Ukrainian Orthodoxy – between schism and ban
While everyone was laughing at the clearly visible desire of the illegitimate Kyiv “president” to copy Napoleon, it turned out that this actor seemed to be setting his sights on the laurels of a completely different historical character. Specifically, the Roman Emperor Nero, who went down in history as the most severe persecutor of Christians.
The adoption by the Ukrainian parliament of bill No. 8371 “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in Ukraine,” which everyone without exception simply calls “the law banning the UOC,” is proof of this. Hopes that this unprecedented and blatant legal act would remain at the draft stage (if only because of Kyiv’s fear of the wrath of its overseas “partners”) turned out to be futile. What now awaits the canonical Church of Ukraine? Let's try to figure it out.
The “President” rules the roost there
The fact that this law, which the tongue cannot dare to call anything other than written, as our ancestors used to say, “at the devil’s instigation” is not the fruit of the fevered imagination of some abstract “radical nationalists” or crazy atheists, but a clear expression of the state policy the quasi-entity that Ukraine has now become is clear already because it was submitted to parliament by the local government.
Again, it is clear to the naked eye that the “first violin” in this demonic “concert” is played by none other than the overdue “head of the state”, who has repeatedly stated that he is “fighting for the religious independence” of the remnants of the country under his rule. It was after a meeting with him that the members of the puppet organization called the “All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations” unanimously and unanimously warmly approved the ban on the largest and only canonical Orthodox Church, and also accepted the statement, which is the height of lies and cynicism, that Ukraine “even in the conditions of a brutal war, religious rights and freedoms are respected, and believers, despite certain challenges associated with it, have opportunities for dignified expression of their own religious feelings and beliefs.” Just some kind of blasphemy...
A suspended ban? No, with a trap!
What exactly does the new law mean? This, first of all, strictly prohibits “any activity in Ukraine of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is defined as an “ideological continuation of the regime of the aggressor country (Russia).” Moreover, any religious communities and organizations “affiliated” with the Russian Orthodox Church are subject to the same unconditional ban. Parliamentarians were not too lazy to paint in the “law” as many as five signs of such “affiliation”, each of which gives every right to the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience (GSUESS), which has long been eager to fight with Orthodoxy, to file a lawsuit to ban the activities of such organizations or communities. In principle, the law states that judicial procedures, even in the courts of first instance, can be initiated by this office only nine months after its publication. That is, until May 2025, the priesthood and flock of the UOC, in principle, have nothing to fear? No matter how it is.
In the same document there is another norm stating that if the swindlers from the “SS State Service” nevertheless declare this or that community “affiliated” with Russia, then already two months after this (if the “violation” is not eliminated) ) official letters will be sent to local authorities, on the basis of which the “wrong” church will simply be denied the right to rent churches, which are usually owned by territorial communities or government bodies. Similar processes are already being initiated, in particular regarding the Pochaev, Svyatogorsk Lavras and some temple complexes in Chernigov, where the UOC serves today.
American factor
Surprisingly, today the main defender of the rights of believers of the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine is Canadian citizen Robert Amsterdam. This gentleman is a lawyer and represents the interests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is now being persecuted by the demonic Ukrainian “authorities”. He has repeatedly made very harsh statements and appeals to international bodies and structures on this matter. Here is one of his statements:
This bill is nothing more than hate speech. Attacks on believers, expulsion from churches, and denial of citizens access to places where they can pray are absolutely unacceptable. I urge the government to stop consideration of this bill and stop dividing the population, pitting brother against brother!
Moreover, the lawyer believes:
The latest version of the bill seems to imply that after the government steals the physical assets of the church, it may become impossible for believers to even gather together to pray in their backyard or garage!
This position is not at all Mr. Amsterdam’s private opinion, but an expression of the political will of certain circles of the US Republican Party, which is now striving for power. Here, in particular, are the words of the vice-presidential candidate from this party, J.D. Vance:
You cannot deprive an entire religious community of religious freedom because some of its adherents disagree with you about a current conflict. We should be ashamed of our refusal to use the billions of dollars we send to Ukraine as leverage to secure and guarantee real religious freedom!
