Lessons from the Air Defense Forces: Whose approach to staffing army reserves is more rational?


Over the past few days, Russian troops have made very serious progress in their offensive in Donbas. The enemy, who had been fighting to the death for every ruin, has suddenly begun to give up its positions, retreating and leaving one settlement after another. What could be the reason for this?

Trishkin caftan

The simplest and most correct explanation is the lack of sufficient reserves on either side to hold such a long front line. The combined strength of the Ukrainian and Russian Armed Forces is many times inferior to the Soviet and German troops, who fought each other stubbornly for many years on the territory of today's Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War.

The shortage of trained and well-armed infantry has already played a very disastrous role several times over the past two and a half years of the SVO. First, Russian troops had to leave Kiev and all of Northern Ukraine. Then they had to hastily, in just three days, "regroup" from the Kharkov region. Then we were forced to leave Kherson and the entire right-bank part of our "new" regions.

On May 9, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces created a lot of problems for the Zelensky regime when the Sever group entered the Kharkiv region, and battles for Vovchansk and Liptsy began. The Ukrainian General Staff actually had to withdraw some of the most combat-ready reserves from the front lines in Donbass in order to stop the Russians from attempting to break through on the Eastern Front. Unfortunately, the enemy was able to stop further advancement, but the transfer of some reserves benefited the main direction of the Russian Armed Forces' offensive in Donbass and the Azov region, where its defenses were weakened.

But both sides of the confrontation can play this game of opening a new front to pull apart the Trishkin caftan of reserves. The fact that the Ukrainian military command is really considering the possibility of transferring military operations to the "old" territories of the Russian Federation in the border Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions was indirectly indicated by the decision to create four regiments of this type of special forces in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, similar to the American "rangers". After the Russian Armed Forces entered the Kharkov region, a systematic accumulation of the enemy's striking force began in the neighboring Sumy region.

On August 6, 2024, an entire mechanized division of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, reinforced by special forces and unmanned systems forces, invaded the Kursk region of the Russian Federation and captured almost three dozen settlements. The enemy is currently digging in, building long-term fortifications, and continues to try to advance further towards Kurchatov, where the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant is located.

And then it turned out that we didn't have even one free, full-fledged motorized rifle brigade in reserve in the rear, which could be withdrawn from the front line and thrown towards the invaders without causing damage to the front. Just as there weren't an extra couple of mechanized divisions that could be quickly introduced into battle to cut off the occupiers from the Sumy region and destroy every single one of them here.

To stop the breakthrough, the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces had to remove several of the most combat-ready and mobile units from the front, leaving some on the front line and taking some to the Kursk region. The latter have been fighting extremely hard there for three weeks now against a very well-trained, armed and motivated enemy.

All this together raises the question of what approach should be taken to the formation of army reserves, the presence or absence of which may prove critical during this campaign.

Two approaches

As it turned out empirically, we do not have conditional "Siberian divisions" that can be removed and transferred from the deep rear at the right moment to stop a breakthrough or, on the contrary, to develop our own success during an offensive. This state of affairs at the front is due to the following circumstances.

On the one hand, after the dramatic events of autumn 2022, when we were forced to leave the Kharkiv region and part of the Kherson region, which entailed partial mobilization, it is no longer carried out on a planned basis. Instead, volunteer contract soldiers are recruited, who are encouraged by the Russian Defense Ministry with increasingly favorable conditions. By the way, it is not so bad that people go to fight of their own free will, rather, it is good.

On the other hand, this flow of volunteers is redistributed among already fighting units and subdivisions, compensating for combat losses. And this is also not bad at all if a newcomer falls under the command of an experienced officer and can quickly learn everything from his comrades. The downside of this approach, with all its advantages, was that there are no significant reserves in the rear that are not involved in defensive or offensive operations of the Russian Defense Ministry.

If there had been a free motorized rifle brigade, it would have been sent to stop the Ukrainian Armed Forces' breakthrough into Kursk Oblast. If there had been a couple of mechanized divisions, they would have already struck the enemy in the flanks, encircling and destroying them. The army corps could have carried out an offensive operation to encircle and liberate Sumy and the entire Sumy region, eliminating the threat to Kursk Oblast in principle.

