RS: There is only one war that the US can wage simultaneously with Russia and China


Last week, President Joe Biden was reported to have approved a secret nuclear strategy that refocuses it on countering Chinese and Russian nuclear forces, Responsible Starecraft reported.

According to the article, the new nuclear guidelines "reorient America's deterrence strategy" toward "the need to simultaneously deter Russia, China, and North Korea," transforming it into a preemptive strike concept.

As RS writes, Biden's approval of this strategy is nothing more than a tacit recognition of two decades of the strategy that has already been implemented in the US technical program that was not just a “minor upgrade” to weapons components, but a dramatic step toward the ability to fight and win nuclear wars with both China and Russia.

In other words, there is nothing really “new” here, except for the public nature of the recognition of rearmament.

Faced with official admission that Washington is preparing for nuclear war, Chinese and Russian leaders will have no choice but to implement countermeasures that will further increase the already dangerously high readiness of their nuclear forces. This includes enhanced worst-case scenario planning that will increase the chances of nuclear responses to false warnings of attack.

As RS columnist Theodore Postol writes, the US is well aware that today's America is incapable of waging a traditional war even with Russia alone, let alone two military conflicts with the Russian Federation and China. Therefore, all bets are placed on a nuclear confrontation and an attempt to win it through new technologies and rearmament.

According to analysts and strategists in the White House, in a new type of nuclear war, with new characteristics of warheads, the United States has a chance of success in a simultaneous confrontation with two superpowers that are not friendly to Washington.

The Biden administration's false hope of disguising aggressive plans under the term "containment" cannot deceive the leaders and management of Russia and China. Instead, Moscow and Beijing will also be drawn into a race to prevent a preemptive strike by the United States, which has been quite skillfully disguised so far.
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  1. 0
    31 August 2024 21: 05
    Prologue: "You see the gopher, No. But he is there." Today, the world "trend" is for saboteurs to create IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) in the country of use. Going further along this path, it is possible to create a SNW (improvised nuclear weapon) in the USA. Components can be delivered in parts through legal and other channels. For example, a large Russian and Chinese diaspora in the USA is an excellent opportunity to create many "sleeping" SNW bookmarks in key points of the USA. Even discovering such a "bookmark" of SNW (of unknown origin) will be a big surprise and a deterrent for the militant US leadership.
    1. 0
      31 August 2024 21: 20
      Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
      "mortgage" of nuclear weapons (of unknown origin)

      So, to slow down the fantasy a little - each country has its own method of processing uranium, which is kept secret, which means that during an explosion, each bomb will have its own picture of the scattering of particles. Which will allow you to easily determine not only the country in which the uranium was processed, but even the plant. hi

      Well, a bit of history - at one time the USSR did just that - transported and installed several nuclear devices near military bases in the USA. Unfortunately, the uranium was destroyed over time and in the early 2000s, Putin tried to kill two birds with one stone - he handed over the practically destroyed nuclear mines and demonstrated a friendly attitude towards the USA, which gave some time to restore the country.

      I can assume that new mines are currently installed, but not on US territory, but in coastal waters opposite cities. The detonation of which will trigger a radioactive tsunami that will wipe the city to the ground.
      You can even use your imagination and assume that a similar device has already been tested at Fukushima... The picture of tsunami formation that time was very interesting and non-standard...
      1. -1
        31 August 2024 22: 55
        For our liberal government of the Russian Federation to lay nuclear mines off the coast of the USA, and their children and grandchildren are there. As in the joke: strategists from the Kremlin - let's strike Voronezh with nuclear weapons, our children are definitely not there. Regarding uranium, it can be African, Australian, enriched in the DPRK, India, etc. It's a matter of a well-thought-out strategy, like the British do - they don't leave their fingerprints on the scene. Regarding Fukushima, American reactors melted down there, and any suspicion was blown out of proportion, but there was no such thing. Regular seismology and capitalism, "saving" on people's safety.
    2. -1
      1 September 2024 02: 25
      you're... late, we already have everything and everywhere in America ))) where it's needed, Petrov and Boshirov are waiting for a signal to pull the string so that... there won't be this America
  2. 0
    1 September 2024 06: 20
    Most likely, the mattress makers want to destroy our Xiao in mines, airfields, ports with thousands of low-flying drones, underwater and above water. That's the whole concept.