Rosatom specialists showed a laser cutting 30 cm of steel


Rosatom was the first to use a mobile laser complex (MLC) to dismantle high-rise metal structures - loader cranes that were decommissioned. They were dismantled with “jewelry precision”; nearby warehouses were not damaged.

The experiment took place in Kurgan, at the site of the coal storage area of ​​the thermal power plant. The state corporation stated that this is a unique installation that has no analogues in Russia. With its help, they cut the load-bearing supports of two cranes with a height of up to 40 meters and a lifting capacity of up to 32 tons.

The difficulty of laser fragmentation was that there was a storage infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of the structures being dismantled. The container with the MLK and the personnel were at a distance of less than 100 meters from the object, although work on remote separation cutting of metal structures up to 300 millimeters thick can be carried out from a distance of up to 200 meters.

Rosatom assures that the laser complex can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as remote separation laser cutting, underwater gas laser cutting, as well as for eliminating the consequences of man-made accidents, for example, oil spills.

There are no reports of its use for military purposes.

Meanwhile, in some countries of the world there are already not only developments in combat lasers, but also their working samples. In particular, in the USA, Great Britain, China and Israel, where the Iron Beam air defense combat laser has been put into service.
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  1. +3
    16 August 2024 15: 19
    It’s a good tool, you should try it out at the SVO, maybe it will be even more useful.
    1. 0
      17 August 2024 21: 09
      There is no mention here that such installations carry out laser cutting (welding) often using a powerful fiber optic cable through which laser radiation is supplied! That is, the fiber optic cable can be 100-200 meters long, and the end emitter can be located at a distance of 10-15 meters (well, maybe... up to 30 m!) to the cutting point!
  2. +2
    17 August 2024 17: 36
    Well, industrial lasers have long been known. Even in the USSR they cut people with them. Another thing is that they consume a lot of energy and work for a long time. A military laser must produce high power in a pulse.
  3. -2
    18 August 2024 10: 12
    cutting 30 cm steel

    Why, they would have written 30 meters at once.
    1. 0
      8 September 2024 18: 47
      You, tsipsa, are jealous of everything