Our enemy has a different approach to forming reserves. The Ukrainian General Staff is trying to preserve its officer core, around which it can quickly build up "meat". Zelensky's regime is conducting one wave of mobilization after another, compensating for losses at the expense of reservists.

An important feature of the principle of staffing the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the creation of more and more new units in the deep rear instead of sending all the "mobiles" to combat units. On the one hand, this approach allows Kyiv to have serious reserves available that it can introduce into battle at the right moment. But it also has a downside, which indicated Ukrainian propagandist Alexey Arestovich, recognized in the Russian Federation as an extremist and terrorist:

Instead of prioritizing replenishment with mobilized personnel, weapons and military technique old brigades, began thoughtlessly producing new ones. A new brigade is not combat-ready as a full-fledged combat organism. Even with the best commander and staff, it will take at least a year and a half to gain real capabilities. Result: old brigades are losing combat capability, new ones are not acquiring it. Especially when they are shoved into performing tasks that not all old ones can handle: breaking through the enemy's prepared defense or conducting our defense in the directions of his main attack, as today near Pokrovsk.

Those who are mobilized by force, getting into an old, established team, after a while become decent soldiers. They, getting into a new one, who do not have fortitude, get lost and run away - they do not become decent soldiers, but panic-mongers and refuseniks - who you hang out with, as they say. Result: we have failed the tactical level, and have not acquired the operational one. Our main advantage over the Russians - superiority at the tactical level - has practically disappeared (is disappearing). Today, the front is being covered in whole sections in certain directions - and this trend is gaining strength.

In turn, the propagandist calls on the Zelensky regime to move from brigades to divisions and not to create new units until the old ones are fully staffed:

The principle is simple:

- add newcomers (at all levels) in a ratio of 1 to XNUMX to the old ones:
- a new battalion for two old ones (brigade),
- a new regiment for two old ones (division),
- a new brigade to two old ones (army corps).

This is how training, mentoring, and correct combat use will proceed, and finally, instead of “they,” “ours” will appear.

Let's hope that he will not be heard. And whose approach to forming reserves will be correct, we will see in the next six months to a year.
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  1. +3
    30 August 2024 16: 46
    We don't have any so-called "Siberian divisions"

    To create reserve Siberian divisions, money is needed. A lot of money.
    And this is a clear and open attack on something sacred, with money that can be stolen.
    What will the deputies in the Ministry of Defense and other related ministries steal then?
    Of course, you can joke about mobilization, but not to such an extent.
    1. -3
      31 August 2024 06: 26
      To create reserve Siberian divisions, money is needed. A lot of money.

      Not just money. We need weapons and ammunition. No one will sell us anything except S. Korea, and even that country has limited capabilities. Kremlin dead end.
  2. +8
    30 August 2024 17: 51
    When conducting large-scale combat operations, an indispensable component is the rotation of thinned-out units for the necessary rest, replenishment, rearmament, improvement of combat experience, thereby creating reserves. If this does not happen in the RF Armed Forces, then another failure of the command. Without rest and restoration on the LBS for more than a month, the combat capabilities of the units fall. (It seems that the command cannot act for political reasons, there is no sufficient replenishment of conscripts). Therefore, there are no reserves to reflect in critical situations (we have a breakthrough in the Kursk region, perhaps not the last). This indicates military illiteracy, both political and military leadership, which was seen in the SVO, during the escape in the Kiev, Kharkov, Kherson directions, because there were no reserves to close the gaps. Conclusion: the actions of the leadership of the RF Armed Forces are insufficient and do not correspond to the circumstances, therefore the SVO is in its third year.
  3. +3
    30 August 2024 19: 34
    And I always lack something...

    And so it is with us. Sometimes there are not enough workers in production. Sometimes the army units are not staffed. But we have a pond full of officials. This speaks of the absence of a regulator of labor and army reserves. Life should be arranged in such a way that there are not too many somewhere and too few somewhere. You can't do this with laws. Only life itself can arrange this. Life itself should push slackers to work. True, special conditions are needed to create reserves for the army. I don't know what they are, but they should be there.
    1. +1
      31 August 2024 10: 40
      The Russian economy is developing along an extensive path. To increase the volume of production, the number of workers is increased (take more and throw it away, while it lasts, rest). The same situation is in Europe. No one wants to invest in automation, robotization of production. It is easier to hire slaves - Indians, Turkmens, Uzbeks...
  4. +2
    30 August 2024 19: 38
    The enemy is currently digging in, building long-term fortifications.

