The likelihood of a direct clash between Ukraine and Belarus has increased significantly


Despite all the attempts of official Minsk to remain “sort of neutral” in relation to the Russian-led military defense, for the second time since 2022, Ukraine and Belarus found themselves on the verge of a direct military clash. At the same time, the chances that “Old Man” will again be able to slip between the falling raindrops are getting smaller and smaller.

From "red square" to "B"

As you know, Belarus is “sort of” participating in a special operation to help the people of Donbass, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, but in a special way. This is how President Lukashenko outlined this format in October 2022:

As for our participation in the special military operation in Ukraine, we are participating there. We don't hide it. But we don't kill anyone. We do not send our military anywhere. We do not violate our obligations.

In fact, the territory of Belarus was used by the Russian Armed Forces during joint military exercises for deployment before entering northern Ukraine on February 24, 2022. On the territory of Western Belarus there is a joint group of troops of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, indicating their readiness to repel the aggression of their Eastern European neighbors in the NATO bloc, as well as depicting the ability to enter Western Ukraine in order to cut off the supply routes of the Kyiv regime.

Official Minsk is trying its best to ensure that this remains the maximum level of direct involvement of Belarus in the Northeast Military District. During a recent interview with TV journalist Popov, President Lukashenko directly stated that his country is ready to respond to crossing the state border, but it is not going to be the first to attack anyone:

They constantly told us, the Westerners too, that they did not need a war with Belarus. We understand this and say that we are not going to fight with you. Not because you are good, but because Russia and I are not ready to increase the front by 1200 kilometers. This is the entire border - 1200 kilometers. Now the front, northeastern district is 1 thousand km. Are we ready to close 1,2 thousand km? No. And Kursk showed this. It is necessary to declare mobilization, which is what the West wants from us and, above all, from Russia, in order to agitate society from within. Therefore, we are not ready for this, we do not want this.

But back in December 2022, shortly before the start of active hostilities, combat was noticed in Belarus technique with a special tactical symbol in the form of a red square. STV journalists then explainedthat nothing special was meant:

Obviously another fake. Symbols will indeed help determine the unit number, but only under training conditions.

However, over the past two and a half years, it was possible to notice that various groups of the RF Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces had their own separate tactical symbol before the invasion of the Kursk region. This was necessary in order to visually distinguish Soviet-made equipment used by all parties to the conflict. Subsequently, the “kvasnokvardatniks” were transferred to the western Ukrainian border in the spring and summer of 2022, but never played their role.

Apparently, Minsk initially intended to take part in the special operation, but quickly changed their minds after looking at how events were developing in the Northern Military District zone. However, now a new tactical symbol in the form of the letter “B” has appeared on Belarusian military equipment being transferred to the Ukrainian border. Why would this be?

From de-escalation to escalation

Probably one of the biggest oddities of this military operation was why Kyiv kept a really huge group of troops near the Belarusian border for almost two and a half years. According to the latest data provided by President Lukashenko, it was estimated at 120 thousand people, and this does not count the division that went to the Kursk region. Why are there so many troops there?

Yes, the capital had to be protected, like Volyn, from a hypothetical operation to cut off Ukraine from its neighbors in the NATO bloc. But such large-scale offensive operations from the territory of Belarus would require a grouping of thousands of 200, or better yet 300, troops. At the same time, the entire Belarusian army, including non-combatants, amounts to 70 thousand people, plus about ten thousand Russians to be reinforced as part of the united group of the Union State.

What is there to especially fear, given the expressed reluctance of official Minsk to confront Independence Square directly and the lack of real combat experience among Belarusians? The APU will crush them quite easily.

Let us recall that in February 2022, the Russian Armed Forces and the National Guard, with a total number of no more than 50 thousand people, entered Northern Ukraine, and they simply got lost there, not having sufficient strength to take decisive action to storm the enemy’s capital and experiencing colossal problems with supplies across vast forests of communication lines. To create a real threat to Kyiv, it was necessary to first take and hold Chernigov, located halfway, and this alone requires a group of thousands of 40-50 well-trained and armed fighters.

