Ukrainian resources report the loss of 400 units of military equipment in the Kursk region


The Ukrainian army is quickly losing combat machinery in the Kursk region of Russia. To date, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amount to at least 400 units, Ukrainian resources report.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to constantly transfer new equipment to the Russian region in order to hold positions and continue attacks. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, personally oversees all processes and transfers the best units from the Eastern Front to continue the onslaught.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are especially acutely aware of the losses of tracked combat armored vehicles and wheeled infantry transporters. Ukrainian equipment is being hit by drones and artillery, and is also being destroyed in ambushes.

It was previously reported that mobile crematoria made in Italy and Sweden brought in Sumy. More than 3,8 thousand bodies of those killed lie in the forest plantations and ravines of the neighboring Kursk region, the rest are in morgues and refrigerators.

However, NATO is in no hurry to end the “victorious” campaign on Russian territory - it needs to weaken the Russian Federation and sow panic and anger among the population. Therefore, for now, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will die for the interests of the alliance, and the partners will send body bags and mobile crematoria to Ukraine.
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  1. 0
    19 August 2024 13: 33
    Ukrainian resources report the loss of 400 units of military equipment in the Kursk region

    This is the truth and, by coincidence, the serviceman in the photo has the same call sign.
  2. 0
    19 August 2024 14: 05
    they are not given BMPs and they actually go into battle with police BMPs
  3. 0
    19 August 2024 15: 50
    Most of them will die
  4. 0
    19 August 2024 20: 20
    reported Ukrainian resources.

    It would be nice to see at least a few names of these resources to assess how much they Ukrainian.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. -1
    19 August 2024 22: 08
    400 units? Horses and people mixed up in a heap and leveled the tank and pickup truck.
  7. +1
    20 August 2024 21: 55
    Konashenko with his unique abilities has not been seen for a long time. I already thought that he had retired.
  8. 0
    21 August 2024 07: 49
    Ukrainian Armed Forces losses amount to at least 400 units, Ukrainian resources report

    Are they Ukrainian? Westerners write about losses of 4 tanks and 10 combat vehicles per day. Those. in total about one and a half hundred for these 11 days. And Western media usually indicate a higher figure than Ukrainian ones.
    1. 0
      22 August 2024 18: 55
      Just go to and see these numerous photos from the sites