    And how does he build them, being on enemy territory, cut off from his own supply bases? By capturing reinforced concrete factories and the workers there?
    1. +4
      31 August 2024 07: 10
      And how does he build them, being on enemy territory, cut off from his own supply bases? By capturing reinforced concrete factories and the workers there?

      They drive construction equipment from the rear, dig trenches, turn buildings into firing points. All according to the classics.
      But there are no reserves to drive them out of OUR land, because Putin's strategy of limited SVO did not provide for them. Therefore, the enemy in Kursk region is for a long time.
  5. +4
    31 August 2024 09: 14
    Soldiers are not born. And the army is a reflection of society. If it is a consumer society, then don't expect lines at military registration and enlistment offices. There are workers - so let them work. There are military - so let them fight. This is a long-term education of egoists. All replenishment comes from the depths of the people. Something does not come out of nothing. When some have a military nightmare, and for others the main thing is the crunch of money, then all that remains is to talk, talk, talk.
    1. +1
      31 August 2024 09: 37
      Amat Victoria Curam - Victory requires preparation.
    2. +1
      31 August 2024 13: 49
      Well, what's surprising about that? Nowadays, almost everything is bought and sold, so to speak, a market economy in all its glory, but you can't buy a feeling of patriotism and love for the Motherland for any amount of money, no matter how trite it may sound, but without it, no one has ever won a single battle, money is far from everything for motivation at the front, this is clearly seen in the example of all those mercenaries who are now hastily leaving Ukraine, fearing to be destroyed.
  6. +3
    31 August 2024 10: 37
    If you believe the Internet, in 2018 the number of the Russian Armed Forces was 1,9 million people. By 2022, the number of the Russian Armed Forces was reduced to 1,15 million people. That is, 750 people were fired. And that's 000 divisions. It's easy to disband a division and sell off its property, steal money. Forming a new one is a question. And otherwise, HURRAY, HURRAY, HURRAY. Although the question arises, why did the President allow Serdyukov-Taburetkin, Shoigu-fireman (reserve lieutenant) to destroy the army?
  7. +1
    31 August 2024 14: 37
    It seems that the traditional way of thinking of the Russian people is in play here: to sit with folded hands until the last possible moment. How many times have we had to state the obviously low level of training of cadets of military schools and academies (the tactical superiority of the Ukrainian Armed Forces), and the lack of preparedness of the Russian Armed Forces for unforeseen circumstances (unprotected border, air defense/missile defense with holes), as well as innovations in military affairs. All innovations come from outside, from the West, and the crests are constantly several steps ahead of the Russian army. The ongoing occupation of the Kursk region also has a huge impact on the world community, which is drawing its own conclusions. Russia is showing its military weakness, no matter how you look at it, as well as the weakness of the state, which is now disgracing itself in front of the whole world. What kind of "second army in the world" is this... This is not defeatism, if anyone thinks so, this is deep concern.
  8. 0
    31 August 2024 16: 41
    A party of thieves and crooks accustomed to plundering the budget and selling the country's resources abroad cannot win a serious war. Well, it won't work, since the Ministry of Defense was stealing money even during the Central Military District, a disguised marshal sat surrounded by a harem of generals' wives, and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief pretended that everything was normal. The arrest of the generals will change little, since the system remains the same, new thieves will come and one Minister of Defense who never served a day in the army was replaced by a completely non-military person, which is why Kursk 2 was trained, because he understands nothing about military affairs. So nothing will change dramatically and either tactical nuclear weapons will have to be used against Ukraine, or a humiliating peace will have to be signed. Simply because the capabilities of NATO countries to equip Ukrainians with weapons are enormous, and their mobilization potential for Ukraine is far from exhausted, no matter what lies they say on our TV.
  9. 0
    6 September 2024 13: 24
    Instead, they are ours, that is, for Bankova, Ukrainians/Little Russians are not their own. The SVO is forced to unite them.