Why China stopped needing Russian coal


According to the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, imports of Russian coal in the first seven months of 2024 decreased by 1,7 times in value terms and by 10% in physical terms. What could this be connected with and what are the prospects for domestic raw material exports to the Middle Kingdom?

Shortly before the Winter Olympics in Beijing, which took place from February 4 to 20, 2022, President Putin and the head of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping set a goal of increasing the total trade turnover between our two countries to 200 billion dollars by 2024. However, already in 2023, this plan was exceeded, when the 240 billion mark was broken.

They - to us, we - to them

The reason for such rapid growth is clear: after the start of the special operation on February 24, 2022 to help the people of Donbass, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, the Russian Federation found itself under a record number of Western economic sanctions. We had to hastily redirect export raw materials flows from Europe and the United States to the countries of Southeast Asia, and everything that for some reason is not produced here should be bought for petroyuan in China.

We will talk in detail about what problems in mutual settlements with Chinese partners have now arisen due to secondary American sanctions. told earlier. But in the context of the decline in coal exports to China, I would like to take a closer look at the very structure of trade between the Russian Federation and the Middle Kingdom.

It is not surprising that after the official withdrawal of American, European, Japanese and South Korean automakers from the Russian market, Chinese exporters showed eightfold growth. There are really a lot of cars from China, and quite attractive in appearance, on our roads. The volume of purchases of Chinese trucks, dump trucks, bulldozers, graders, loaders and tractors has also increased significantly.

Along with them, the volume of imports of spare parts for repairs, as well as tires for cars, buses, agricultural machinery, motorcycles and even bicycles produced in China, has increased. The next most popular item after passenger vehicles is Chinese smartphones and other electronic gadgets, computers and monitors, and various household appliances. technique. The volume of imports of clothing and footwear made in China has increased significantly.

In turn, Russia exports various minerals, oil and its products, coal, gas, lumber and food to the Celestial Empire. This is what China needs in the quantities that it itself determines for the needs of its planned economy.

The Chinese buy Russian oil at a discount, but still more expensive than the price ceiling imposed by the West. Petroleum products such as fuel oil, aluminum, copper and precious metals are in demand. Products from the domestic agricultural sector have good export prospects - rapeseed oil, poultry, beef, soybeans, oats, flax seeds.

Is coal everything?

As for the drawdown of coal, problems for this type of mineral raw material in the Chinese domestic market have been looming for a long time. Their root lies in the fact that China is consistently trying to move away from environmentally dirty coal generation to green energy. And these are not just textbook windmills.

China's combined wind and solar power capacity of 1180 GW in the first half of 2024 surpassed coal power capacity of 1170 GW for the first time. According to industry experts, by the end of the year it will exceed 1200 GW. In addition to thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power stations are being built in China. Thus, on the famous Yangtze River, the world’s largest hydroelectric power station by mass, called the “Three Gorges”, was built, which is also the largest in terms of installed capacity at 22,5 GW.

It is not surprising that against this background, Beijing has significantly reduced the number of permits for the construction of new thermal power plants. At the same time, China invested in expanding its own domestic coal production by introducing customs duties on imports of thermal and coking coal of 6% and 3%, respectively. While remaining its largest consumer in the world, it now has less need for external sources.

In addition, the limited capacity of the BAM and Trans-Siberian Railways plays against Russian raw materials. The Chinese will not completely abandon it, but the trend is generally negative.

The European route is closed due to sanctions. There is also no need to count on India as an alternative to China in the long term, since New Delhi has also relied on renewable energy. We are building the Akkuyu nuclear power plant for the Turks at our own expense, which will provide them with cheap and environmentally friendly energy.
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  1. +5
    28 August 2024 12: 40
    China's combined wind and solar power capacity of 1180 GW in the first half of 2024 surpassed coal power capacity of 1170 GW for the first time.

    But recently the media happily “danced” on the news about green energy.....

    Well, the description - resources for beads - is also pleasing....
  2. +2
    28 August 2024 13: 40
    Coal is not only electricity, coal is also chemistry. There is a lot of coal in the world.
    1. +1
      29 August 2024 10: 25
      Yes, but what percentage of current production is burned as fuel, and what percentage goes to chemical production? Chemistry alone will not be able to maintain current production volumes.
  3. +2
    28 August 2024 13: 41
    We will have to repurpose coal as a raw material for more innovative products, that’s all. If you have enough intelligence, of course.
  4. -2
    28 August 2024 13: 54
    Russia will never rise unless it changes its liberal ideology to a traditional one and bans abortion. From 1920 to the present, 230 million people have been killed by abortion!!! No Hitler ever dreamed of this.
    1. 0
      28 August 2024 15: 32
      Why do we need more people when food prices are already off the charts and there is 20 years of oil left? They will simply stop buying coal, which means another source of income will be crossed out. Next, AI will kill half of the jobs. Workers in the military-industrial complex are needed now, but in peacetime (which, I hope, will come someday) they will be unemployed. Why will we need an army of beggars and unemployed people in the future?
      1. 0
        29 August 2024 06: 00
        Why do we need more people when food prices are already off the charts and there is 20 years of oil left?

