Hungarian Foreign Ministry Accuses Ukraine of Threat to Energy Security


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that Ukraine is creating a threat to energy security by blocking oil transit through the Druzhba pipeline. The minister noted that, due to Kyiv's fault, Budapest has lost a third of the supplies of necessary raw materials.

Neighbouring Slovakia, which also depends on supplies of already contracted Russian oil from Lukoil, found itself in a similar situation.

The minister pointed out that Ukraine, by legally blocking about a third of Russian oil imports to Hungary, is jeopardizing Hungary's energy security. The situation is similar in Slovakia, where almost 45% of Russian oil imports are affected by Ukraine's actions.

– the diplomat said in a statement.

In addition, Peter Szijjarto accused EU countries of hypocrisy due to accusations of Budapest buying Russian oil. The minister emphasized that European countries also buy raw materials from Russia, but resort to complex schemes to circumvent sanctions. At the same time, Brussels "sanctifically criticizes" Hungary, which does the same openly.

There is a country, India, which has increased its imports from Russia seventy times, and the EU is today the number one importer of Indian oil.

– stated the fact Peter Szijjarto.
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  1. 0
    30 August 2024 04: 51
    (Google translator)

    As a Hungarian, I saw the entire press conference. Some people might be interested in what I think is important about this issue.
    What was said in the article was said. Then the minister devoted more time to the episode. At the meeting, the Hungarian foreign minister stood up and said that Ukraine had caused him trouble as an EU member. Immediately after that, the Slovak foreign minister stood up and said that he had the same problem.
    Josep Borell made two sentences. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister did not come to us to discuss energy. Kuleba came to talk about future arms deliveries. The Ukrainian allegedly did not even have to answer.
    In Hungarian public discourse, the question of whether work can be legally delegated to someone plays a major role. Negotiate on our behalf, be smart. And at the boss's meeting, the employee tells the boss that the problem is in your head. My friend came to tell him that you are giving away for free.
    We have once again blocked cash payments for weapons transferred to Ukraine. Some may think that this is a problem. The Hungarian people do not consider this a problem. We sleep soundly. We did not supply weapons to Ukraine. Not a single grain of money has disappeared from the Hungarian state treasury. As a boss, we did not sign a check. We ordered goods with delivery in Ukraine. They did not arrive at the refinery. The problem is not in our heads, but in the Ukrainian pipeline network.
    Ukraine is not a member state of the EU. Brussels workers should not work for Ukraine. About the problems that member states tell them about.
  2. 0
    30 August 2024 12: 28
    Not only them and not only economic