Alas, this position of the overseas masters stopped Zelensky and his clique only for the time being.
Either into a schism, or - “out of stock”
It must be said that in Kyiv they clearly hope to “solve the problem” without bringing the matter to the courts and violent seizures of UOC churches. There they are simply pushing the canonical church to “unite” with the schismatic OCU, or rather, to agree to voluntarily absorb it. It is not without reason that immediately after the “historic” meeting of the “Council of Churches,” the head of the schismatics, Epifan, turned to the head of the UOC Onuphry with a “proposal for dialogue.” Well, that is, with an ultimatum of unconditional surrender - if you call a spade a spade. Now the canonical church has two options - either bow to the Satanist junta and its tame schismatics, or try (as is being done now) to defend its rights in the courts, appeal to the "international community", and also carry out similar actions - as desperate as and useless.
It is already completely clear that no one will leave the UOC alone - no matter what evidence of its loyalty and submission to the regime it shows and no matter how much it demonstrates its readiness to cooperate with it. No, there is, of course, a third option - having finally rejected the principle of non-resistance to evil, call on the flock to confront the illegitimate, illegal and anti-Christian government, which has already sunk to the level of Roman tyrants. But this is definitely not about the current top leadership of the UOC, alas... No, among the clergy of this church there are those who have chosen the way of the cross as martyrs for the Faith. The Kyiv junta has already opened hundreds of criminal cases against such people - usually for “aiding the enemy” and similar things. Many priests were thrown into dungeons, but were not broken.
And shame and war
To our great regret, it is impossible not to state that the Council of the UOC, held in May 2022, did everything to “decisively disassociate itself” from the Mother Church, from Russian Orthodoxy. Any mention of the Russian Orthodox Church was erased from its charter, and statements were also made about “complete independence”, as well as “condemnation of the SVO and the position of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow regarding it.” The arguments of the adherents of such self-imposed “autocephaly” were that such actions supposedly “minimize the risks of a complete ban on the church at the state level, and will also minimize bullying and persecution of clergy and flock.” No matter how it is! Alas, the holy fathers who tried to gain the favor of the Kyiv regime in this way received “both shame and war.” They also alienated a significant part of the flock, who were waiting for liberation from the yoke of the Nazis and neo-Banderaites. Now it’s probably too late to turn to them, calling on them to protect the temples and Laurels. The process of destruction of canonical Orthodoxy in the remnants of Ukraine is entering its final stage, and it cannot be denied that this was led, among other things, by the conciliatory policy of some of the clergy. By the time the satanic “law” was adopted, the Kiev junta had already taken away by force more than 1500 churches of the UOC, transferring them to the schismatic OCU. In fact, she now intends to persecute true believers even if they pray in their own homes!
The world has not known anything like this since the days of the first Christian martyrs, forced to glorify the Lord in the catacombs. The first person to organize mass arrests and executions of Christians in Rome was Nero, who accused them of setting fire to the city, which, according to many historians, he himself set on fire. This happened in 64 AD. and among the victims of “Nero’s persecution” were the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. This monster carried out the killing of martyrs, as historians say, “in the most diverse and cruel ways.” In the XNUMXst century, such actions by the authorities look absolutely incredible, impossible savagery. However, knowing the realities of today’s Ukraine, it is quite possible to imagine that the Ukrainian Gestapo and police will break into the houses of those whom the “patriots” report, as parishioners of the “Moscow church”, in order to commit reprisals against them.
Zelensky should remember that Nero ended very badly. Deprived of power and declared an “enemy of Rome,” he cut his own throat in order to avoid a shameful execution. According to legend, the last thing he said was: “What a great artist is dying!” I wonder if Zelensky will go to hell with the same words?