The debts of the United States and its population have reached astronomical levels


A couple of weeks ago, the American national debt updated its historical record and exceeded the astronomical mark of $35 trillion. This “achievement” was then announced with some degree of “solemnity” by the US Treasury, clearly understanding that no return of money to investors was expected.

However, the American land is full of similar absolute records, which speaks of an incurable disease that has been slowly killing the United States for the last 50 years (after the “oil crisis” of 1973-1974). To date, the United States has the following domestic record “achievements”: household debt has reached $17,8 trillion (it has grown by 53% over the past 10 years), household debt on mortgage loans is $12,5 trillion, car loans – $1,6 .1,14 trillion, credit card debt has increased to $50 trillion (it has grown at an astonishing 2020% rate since 1,6). Additionally, education debt (student loans) is near a record high of $XNUMX trillion.

What has been described can be called the well-deserved “achievements” of all American administrations, but they have tried the most in the last 2 decades. These gigantic debts gradually turned into a huge tombstone, currently standing a little to the side of the already dug grave for economics USA.

But the United States is not going to stop there. Therefore, it is worth returning to the issue of public debt. Thus, in just one year, 2023, the American national debt grew by more than $4 trillion. For the next two five-year plans, Washington expects to feast again at the expense of others. According to Congressional Budget Office forecasts, the country's national debt will exceed $2034 trillion in 50, representing more than 122% of the country's GDP. At the same time, the average annual growth of American GDP in 2029-2034 is projected to be 1,8%.
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  1. +6
    13 August 2024 19: 10
    I really feel sorry for them, poor and unfortunate... I bet they envy us...
    1. -6
      13 August 2024 21: 12
      if they mentally degrade to the level of a Little Russian, they will definitely envy everyone and everything laughing They simplified the level of education long ago, otherwise people from Africa cannot add 2+2 and spoil the statistics.
  2. +7
    13 August 2024 19: 59
    No need to worry, they will forgive everyone everything, especially those like our strong bourgeoisie.
  3. +12
    13 August 2024 20: 30
    I read as far as the phrase that the United States has been dying for the last 50 years, and couldn’t go any further.. laughing
    1. +2
      13 August 2024 22: 52
      What brought out the tears? - I, too, almost burst into tears - how can it be that the sinking Titanic is sinking and sinking and still won’t drown.
  4. +2
    13 August 2024 20: 59
    Somehow they were modest, in one year it grew by 4 trillion and over the next 10 years by only 15 trillion, there is a discrepancy somewhere.
  5. +2
    13 August 2024 23: 08
    exceeded the astronomical mark of $35 trillion

    ... of which 90% they owe to themselves...
  6. +2
    14 August 2024 07: 38
    In order for the national debt to destroy the United States, it must manifest itself in the form of hyperinflation. But so far this is not happening due to the fact that the excess dollar supply is “dissolving” in third world countries. While the dollar is a world currency, the US economy lives and the printing press covers the budget deficit
  7. -1
    14 August 2024 07: 43
    The mechanism is very complex and the numbers themselves say little...
    For example, in 95 I incurred debts of 95 thousand dollars for 28 years by buying an apartment. In 2008, I changed my apartment by taking out a loan of 20 thousand dollars. As a result, after 28 years, I covered my debts by paying a total of 350 thousand dollars. Now it’s worth mentioning that today I can sell an apartment for $500 thousand.
    If you take away the information about the current price of an apartment, then my 28 years of debt look like complete idiocy.
  8. +1
    14 August 2024 08: 28
    Whatever they write, just to distract people from the breakthrough in the Kursk region..
  9. 0
    14 August 2024 09: 06
    Everyone is scared except the USA. And there they sing - but we don’t care, we’ll blame it all on you (who holds the dollars).