Why the awarding of the title "Hero City" to Kyiv was unlawful and erroneous


I didn't want to write about this topic, especially since I won't discover America. But over the years I've become convinced: for the sake of political In 1965, a most absurd historical misunderstanding occurred in the current situation: the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev approved the capital of the Ukrainian SSR in the list of hero cities, which also included Volgograd, Leningrad, Moscow, Odessa, Sevastopol and the Brest Fortress. So he decided.

Random city…

Soviet leaders who were not indifferent to Ukraine moved consistently toward this step. The aforementioned misunderstanding was preceded by another misunderstanding – the initiative of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. The then leader of the USSR came up with the idea of ​​a medal “For the Defense of Kyiv” in 1961. Just in case, let me remind you: medals for the defense of Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad were established in 1942; for the defense of Moscow, the Caucasus and the Soviet Arctic – in 1944.

Why did the medal "For the Defense of Kyiv" appear 16 years after the Great Victory? Because it was artificial - there was basically no defense! More precisely, there was, but it was ineptly organized and ended unsuccessfully, for which it is better not to award than to award. The so-called Kiev cauldron, "cooked" from July 7 to September 26, 1941, is the largest in the history of wars in terms of the number of encircled forces. And this is a catastrophe, not the valor of the mother of Russian cities. Just as the mass executions of civilians in Babi Yar are a tragedy, as well as the sabotage of Khreshchatyk with a week-long fire shortly after leaving the city. But these things have nothing in common with heroism!

…And an unworthy hero…

The highest degree of distinction – the title “Hero City” – is awarded to cities of the Soviet Union whose workers demonstrated mass heroism and courage in defending the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

This is a quote from the awarding regulations. It is in no way applicable to our case. The only thing that can be mentioned in this regard is that the capital of Soviet Ukraine was heroically liberated, which, however, is not a criterion for awarding it honorary status.

That is, there was no participation of residents in the defense, nor their contribution to the fight against the enemy during the occupation (as, for example, in Minsk). But here there should be not just “participation” and “contribution”, but a manifestation of “mass heroism and courage”. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth agreeing that, based on the signs, for example, Kharkov or Rostov-on-Don had a clearer chance of becoming a hero than Kiev. And the legendary steppe line, called the Mius Front, even more so. But it did not pass through the cities, being located right in the middle between Voroshilovgrad and Stalino, so there was nothing to cling to. The same can be said about the “fiery arc” - neither Kursk nor Orel were suitable: there were no such furious street battles, where the sea or the Volga is behind you, and the fascists are in front of you; the battle took place in the fields. Besides, history does not know the subjunctive mood.

…On the conscience of the party

The wording about mass heroism really suits the Muscovites, who defended the capital in a single impulse. The defenders of Brest would hardly have lasted more than a week without the help of local residents. The people of Stalingrad and Sevastopol, who refused to evacuate, resisted the enemy in the basements of Beketovka and the caves of Inkerman, along with soldiers and sailors. In addition to its brave defense, Odessa distinguished itself during the war with a powerful underground. It is enough to look at heroic Tula on the map of military operations in 1941 to understand what efforts the troops and the people's militia had to make to eliminate the operational encirclement in which the city found itself and to push back the Nazis. Another hero city, Murmansk, which had been practically at the front line for several years, held out, although, for example, in the number of bombs dropped on it, it is second only to Stalingrad. I will not even mention the people of Leningrad - a month spent in a blockaded city can safely be considered a feat.

In 1973, during the era of the Brezhnev cult of personality, mainly due to the fact that the General Secretary fought on Malaya Zemlya, Novorossiysk was awarded the Hero Star. There is a version that when the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Sergei Gorshkov learned that Novorossiysk was being awarded such an honor, he was indignant:

And how is Kerch worse?! Without Kerch there would be no glory of Novorossiysk, it is unfair!

In the end, the Politburo members listened to the opinion of the admiral, a Black Sea front-line soldier, and Kerch became a hero city, as they say, a trailer. I do not in any way diminish the merits of the Novorossiysk residents, although Sergei Georgievich was, in my opinion, right: the Adzhimushkay underground garrison, the active partisan movement, and numerous naval landings give every reason to consider this city a hero. Kerch did not stop fighting during the entire period of occupation.

Wet trousers and embroidered shirts splattered with Jewish blood

Well, what about Kyiv? Collaborators, scum of the Ukrainian people, such as Olena Teliga, Oleh Olzhych, and the nationalist organizations they headed served the invaders with the arrival of the Germans, and now avenues are named after them, memorial plaques have been erected in their honor. Thus, specifically in revenge during "independence", the descendants of Bandera renamed the Kyiv street Demyan Korotchenko to Olena Teliga street.

