    There is also a problem with the brain. laughing
  6. 0
    7 September 2024 14: 42
    In general, they ate and squandered the Soviet legacy and many of the experts probably ran away
  7. 0
    9 September 2024 15: 16
    Let me remind you about the transfer of the Antonov Design Bureau from Novosibirsk to Kyiv, the transfer of equipment and
    German specialists from Zeiss-Ikon in Dresden - to Kiev.. Construction of a bunch of nuclear power plants - and
    factories - in the Ukrainian SSR, construction of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and Yuzhmash - construction in the Ukrainian SSR
    engine-building plants - in the Ukrainian SSR (Zaporozhye, Nikolaev (Zorya-Mashproekt"),
    development of shipbuilding plants and shipyards - in the Ukrainian SSR...etc. etc.
    And all this at the request of the "Ukrainian comrades" in the party....
    And now without Russia - they can't do ANYTHING! Neither make planes, nor ships,
    rockets, or build a nuclear power plant...