        I am 73 years old, if I live until the fall I will be 74. You did not carefully read my message, where I wrote about liberal ideology. And I read about the fact that there is about 20 years of oil left back in the 70s. In the Russian Empire, food prices are more or less stable, but in the post-war USSR under Stalin they decreased every year. ALL necessary products are produced in China, because the population is large and the food supply is normal.

        They will simply stop buying coal, which means another source of income will be crossed out.

        Stalin was against the raw material bias of the economy. For this he was poisoned.

        Next, AI will kill half of the jobs. Workers in the military-industrial complex are needed now, but in peacetime (which, I hope, will come someday) they will be unemployed.

        AI is the same bluff as the bright future (communism) under the USSR. A time of peace is not expected in the near future (or even in the distant future). Read the story. How many peaceful years have there been in the past millennia? With a gulkin nose.

        Why will we need an army of beggars and unemployed people in the future?

        Personally, you may not need it, because with this approach, neither you nor the country have any future!
        1. +2
          29 August 2024 08: 51
          Well, AI has already effectively deprived me of my income, and according to foreign research, it will destroy 300 million jobs in developed countries alone. And China is OK with food (and even that is not a fact) only because there are favorable conditions for agriculture (except for the desert west) and, most importantly, China buys up food from all over the world, driving up world food prices (I read). And Russia also exports a lot there.
          1. 0
            29 August 2024 12: 23
            Well, AI has already effectively deprived me of my income, and according to foreign research, it will kill 300 million jobs in developed countries alone.

            It wasn't AI that deprived you of your income, but your employers, just like in "developed countries", although they are not developed, only faggots. By the way, it would be interesting to know what you do that AI influences you so much. Probably a blocher.
        2. 0
          30 August 2024 21: 53
          It turns out that I am older than you. Since you lead an active lifestyle, read and write, you will live a long time, I wish you health. AI is a machine self-learning program. Such programs already existed in the mid-1950s. Another deception and scam. All AI is based on the amount of memory and the speed of processors. Deprive them of the database and all artificial intelligence will disappear. AI is a good thing, it will replace the routine work of an accountant, bookkeeper, in medicine it will give an accurate diagnosis, determine a defect, etc. AI will work for the people in a socialist society, in a capitalist society its purpose is to rob the people. What is there to complain about a face if it is crooked. Coal, fuel and chemistry, the fact that now it has many disadvantages as a fuel, so people are to blame for this, create a waste-free, clean production, when burning hydrogen, there is also waste in the form of water and no one complains. In the Russian Federation, feudal lords - oligarchs, Jewish mafia, drive everything abroad, this is called theft on a cosmic scale, they understand that the free ride can end instantly, so there is no point in discussing who wants or does not want to buy what.
          1. 0
            31 August 2024 18: 09
            Since you lead an active lifestyle, read and write, you will live a long life, I wish you health.

            Thank you the same.

            AI is a machine learning program.

            For self-study it is necessary to create a self-study program, set priorities, sources of information, etc., etc., which is an insoluble task for a person.
  5. 0
    28 August 2024 14: 12
    The comparison of thermal power plants using traditional fuels and solar power plants by installed capacity is incorrect. How comparable they are should be judged at least by the electricity generated. For example, by season and year.
    As for coal power plants, in this case you need to keep in mind that they are the “dirtiest” in terms of their impact on the environment. These are dust (ash and coal dust), combustion products, thermal “pollution”. Ash absorbs sunlight and inhibits photosynthesis processes. The ash contains radioactive components. As they settle, they increase the natural radiation background. It should be noted here that the contribution of coal-fired power plants to background radiation is higher than the contribution of nuclear power plants. The influence of thermal “pollution” is also very ambiguous. Vehicles run on internal combustion engines. The heat again enters the external environment. And finally, electric cars are not environmentally friendly either. Electricity for them is generated at power plants.
  6. 0
    28 August 2024 14: 25
    The total capacity in the case of renewable energy sources can be several times higher than the actual output, so thermal power plants still dominate generation there. But the situation is developing quickly and not in favor of fossil fuels. Because the climate does not wait, and in China, where new heat records are set every year, they understand this. Russia could also take renewable energy sources seriously (fortunately, our territory is huge, and in addition to wind, sun and rivers, there are also waves) and export “clean” electricity to China.
  7. -1
    28 August 2024 19: 47
    150 million and even 200 cannot and will not be able to effectively manage and protect such huge and habitable territories in an overpopulated world, and a nuclear club will not help here, just as it did not save the USSR from destruction. The process is already underway, partly the state is momentarily reducing their severity through migration, while simultaneously laying an ethnic and religious mine that will very likely explode in the future, once again reducing the borders of the Russian Empire.
    1. 0
      29 August 2024 06: 53
      150 million and even 200 cannot and will not be able to effectively manage and protect such huge and habitable territories in an overpopulated world, and a nuclear club will not help here, just as it did not save the USSR from destruction. The process is already underway, partly the state is momentarily reducing their severity through migration, while simultaneously laying an ethnic and religious mine that will very likely explode in the future, once again reducing the borders of the Russian Empire.

