They are no longer talking about the ban: LNG imports from Russia to Europe are relevant again


Despite attempts to ban the import of Russian liquefied natural gas, Europe is purchasing it more actively than before, reports the Natural Gas Intelligence portal.

This is due to the fact that high spot prices in the Pacific region, which have reached new highs in recent weeks, have attracted more supplies of American LNG to Asia, leaving the Old World without a surplus of fuel.

Europe imported nearly 35% of its LNG from the United States and 21% from Russia last month, according to think tank Kpler. By comparison, in June, 39% were imported from the United States and 19% from Russia. Over the same period, European LNG imports overall fell to 6,11 million tonnes, a 34-month low amid weak demand for the commodity.

– reports Natural Gas Intelligence.

Kpler analyst J.P. Lacouture told NGI that supplies of liquefied natural gas to Europe from the Novatek PJSC plant in Yamal have increased slightly.

Thus, shipments of raw materials to Europe in July look approximately the same in scale as for the same month in 2020 and 2022. However, on an annual basis, the numbers are much more noticeable.

In addition, a number of other sources associate the appeal to Russian LNG with a combination of other factors, in particular, geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and potential threats in the Straits of Hormuz and Bab el-Mandeb, through which gas carriers pass.
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  1. +1
    15 August 2024 21: 21
    All this until prices in Asia fall...
  2. +1
    15 August 2024 22: 15
    Europe needs our LNG, mattress pads will not provide the required quantity, spot prices are brazenly rising... - and what are we going to do??? - We won’t do anything to force the scoundrels to restore the flows? - if someone knows something, please develop this topic.
    1. +1
      15 August 2024 23: 14
      The mattresses were not going to give anything to anyone at all. How?? All US gas production is private companies to which no one can order anything. Whoever gives the highest price will buy. First, the gas hub will pay for the goods, then the services of the liquefaction plant, then the gas carrier and loading capacity, and only then can it take the LNG home. What promises can there be from the US government? It does not participate in this long chain in any way..
      1. +2
        16 August 2024 05: 48
        Well, it’s clear what I meant, they will sell it and it doesn’t matter how, I’m interested in something else - is anyone going to restore our flows, and if not, then why do our people continue to sell them LNG?
      2. 0
        16 August 2024 09: 10
        Market freedom within a country is a rather ephemeral thing. If the country's leadership wishes, prices for some reason become very manageable. Doesn't just apply to states.
    2. 0
      16 August 2024 08: 07
      The best way to restore Nord Streams and return gold and foreign exchange reserves is open nuclear blackmail.
      For starters - Ukraine. I remember she stuck 3 billion loans.
      Then the Netherlands. These pocketed the Crimean gold of the Scythians.
      Well, then we can start working on Brussels.....
      I think to return everything, just two explosions will be enough.
      It's a small matter. It's up to the president.
      But unfortunately, Putin is becoming more and more like Biden - cowardly and weak.
      1. -1
        16 August 2024 10: 05
        I think that you can’t brandish nuclear weapons - this is the most extreme measure and you need to use it exclusively for your own protection and not to force anyone to do anything, and to force the West to return all debts to us, including streams and Scythian gold, is to collapse NATO, the European Union and bankrupt The USA is an extremely difficult task and will require a lot of time and effort, and blackmailing Yao can lead to a completely different effect, even the opposite, I don’t know what Putin thinks about this, but I hope that he thinks about it.
        1. +2
          16 August 2024 10: 34
          The 500 billion dollars of the Russian "elite" in Western banks and property makes Putin think about something completely different. God forbid that this money and property should not be damaged. What about the children and relatives who have been living there for a long time?
          Hope. that a beggar will bankrupt a millionaire is naivety.
          1. -1
            16 August 2024 13: 13
            This is probably naive, but a millionaire is bankrupt, you just need to skillfully push him into the hole.
  3. +5
    16 August 2024 07: 55
    Reading news like this, I try to imagine how in the fall of 41 Stalin traded resources with Nazi Germany. It doesn’t work, no matter how rich my imagination is.
  4. 0
    17 August 2024 11: 08
    Thirst for profit of oligarchs. The people are at war, but the oligarchs of the Russian Federation are their mother. The result of the capitalist system in the Russian Federation. Gentlemen are robbing Russia's resources. LNG from the Russian Federation in Europe is used to produce weapons that are used to kill Russian citizens. Who are these gentlemen???