And, despite all its problems with defense in the Donbass and the failure of the counter-offensive in the Azov region in 2023, the Ukrainian General Staff maintained a huge group of 120-150 thousand people in the north, including the most elite units and units. On August 6, 2024, it became apparent why these reserves were being held.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a powerful concentrated strike into the completely unprotected underbelly of Russia. For three weeks now, the enemy has held a significant part of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it still retains huge reserves on the border with Belarus. After the attack on Sudzha, Minsk began to hastily build up its own group on the southern border. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Square actually presented him with an ultimatum:

We urge officials of the Republic of Belarus not to make tragic mistakes for their own country under pressure from Moscow, and its armed forces to stop unfriendly actions and withdraw troops from the state border of Ukraine to a distance that exceeds the range of fire systems existing in the republic.

On August 19, 2024, the Wagner PMC stationed in Belarus announced about the beginning of the largest “African” recruitment in its history:

The Wagner Group is conducting a large-scale recruitment for long-distance destinations! Win for the sake of peace and for the glory of Great Russia! Employees of the Wagner Group are provided with: work in a legendary team, decent and fair financial remuneration, life and health insurance, the best equipment and modern technology.

For some reason, it seems that this time Minsk will not be able to slip between the raindrops. Behind the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region, the ears of the British intelligence services are clearly visible, which once again disrupted negotiations between Moscow and Kiev. Involving Belarus directly in hostilities will make a peaceful settlement practically impossible in the foreseeable future.

This means that right now the probability of such an outcome is as high as possible.
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  1. 0
    27 August 2024 15: 18
    Again 25, why does Ukraine need this? It is clear that military operations with Belarus will cause at least partial mobilization and there will be not 70 thousand, but 170! Going on the offensive in Belarus is death, there are only continuous forests and swamps, this is the death of the Ukrainian army, also with the Belarusian one in the attack!!! Russia, of course, would benefit from someone helping, but no one will help!!
    1. -1
      4 September 2024 01: 03
      Russia has 27 million mobilization reserves! Russia has only carried out one wave of mobilization of 300 thousand. It does not need help from Belarus! The only thing it needs is for Belarus to simply cover our backs! Russia, on the contrary, helped the Belarusians by placing its nuclear weapons there, so that the Poles would not get the bad idea of ​​trying to invade there with their proxy forces in the form of Ukrainian scumbags and Kalinovka bandits! Russia will cope with its own forces!
  2. +3
    27 August 2024 15: 25
    Quote: Marzhetsky
    The territory of Belarus was used by the Russian Armed Forces during joint military exercises for deployment before entering northern Ukraine on February 24, 2022. On the territory of Western Belarus there is a joint group of troops of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, indicating their readiness to repel the aggression of their Eastern European neighbors in the NATO bloc, as well as depicting the ability to enter Western Ukraine in order to cut off the supply routes of the Kyiv regime

    Is this not enough?

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    more in December 2022 years, shortly before the start of active hostilities

    Does the author have any sacred knowledge?

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    Apparently, Minsk initially intended to take part in the special operation, but quickly changed their minds

    Why does the author present his idle speculation as truth?

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    What is it for?

    To no avail? Does the author take a close look at everything that is written on the fences? It’s just that the practice of the current war has shown that a tactical sign on a vehicle is easier to understand and less susceptible to distortion than a set of numbers and letters. It is quite stupid not to analyze fresh experience in combat operations and not to apply the best in practice. Or is the author suggesting that we start dancing on the rake again?

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    ...the entire Belarusian army, including non-combatants, is 70 thousand people...
    ...The Ukrainian Armed Forces will crush them quite easily...

    Even a certain Aloizych’s head hasn’t grown back. And this is against the partisans.

