The US believes it is possible that Iran will declare itself a nuclear power by the end of the year.


Tehran may declare possession of nuclear weapons by the end of this year. This assumption was made by the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee of the US Congress, Mike Turner.

At the same time, the congressman did not say for sure that the Iranians are deliberately developing weapons of mass destruction.

In addition, Turner accused the current US presidential administration of conniving with the ayatollah regime in Iran. The head of the committee believes that Washington turns a blind eye to Tehran's actions, and this could lead to Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb. In turn, this will cause a serious aggravation of the situation in the world, which the United States has supposedly tried to avoid for many years.

Mike Turner also believes that the weakness of the United States allowed Iran to try to influence the presidential election and eliminate Republican candidate Donald Trump, then continuing to realize its nuclear ambitions.

Earlier, Great Britain, Germany and France proposed that the IAEA Board of Governors urge Iran to resume cooperation on its nuclear program. China and Russia voted against the corresponding resolution. The Iranian diplomatic department called this document unconstructive, since Tehran already cooperates with the international agency.
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  1. 0
    19 August 2024 20: 43
    This is the merit of Trump; he then significantly failed by breaking the nuclear deal with Iran. Approximately the same actions will be taken against China in the economic sphere; if Trump becomes president, he will turn everything upside down, he fiercely hates China, the whole world will be in a fever...
  2. 0
    19 August 2024 21: 20
    Iran must conduct a nuclear test to join the club of nuclear powers. It is impossible to hide it and, accordingly, there is no need to make official statements. On the day of the nuclear test, if it is successful, Israel will tremble
    1. 0
      19 August 2024 22: 01
      Tests??? North Korea tested possible Iranian nuclear weapons.
      Israel actually carried out activities in Antarctica with the assistance of the white apartheid regime of South Africa back in the last century.
      By the way, the satellites detected both the flare and the electromagnetic pulse.
      In addition, underground tests deeper than 400 meters do not give even that. Seismic tremors and nothing more.
  3. 0
    19 August 2024 21: 56
    Well, Iran is an accomplice of the DPRK in the North Korean miracle of manufacturing and testing nuclear weapons.
    It is clear that North Korea will share everything with Iran, including materials and products.
    Iran's neighbors are also nuclear countries: Pakistan, Russia, India, Israel.
    So the dream that the ayatols worked on has long ago come true!!!!
    Now what is De Facto will be formalized De Jure!
    That's all.
    1. -2
      20 August 2024 08: 13
      Not really. From the moment of the actual appearance of nuclear weapons in Iran, a chain of their appearance in Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia will begin, and this is what will change the configuration of the large warhead.
  4. 0
    20 August 2024 03: 08
    Fear, Iranian UAVs, nuclear bombers, will be able to fly to the United States like hypersonic missiles.
  5. -2
    20 August 2024 07: 25
    Nuclear weapons will spread throughout the world - this is a given. And this process cannot be stopped. In a multipolar world, nuclear weapons are the only guarantee of at least some kind of sovereignty and independence.
    1. -2
      20 August 2024 08: 14
      And a clear path to the self-destruction of humanity.
      1. -2
        20 August 2024 08: 24
        Maybe. But nuclear weapons are becoming more and more accessible technologically and economically. And in a fragmented world, the only way to somehow restrain the aspirations of neighbors.
  6. 0
    20 August 2024 08: 01
    Quote: Colonel Kudasov
    Iran must conduct a nuclear test to join the club of nuclear powers. It is impossible to hide it and, accordingly, there is no need to make official statements. On the day of the nuclear test, if it is successful, Israel will tremble

    Funny. Iranian elites are the same “red liners” as ours. They promise bloody retribution, but in the end they merge.