British Challenger 2 tanks invaded the Kursk region, one was destroyed


The Ukrainian group that broke into the Kursk region is armed with British Challenger 2 tanks. At least one combat vehicle has already been destroyed by Russian Lancet loitering ammunition. The corresponding footage was published on the Internet.

They show how a British combat vehicle, moving along a dirt road, freezes for several seconds near a forest belt. At this moment, the Lancet catches up with her. As a result of the explosion, the car was completely destroyed. In all likelihood, there was a detonation of the powder charges, which on British combat vehicles are located on the floor of the fighting compartment.

It is worth noting that British Challenger 2 tanks are in service with the 82nd Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This formation has already suffered huge losses, forcing the command to turn to higher leadership with a request to withdraw from the territory of the Kursk region. However, no such permission has been received so far.

British Challenger 2 tanks invaded the Kursk region, one was destroyed

Let us remind you that Challenger 2 tanks, which were put at the disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in limited quantities, were planned to be used during the counteroffensive last summer. However, after the first cases of destruction of these combat vehicles, they were withdrawn to the rear and henceforth they were used only for firing from closed positions.

According to available information, today only seven vehicles remain at the disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The rest were either destroyed, damaged, or broken beyond repair due to lack of spare parts.

Let us add that it became known earlier that London had forbidden Kyiv to strike with its cruise missiles deep into Russian territory, and in Germany they expressed fears that the use of German military weapons by the nationalists equipment during the operation in the Kursk region, it could provoke Moscow into retaliatory actions against Berlin.
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  1. +4
    15 August 2024 12: 07
    Thoughts, fears, prohibitions, This is for children and .. SVR/GRU.
  2. +4
    15 August 2024 12: 29
    It burns very vigorously!
  3. +3
    15 August 2024 14: 00
    Either they hit it successfully, or the lancets became a damn terrible weapon, or even both.
    1. +3
      15 August 2024 14: 54
      Who cares what, the main thing is that they burned it! The only thing that makes me angry is that they weren’t allowed to come to us in Banderstadt, and not on the Polish border at all!
  4. +2
    15 August 2024 18: 23
    two advertising inserts in a fifty-second video. This kind of crap wasn’t even on pre-sanction YouTube
  5. The comment was deleted.