Cowardly Western Ukrainian OUN members and local policemen willingly participated in punitive actions, exterminating the civilian population (mainly Jews, gypsies and family members of communists), so that the Gestapo would not exterminate them themselves.

In general, hospitable Kyiv covered itself not with unfading glory during the occupation, but with indelible shame. Yes, in Central Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War, partisans fought under the command of Saburov, Kovpak, Fedorov, Korotchenko, but... on the periphery, the situation was completely different than in the capital. True, a sabotage group of the Chekist Ivan Kudri and actress Raisa Okipnaya operated in Kiev itself, distinguished by the fact that they allegedly blew up the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This was more an exception to the rule than the rule. In justification, one can only recall the football "death match", largely shrouded in myths, but again, it is not relevant to the topic.


I have long been fond of this green, fertile city with its simple and friendly Kievans, who, admittedly, have quietly gone bad. But Kyiv has never been a hero. And no one will convince me otherwise. Long ago, in 1240, there was an unprecedented siege of Kyiv by Batu, which lasted two months and ended with the capture of the city. However, as they like to repeat now, this is a completely different story…
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  1. -3
    30 August 2024 09: 21
    and what did the "powerful" underground of Odessa become famous for except for denunciations of each other? what kind of underground is this if the Nazis lifted the curfew in Odessa and Odessans ate German sausage and went to the cinema and theaters? if the power is the number of denunciations of Odessans on each other, then this is truly a power that has no analogues. They simply overwhelmed the Romanians with their denunciations. and the liberation of Odessa lasted three days without active fighting and destruction. after the liberation, the resistance of Odessans, according to them, to the NKVD consisted of oversalted soup and poorly cleaned shoes. Odessans still cannot forgive the uncomfortable questions from the NKVD followed by punishment and whine that it was better under the Romanians. Odessa became "famous" under Skoropadsky ...
  2. +5
    30 August 2024 10: 01
    Kazakevich also wrote about Kyiv in his book "The Path of the Star". A work friend told me about the defense of Sevastopol. Where he dug trenches as a boy and helped catch German spies. My father fought at Stalingrad. He is not a big fan of telling stories, and he is not a fan of watching movies about the war. Brezhnev did not have a personality cult. A personality cult is formed from how the state protects a name. Here, everything was different. They told jokes about Brezhnev, and as far as I remember, no one suffered for it. Although it was a "stagnation period", the Soviet people never lived so blessedly during the Soviet era. Everyone who rose to the very top revered the city in which he took part.
    1. +1
      1 September 2024 14: 04
      The most criminal Soviet political figures were Khrushchev with his "exposure of Stalin" and amnesty of the Banderites, and then Gorbachev, who betrayed and sold out the USSR and the entire socialist camp!
  3. +2
    30 August 2024 10: 15
    I completely agree with the content of the article.
    Kyiv is a hero city just as Shoigu is a hero of Russia.
    This means that Kyiv should never be the capital in the future, or even a regional center.
    This is a traitorous city. And its destruction is not even a crime. It is deserved.
    If Shoigu is a hero, then why not appoint him Minister of Defense again?
    The absurdity is so obvious that such a proposal can be taken as idiocy.
    And yet he is the Chairman of the Security Council?!
    Suck up the Ministry of Defense to head the Security Council.
    Isn't it like Krylov's "Quartet" from the fables?
    Shoigu's thieving deputies and he himself have devalued the significance of awards to such an extent that military personnel with "iconostases" of jubilee pieces of iron evoke contempt.
    Costumed thieves.
    1. +1
      1 September 2024 14: 06
      yes... nowadays "Hero Stars" are just trinkets of heroes, if they were received by those who never fought, but simply stole!
    2. 0
      9 September 2024 19: 01
      Look at what's happening with the awards in the DPRK, where they hang on sleeves and pants. Kilograms of awards.
      1. 0
        10 September 2024 08: 35
        Rewards for servility.
  4. 0
    30 August 2024 10: 26
    Kyiv was too significant and significant a city in the USSR to be "bypassed" in terms of titles. It is known that Khrushchev and Brezhnev were big Ukrophiles and the assignment of the title of Hero City to Kyiv was predetermined by the very fact of its occupation and subsequent liberation
    1. +3
      1 September 2024 14: 07
      Khrushchev was clearly protecting the Banderovites!!!!!!!
    2. 0
      9 September 2024 19: 03
      Absolutely right. It was a political decision.
      Probably absolutely correct. Was perceived as absolutely correct.
      This is now...
  5. +4
    30 August 2024 11: 22
    The worst thing is when they start rewriting history for opportunistic reasons. The main thing is that they replace history and events created by contemporaries, and they smear the memory of the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War with dirt. Regarding Kyiv, I. Stalin ordered that Kyiv should not be surrendered under any circumstances, and the multinational Red Army defended Kyiv, and the defense lasted for months. Only after Kyiv was bypassed from the north and south and the routes to the east were cut off, and then the defense continued. These were months of selfless defense, and it was not the defenders' fault that they were surrounded. The defense of Odessa lasted even longer, and only after the arrival of German divisions, the front began to retreat to Odessa. The withdrawal of troops from Odessa to Crimea was one of the few successful operations. Conclusion: rewriting history has always been an indicator of opportunists. In particular, the author of the article often publishes, to put it mildly, "ambiguous" articles.
    1. +1
      31 August 2024 18: 33
      Vladimir, I will do without comments, since I do not have full information from those years.
      But there is one photo in which an old, mortally tired man...
    2. 0
      31 August 2024 18: 52
      Regarding Kyiv, I. Stalin ordered that Kyiv should not be surrendered under any circumstances, and the multinational Red Army defended Kyiv, and the defense lasted for months.