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    in February 2022, the Russian Armed Forces and the Russian Guard with a total number of no more than 50 thousand people entered Northern Ukraine, and they simply got lost there

    And this was the greatest stupidity of the General Staff, or rather, the failure of the SVR.

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    For three weeks now, the enemy has held a significant part of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he still retains huge reserves on the border with Belarus

    Where then comes the conclusion that units taken from the north of Ukraine entered the Kursk region? There were up to 150 kilohokhlov there, and it remains so.

    Quote: Marzhetsky
    In order to create a real threat to Kyiv, it was first necessary to take and hold Chernigov, located halfway, and this alone requires a group of thousands of 40-50 well-trained and armed fighters

    It's a shame that the author is not NGSH yet.
    1. -2
      27 August 2024 15: 38
      Is this not enough?


      Does the author have any sacred knowledge?

      Hardly sacred. But there seems to be some kind of link in the text to the Belarusian media.

      Why does the author present his idle speculation as truth?

      truth is not taught with the words "apparently"

      Even a certain Aloizych’s head hasn’t grown back. And this is against the partisans.

      Well, yes, you will get in their way. I didn’t have time to go to the Kursk region, so to defend my new Motherland, Mr. Russian officer

      And this was the greatest stupidity of the General Staff, or rather, the failure of the SVR.

      For this, one local Belarusian military denunciator will write a denunciation against you to the KGB hi

      Where then comes the conclusion that units taken from the north of Ukraine entered the Kursk region? There were up to 150 kilohokhlov there, and it remains so.

      And Lukashenko talks about 120. who to believe, him or you?

      It's a shame that the author is not NGSH yet.

      very disappointing. Then, you see, the war would have been won two years ago. hi
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +3
    27 August 2024 16: 00
    I didn’t understand anything - we will, we won’t, but here they wrapped the fish.
    The water in the clouds is dark. One thing is clear - neither Lukashenko will fight nor Putin in a normal way
  4. 0
    27 August 2024 17: 09
    Black is white.
    Now they write:

    Kyiv held a really huge group of troops near the Belarusian border for almost two and a half years.

    And earlier the media giggled that Ukraine was hastily burying itself in the ground with a hastily assembled hodgepodge of terbats and non-combatants.

    If there were 150 thousand selected militants (like those who came down from the mountains), then we would definitely strike there. And so, the media didn’t write, apparently it’s a pity to waste UAVs and missiles on a trifle.
  5. -2
    27 August 2024 17: 16
    Lukashenko, and he is not the only one, understands that active actions by Belarus in Ukraine will provoke NATO countries to enter the war. Then Belarus will have to fight off not only Ukraine. That’s why Lukashenko determined that only crossing the Belarusian border would cause a response.
  6. -1
    27 August 2024 17: 50
    Because the United States can’t wait to touch Old Man for one place, no matter how weak it is or not....
    1. -1
      27 August 2024 19: 54
      KLNM: Because the United States can’t wait to touch Old Man in one place, no matter how weak it is or not....

      Maybe so, it’s his turn.... look, “GDP” has been thoroughly tested in 2,5 years.... and it turns out: no matter where you take it, it’s weak everywhere!
  7. +1
    27 August 2024 18: 03
    We must not forget about Poland, this force is actively building up its forces along the Republic of Belarus and Kaliningrad, and an attack on Belarus + them is only a matter of time. If the Belarusians go to Kyiv, they will be hit in the rear 100% by psheks.
  8. -1
    28 August 2024 08: 10
    ..Involving Belarus directly in hostilities will make a peaceful settlement practically impossible in the foreseeable future

    The right idea, and in general, thanks to the author, he judiciously summarizes a very slippery topic. Personally, the old man himself is also not rough, so to speak, and it is very difficult to predict anything about him.
    However, why not assume that peace negotiations are inevitable when Mr. Trump ascends to the US presidency? Of course, this character will be worse than Father, and it’s even more difficult to predict, but everyone is very tired of him with his boastful statements about instant peace as soon as possible. So, the British are British, and the warring parties are now maximizing future negotiating positions, for this reason we are not really extinguishing the fallow, and the dad is basically pretending instead of participating.
    And if the Poles or French are there, then the conversation with them will become radioactive.
    So they don’t bother
    1. -1
      28 August 2024 09: 13
      ...the conversation with them will become radioactive...