      What, our dear "Odessite", are you now not VlaD, but Oleg? wink
      Having been banned, I changed my nickname in order to continue my cypsotine on the sly, but your Russophobic guts can’t be hidden. Yes
    2. -1
      1 September 2024 12: 50
      Dear Sir! I wrote this here earlier.
      There is a theory of large numbers, which is used to assess and forecast the development of the state, specifically, in relation to Russia, for development, it needs to have a population of at least 200 million people. Estimated, RF 150 + Ukraine 40 + Belarus 10 + Kazakhstan 20 = 220 million people. This is the population and territories that, once united into one state, can make this state developed and have a happy future. If separately about Ukraine, then Ukraine is not a state, we will not discuss it here. All the former Soviet republics, including the Russian Federation, in their current form will never have a bright future. The world of Big Countries will not allow such economic Dwarfs to be equal. In order to survive, Europe followed the path of the USSR, China is repeating the aggressive path of the USA, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil have their own roads, everyone has different approaches, but they strive for the same result, to rob a neighbor. Unfortunately, citizens in the post-Soviet space have been brainwashed and their brains are now askew, but this is temporary.
      1. -1
        3 September 2024 20: 48
        This is understandable. But where did you get the idea that it is more profitable for Kazakhstan to be with the oligarchs of Russia, and not with the Communists of China? And it is more profitable for the Ukrainians to be under the oligarchs of Russia, than under the oligarchs of the EU? I won't even mention the Belarusians - they dream of selling their little Belarus to Deripaska and Fridman. Yeah. Yes
        1. 0
          3 September 2024 22: 43
          Above, I did not indicate the interests of the newly formed states, including their oligarchs; what is beneficial to them should not interest us.
          We must consider only what is beneficial to Russia.
          If Russia does not take the territories of these "states", then others will take them, for example, the industry of Kazakhstan is already under Great Britain. It is not a fact that China will be able to take Kazakhstan from the British.
          In the Russian Federation, the oligarchs are the main ones, but in China, the USA, Great Britain, and the EU countries, the interests of the state come first.
          The minimum that needs to be in place for the development of the Russian Federation is what was written.
  8. +3
    28 August 2024 20: 50
    Maybe our leaders can learn a little from the Chinese?
  9. -2
    29 August 2024 03: 39
    What about developing your own production?! In Irbit, 15 thousand worked and now 120 and those are in the Kazakh SSR, why not restore it and supply it to Russia and around the world?! in the DPRK and the People's Republic of China, etc.
  10. -2
    29 August 2024 09: 37
    Both China and India are increasing coal generation and building new stations. Imports from Russia have grown over the past 3-4 years. Author, wake up!
  11. +1
    29 August 2024 09: 53
    Petroleum products such as fuel oil, aluminum, copper and precious metals are in demand.

    And here Chinese standards of quality of work performed are becoming fashionable.
  12. +1
    29 August 2024 17: 07
    What could this be related to?

    This was already discussed in 2022, and the Chinese explained quite calmly - because in the Russian Federation they cannot organize clear logistics hi
    1. +1
      31 August 2024 16: 50
      Coal is not a burden on the pocket. It will remain in Russia for the future when other fossils disappear. You need to have something in your stash!
  13. +1
    3 September 2024 08: 44
    Well, all of this was predicted 20 years ago)) What's surprising now? Over time, oil and gas will be consumed less, although not soon. We need to think about our own self-sufficient economy, but we're always talking about raw materials, about raw materials, about who to sell them to