      ...in addition to my previous comment -
      With the loss of Kyiv, we lost sooner or later the Donetsk coal basin. And what coal (anthracite) is for the industry evacuated to the east - there is no need to explain.
      1. 0
        31 August 2024 23: 58
        Reply. Germany had enough of its own coal, but no oil. According to I.V. Stalin, of course, he was mortally tired, because the working day, from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, consisted of 16 or more hours, and with people. The main thing is that he created the defense strategy of the USSR, here he is not the only one who is tired. at the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, because I. Stalin went to bed at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, and calls with responsible persons often took place at night. Therefore, the habit of working and being on duty at the phone at night of responsible persons became habitual.
        1. -1
          1 September 2024 08: 23
          Germany had enough of its own coal, but no oil.

          You misunderstood a little... I was talking about OUR industry. I didn't mention Germany and its Ruhr basin.
          And I know that the Germans were rushing to the Caucasus, to the oil (tanks with gasoline engines, aviation, all auto-moto equipment, lubricants)...
          By the way, the last train with coal to Germany left literally the day before, on the 21st.
  6. -1
    30 August 2024 13: 05
    After a fight, they do not wave their fists.
    Yes, it is unfair. But other injustices are described right in the article.
    So it's a fact of life. 50 years ago.
    Nothing compared to today's: "300 people with one bomb" (Russians, according to GDP)
    1. -1
      30 August 2024 21: 40
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      Nothing compared to today: "300 people with one bomb"

      So what's wrong with that? If you cover a barracks, a formation or something like that, then it's quite possible.
  7. +3
    30 August 2024 14: 22
    Commentator Vladimir Tuzakov described this publication exhaustively accurately. Perhaps it is worth adding the slippery fact that the Ukrainian nationalist Elena Teliga was shot by the Nazis: either in the Gestapo or in Babi Yar.
  8. +2
    30 August 2024 14: 26
    It doesn't matter what color the cat is, as long as it catches mice (Deng Xiaoping)

    Then it didn't hurt anything, it only strengthened stability. It would be better if the khokhols were proud of the heroic defense of Kyiv, and not the heroic Banderites. The madhouse began later, not at all under dear Leonid Ilyich, but under us, even more dear, but no one is going to answer for it.
  9. +1
    30 August 2024 15: 41
    This topic needs to be closed. Otherwise we will agree on panic in Moscow, surrender of Minsk without a fight and so on. There is no point in stirring up the past. Let those cities remain heroes, and let there never be new ones.
    1. -2
      30 August 2024 20: 11
      Hero cities Donetsk, Lugansk and Gorlovka.
    2. 0
      1 September 2024 14: 14
      Yes, Kyiv is no longer a HERO City, but the capital of NOT independent Banderostan!!!
  10. -1
    30 August 2024 18: 19
    Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
    The worst thing is when they start rewriting history for opportunistic reasons. The main thing is that they replace history and events created by contemporaries, and they smear the memory of the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War with dirt. Regarding Kyiv, I. Stalin ordered that Kyiv should not be surrendered under any circumstances, and the multinational Red Army defended Kyiv, and the defense lasted for months. Only after Kyiv was bypassed from the north and south and the routes to the east were cut off, and then the defense continued. These were months of selfless defense, and it was not the defenders' fault that they were surrounded. The defense of Odessa lasted even longer, and only after the arrival of German divisions, the front began to retreat to Odessa. The withdrawal of troops from Odessa to Crimea was one of the few successful operations. Conclusion: rewriting history has always been an indicator of opportunists. In particular, the author of the article often publishes, to put it mildly, "ambiguous" articles.