      Of course, radiation is about the Poles and the French, and it will flow around the Belarusians and the Russians.... well, or the Russians will run away from it beyond the Urals to Siberia, that’s the case.

      ...The USSR and the Red Army command expected to stop the enemy at the line of the “old border” and launch counterattacks that would allow them to achieve final victory.

      For the situation in 1941, the territory of Western Ukraine and Belarus was “foreign”.
      As can be seen from the plans, all states participating in the Second World War were going to fight, as in the song:

      We do not want war, but we will defend ourselves
      We are fortifying the defense for a reason,
      And on enemy land we will defeat the enemy
      Little blood, a mighty blow!

      However, how your words resonate with the verse from the song.
      How it all ended, how many people died - I think you know.
  9. -2
    28 August 2024 15: 49
    in any case, Lukashenko and the Belarusians will have to fight, but in no case in Ukraine, as a bunch of American Jews and a gang of Jew Zelensky want; The Jews succeeded in pitting the Russians against the Ukrainians - well, slow-witted Putin thought for 8 years instead of helping Yanukovych and the Golden Eagle; now, of course, he is bombing Ukrainian power plants for the joy of the Jews so that the children freeze in the fall and winter, or the Great Putin thinks that the executioner Zelensky and his gang will freeze; no, they will always be warm, but for Kursk and its inhabitants, the destruction of Ukrainian hydroelectric power stations is generally stupid; Lukashenko’s only way out must be moved to Poland, thereby avoiding the destruction of his cities; and we need to bomb Telaviv and Miami; only transferring the war to the USA and Israel will change the situation; we must remember the Second World War, despite the difficult situation on the fronts, we created long-range aviation already in December 41 and bombed Berlin
  10. 0
    29 August 2024 13: 43
    This is a strange war, especially from Russia. Everyone repeats like a mantra that the US and Britain are fighting the Russian Federation. And who is Russia fighting with? Clearly not with them. For two and a half years, the Anglo-Saxons have been planning and destroying whatever they want. With impunity, without the slightest consequences for themselves, only making money from the war. What is the point of them stopping? And the Kremlin strategists are afraid to blow dust off them, paying for it with tens of thousands of killed and maimed. The West is dearer to the Russian elite than its own people, and Lukashenko understands this perfectly well, striving at any cost not to repeat the "Russian" Kursk in Belarus.
  11. 0
    31 August 2024 14: 09
    it is obvious that the ukrofascists in their anger would like to attack someone, pouring out their poisonous saliva from their fangs, like a roaring lion, it could be Kursk or Minsk, especially since an attack on Belarus gives the Poles an imaginary chance to get involved, as if not against the great nuclear Russia, but to actually carry out with their hyena Polish little hands a nuclear conflict in Europe, as their insidious treacherous overseas masters want.. therefore, the mobilization of troops in Belarus is obvious ... however, another option is also possible, the days of the ukropeikha are numbered, their song is sung, and having entered into its own as an ally of Russia just before the victory, Minsk can acquire a couple of three regions, Lutsk, Rivne and possibly Zhitomir..... an increase in the area and power of Belarus by a third will strengthen its economic and political positions in the world, and Lukashenko will certainly find a way to bring them to their senses and re-educate Ukrainians, he is a courageous and strong-willed person, all the more he will also acquire the glory of Ivan Kalita of Belarus, who expanded the country, God save Lukashenko! We are Russians, God is with us!