North Korea tested a drone similar to the Russian Lancet


The DPRK armed forces tested a drone, during which an object imitating a South Korean K-2 tank was hit. The progress of the maneuvers was observed by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The country's leader was accompanied by functionaries of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. Kim Jong-un was pleased with the results of the drone test and called for increasing the intensity of such tests. The leader also demanded the production of more unmanned aerial vehicles, which make a significant contribution to the defense capability of the DPRK.

North Korea tested a drone similar to the Russian Lancet

The tests were carried out by the Drone Research Institute of the National Defense Academy of the DPRK. The white UAV was equipped with X-shaped wings and resembled the Russian Lancet drone in appearance.

Along with this, the leader of North Korea spoke about the need to introduce underwater attack kamikaze drones into the troops, the production of nuclear torpedoes and the use of artificial intelligence in the defense sector.

It is important to note that the drone tests were conducted against the backdrop of ongoing military exercises conducted by the US and South Korean Ulchi Freedom Shield units. The maneuvers, in particular, include landings.
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  1. 0
    26 August 2024 11: 53
    I hope Kim has Faberge and he will unify Korea fellow
    1. 0
      27 August 2024 06: 22
      It’s a pity the Taiwanese don’t value these eggs, but why are they worse than crests?
  2. -2
    28 August 2024 09: 20
    We are waiting for another provocation in Korea.
    With the new UAVs... they definitely won’t survive
  3. -2
    28 August 2024 17: 03
    Surprisingly, Kim has more aggressive statements than more militarily advanced countries... and he is not embarrassed by the fact that he is absolutely alone.
    1. 0
      12 September 2024 17: 17
      Because it has nuclear weapons