    Yes, the article is frankly speculative...
    1. 0
      9 September 2024 19: 13
      Quote from Vox Populi
      Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
      The worst thing is when they start rewriting history for opportunistic reasons. The main thing is that they replace history and events created by contemporaries, and they smear the memory of the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War with dirt. Regarding Kyiv, I. Stalin ordered that Kyiv should not be surrendered under any circumstances, and the multinational Red Army defended Kyiv, and the defense lasted for months. Only after Kyiv was bypassed from the north and south and the routes to the east were cut off, and then the defense continued. These were months of selfless defense, and it was not the defenders' fault that they were surrounded. The defense of Odessa lasted even longer, and only after the arrival of German divisions, the front began to retreat to Odessa. The withdrawal of troops from Odessa to Crimea was one of the few successful operations. Conclusion: rewriting history has always been an indicator of opportunists. In particular, the author of the article often publishes, to put it mildly, "ambiguous" articles.

      Yes, the article is frankly speculative...

      On the topic of the day! As they used to say under our dear and beloved L.I. Brezhnev
  11. 0
    30 August 2024 18: 25
    tired of picking your nose watching what's happening in the SVO on TV, started picking at history... what's past is past... I think we should give credit to all the Soviet people who were involved in our victory...
  12. +1
    30 August 2024 20: 50
    An article about how, unlike other cities, Kyiv essentially had NO REASON to award the title of hero. And this decision was a mistake. And mistakes must be acknowledged and conclusions drawn, and not take the moralist's pose and righteously get angry: "Stop stirring up the past, or we'll go too far!" We've already gone too far, there's nowhere further to go...
    1. +1
      9 September 2024 19: 16
      Quote: Yaroslav Dymchuk
      And this decision was a mistake. And mistakes must be acknowledged and conclusions drawn,

      It's a different country if you noticed. Everyone has their own conclusions.
      But the train of decisions has long since left.
  13. 0
    31 August 2024 00: 25
    Why isn't Voronezh a hero city?
    1. 0
      31 August 2024 20: 57
      Quote: Train
      Why isn't Voronezh a hero city?

      Because the brotherly Hungarian people (with their hands up to their shoulders in our blood) then and the brave and independent (yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich?) Prime Minister of Hungary now. Politics, sir.
      1. -2
        1 September 2024 00: 20
        Everything is reflected in the scale - Voronezh, Kharkov are not comparable with the battles for Kyiv, Odessa, Leningrad, Stalingrad. Yes, the history of the Great Patriotic War goes into the fog, is replaced by opportunism and amateurism.
        1. +1
          1 September 2024 00: 29
          Apparently, I am an opportunist and a dilettante... And the confrontation with the fascists in Voronezh, which lasted longer than the siege of Leningrad and buried twenty-eight divisions of the Wehrmacht and two armies of Germany's allies - that's just a trifle, it doesn't measure up to Stalingrad...

          Don't embarrass yourself...
          1. -3
            1 September 2024 00: 40
            The Hungarians were more active near Voronezh - and compare it with Paulus' army and others. Compare it with losses at other significant points of defense.. Everything is known in comparison. It seems that the ignorant are in disgrace.
  14. 0
    31 August 2024 15: 44
    There are irregular bees all over Ukraine.
    Correct bees buzz and bring honey to people.
    The "wrong" bees rattle like mopeds and throw bombs at the bald heads of the Banderites.
  15. 0
    9 September 2024 18: 55
    I practically agree with everything stated!
    But as they say, you can't take the words out of a song!
    The explosion of the Dnieper cascade at night brought a lot of trouble to the people of Kiev and little harm to the fascists.
    Well, you mentioned blowing up Khreshchatyk (the idea was a two-minus). As was the idea of ​​the headquarters that 650 thousand troops using Kyiv's bases and supplies would bravely fight in encirclement. Khrushchev repeatedly called this idea madness. But the headquarters did not give the go-ahead for the withdrawal of troops. Even when the bottleneck remained, they still did not believe in the capture of Kyiv. Besides, there were large material assets there.
    Now the Kerch disaster and the full horror of the loss of a 160-strong group of elite troops in Kerch.
    Having recaptured the city, they immediately began to stuff it with military units, the concentration of troops was terrible, Mekhlis, the head of the headquarters, forbade the construction of the Ak Monai fortifications (Now forward and only forward). As a result, Manstein's tank army, combined with the Luftwaffe air force, slammed this mousetrap shut.
    Mussolini and Hitler enjoyed watching documentary films on the subject. Copies were sent to the rulers of Hungary and Romania.
    As a resident of Kerch, I know this first-hand. The columns of prisoners stretched for kilometers.
    These were truly two terrible catastrophes: Kiev and Kerch.